Source code for cosmoHammer.pso.ParticleSwarmOptimizer

Created on Sep 30, 2013

@author: J. Akeret
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from copy import copy
from math import floor
import math
import multiprocessing
import numpy

[docs]class ParticleSwarmOptimizer(object): ''' Optimizer using a swarm of particles :param func: A function that takes a vector in the parameter space as input and returns the natural logarithm of the posterior probability for that position. :param low: array of the lower bound of the parameter space :param high: array of the upper bound of the parameter space :param particleCount: the number of particles to use. :param threads: (optional) The number of threads to use for parallelization. If ``threads == 1``, then the ``multiprocessing`` module is not used but if ``threads > 1``, then a ``Pool`` object is created and calls to ``lnpostfn`` are run in parallel. :param pool: (optional) An alternative method of using the parallelized algorithm. If provided, the value of ``threads`` is ignored and the object provided by ``pool`` is used for all parallelization. It can be any object with a ``map`` method that follows the same calling sequence as the built-in ``map`` function. ''' def __init__(self, func, low, high, particleCount=25, threads=1, pool=None): ''' Constructor ''' self.func = func self.low = low self.high = high self.particleCount = particleCount self.threads = threads self.pool = pool if self.threads > 1 and self.pool is None: self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.threads) self.paramCount = len(self.low) self.swarm = self._initSwarm() self.gbest = Particle.create(self.paramCount) def _initSwarm(self): swarm = [] for _ in range(self.particleCount): swarm.append(Particle(numpy.random.uniform(self.low, self.high, size=self.paramCount), numpy.zeros(self.paramCount))) return swarm
[docs] def sample(self, maxIter=1000, c1=1.193, c2=1.193, p=0.7, m=10**-3, n=10**-2): """ Launches the PSO. Yields the complete swarm per iteration :param maxIter: maximum iterations :param c1: cognitive weight :param c2: social weight :param p: stop criterion, percentage of particles to use :param m: stop criterion, difference between mean fitness and global best :param n: stop criterion, difference between norm of the particle vector and norm of the global best """ self._get_fitness(self.swarm) i = 0 while True: for particle in self.swarm: if ((< self.gbest = particle.copy() #if(self.isMaster()): #print("new global best found %i %s"%(i, self.gbest.__str__())) if ( > particle.updatePBest() if(i>=maxIter): print("max iteration reached! stoping") return if(self._converged(i, p=p,m=m, n=n)): if(self.isMaster()): print("converged after %s iterations!"%i) print("best fit found: ",, self.gbest.position) return for particle in self.swarm: w = 0.5 + numpy.random.uniform(0,1,size=self.paramCount)/2 #w=0.72 part_vel = w * particle.velocity cog_vel = c1 * numpy.random.uniform(0,1,size=self.paramCount) * (particle.pbest.position - particle.position) soc_vel = c2 * numpy.random.uniform(0,1,size=self.paramCount) * (self.gbest.position - particle.position) particle.velocity = part_vel + cog_vel + soc_vel particle.position = particle.position + particle.velocity self._get_fitness(self.swarm) swarm = [] for particle in self.swarm: swarm.append(particle.copy()) yield swarm i+=1
[docs] def optimize(self, maxIter=1000, c1=1.193, c2=1.193, p=0.7, m=10**-3, n=10**-2): """ Runs the complete optimiziation. :param maxIter: maximum iterations :param c1: cognitive weight :param c2: social weight :param p: stop criterion, percentage of particles to use :param m: stop criterion, difference between mean fitness and global best :param n: stop criterion, difference between norm of the particle vector and norm of the global best :return swarms, gBests: the swarms and the global bests of all iterations """ swarms = [] gBests = [] for swarm in self.sample(maxIter,c1,c2,p,m,n): swarms.append(swarm) gBests.append(self.gbest.copy()) return swarms, gBests
def _get_fitness(self,swarm): # If the `pool` property of the pso has been set (i.e. we want # to use `multiprocessing`), use the `pool`'s map method. Otherwise, # just use the built-in `map` function. if self.pool is not None: mapFunction = else: mapFunction = map pos = numpy.array([part.position for part in swarm]) results = mapFunction(self.func, pos) lnprob = numpy.array([l[0] for l in results]) for i, particle in enumerate(swarm): = lnprob[i] def _converged(self, it, p, m, n): # test = self._convergedSpace2(p=p) # print(test) fit = self._convergedFit(it=it, p=p, m=m) if(fit): space = self._convergedSpace(it=it, p=p, m=n) return space else: return False def _convergedFit(self, it, p, m): bestSort = numpy.sort([ for particle in self.swarm])[::-1] meanFit = numpy.mean(bestSort[1:int(math.floor(self.particleCount*p))]) # print( "best %f, meanFit %f, ration %f"%( self.gbest[0], meanFit, abs((self.gbest[0]-meanFit)))) return (abs(<m) def _convergedSpace(self, it, p, m): sortedSwarm = [particle for particle in self.swarm] sortedSwarm.sort(key=lambda part: bestOfBest = sortedSwarm[0:int(floor(self.particleCount*p))] diffs = [] for particle in bestOfBest: diffs.append(self.gbest.position-particle.position) maxNorm = max(list(map(numpy.linalg.norm, diffs))) return (abs(maxNorm)<m) def _convergedSpace2(self, p): #Andres N. Ruiz et al. sortedSwarm = [particle for particle in self.swarm] sortedSwarm.sort(key=lambda part: bestOfBest = sortedSwarm[0:int(floor(self.particleCount*p))] positions = [particle.position for particle in bestOfBest] means = numpy.mean(positions, axis=0) delta = numpy.mean((means-self.gbest.position)/self.gbest.position) return numpy.log10(delta) < -3.0
[docs] def isMaster(self): return True
[docs]class Particle(object): """ Implementation of a single particle :param position: the position of the particle in the parameter space :param velocity: the velocity of the particle :param fitness: the current fitness of the particle """ def __init__(self, position, velocity, fitness = 0): self.position = position self.velocity = velocity = fitness self.paramCount = len(self.position) self.pbest = self
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, paramCount): """ Creates a new particle without position, velocity and -inf as fitness """ return Particle(numpy.array([[]]*paramCount), numpy.array([[]]*paramCount), -numpy.Inf)
[docs] def updatePBest(self): """ Sets the current particle representation as personal best """ self.pbest = self.copy()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Creates a copy of itself """ return Particle(copy(self.position), copy(self.velocity),
def __str__(self): return "%f, pos: %s velo: %s"%(, self.position, self.velocity) def __unicode__(self): return self.__str__()