from copy import copy
import numpy as np
class InMemoryStorageUtil(object):
Stores the data in memory
:var samplesBurin: samples from the burn in
:var probBurnin: likelihoods from the burn in
:var samples: samples from the burn in
:var prob: likelihoods from the burn in
:param master: True if the sampler instance is the master
def __init__(self, master=True):
self.samplesBurnin = None
self.probBurnin = None
self.samples = None
self.prob = None
def importFromFile(self, filePath):
print("InMemoryStorageUtil does not support importFromFile")
return None
def storeRandomState(self, filePath, randomState):
print("InMemoryStorageUtil does not support storeRandomState")
def importRandomState(self, filePath):
print("InMemoryStorageUtil does not support importRandomState")
return None
def persistBurninValues(self, pos, prob, data):
if(self.samplesBurnin is None):
self.samplesBurnin = copy(pos)
self.samplesBurnin = np.append(self.samplesBurnin, pos, axis=0)
if(self.probBurnin is None):
self.probBurnin = prob
self.probBurnin = np.append(self.probBurnin, prob, axis=0)
def persistSamplingValues(self, pos, prob, data):
if(self.samples is None):
self.samples = copy(pos)
self.samples = np.append(self.samples, pos, axis=0)
if(self.prob is None):
self.prob = prob
self.prob = np.append(self.prob, prob, axis=0)
def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return "InMemoryStorageUtil"