from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from collections import deque
import os
from cosmoHammer.ChainContext import ChainContext
from cosmoHammer.exceptions import LikelihoodComputationException
from cosmoHammer import getLogger
from cosmoHammer.util import Params
class LikelihoodComputationChain(object):
Implementation of a likelihood computation chain.
def __init__(self, min=None, max=None):
Constructor for the likelihood chain
:param min: array
lower bound for the parameters
:param max: array
upper bound for the parameters
self.min = min
self.max = max
self._likelihoodModules = deque();
self._coreModules = deque();
def getCoreModules(self):
"""pointer to the likelihood module list """
return self._coreModules
def getLikelihoodModules(self):
"""pointer to the core module list """
return self._likelihoodModules
def addLikelihoodModule(self, module):
adds a module to the likelihood module list
:param module: callable
the callable module to add for the likelihood computation
def addCoreModule(self, module):
adds a module to the likelihood module list
:param module: callable
the callable module to add for the computation of the data
def isValid(self, p):
checks if the given parameters are valid
if(self.min is not None):
for i in range(len(p)):
if (p[i]<self.min[i]):
getLogger().debug("Params out of bounds i="+str(i)+" params "+str(p))
return False
if(self.max is not None):
for i in range(len(p)):
if (p[i]>self.max[i]):
getLogger().debug("Params out of bounds i="+str(i)+" params "+str(p))
return False
return True
def setup(self):
"""sets up the chain and its modules """
for cModule in self.getCoreModules():
for cModule in self.getLikelihoodModules():
def __call__(self, p):
Computes the log likelihood by calling all the core and likelihood modules.
:param p: the parameter array for which the likelihood should be evaluated
:return: the current likelihood and a dict with additional data
getLogger().debug("pid: %s, processing: %s"%(os.getpid(), p))
if not self.isValid(p):
raise LikelihoodComputationException()
ctx = self.createChainContext(p)
likelihood = self.computeLikelihoods(ctx)
getLogger().debug("pid: %s, processed. Returning: %s"%(os.getpid(), likelihood))
return likelihood, ctx.getData()
except LikelihoodComputationException:
getLogger().debug("pid: %s, processed. Returning: %s"%(os.getpid(), -np.inf))
return -np.inf, []
def createChainContext(self, p):
Returns a new instance of a chain context
p = Params(*zip(self.params.keys, p))
except Exception:
# no params or params has no keys
return ChainContext(self, p)
def invokeCoreModules(self, ctx):
Iterates thru the core modules and invokes them
for cModule in self.getCoreModules():
self.invokeCoreModule(cModule, ctx)
def invokeCoreModule(self, coreModule, ctx):
Invokes the given module with the given ChainContext
def computeLikelihoods(self, ctx):
Computes the likelihoods by iterating thru all the modules.
Sums up the log likelihoods.
likelihood = 0
for lModule in self.getLikelihoodModules():
likelihood += self.invokeLikelihoodModule(lModule, ctx)
return likelihood
def invokeLikelihoodModule(self, likelihoodModule, ctx):
Invokes the given module with the given ChainContext
return likelihoodModule.computeLikelihood(ctx)
def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs):
s = "Core Modules: \n "
s = s + "\n ".join([type(o).__name__ for o in self.getCoreModules()])
s = s + "\nLikelihood Modules: \n "
s = s + "\n ".join([type(o).__name__ for o in self.getLikelihoodModules()])
return s