
To run the current version of PyCosmo:

  1. Launch python

  2. Import PyCosmo:

    >>> import PyCosmo
  3. Create an instance of the Cosmo class:

    >>> cosmo =

This is the class that is used to manage the cosmology calculations. If no specific model is specified, then “lcdm” will be assumed. Else, one should specify a model as

>>> cosmo ="wcdm")


The first time you run the C packages gsl and libf2c will be downloaded and compiled in a cache folder. This will take a couple of minutes!

  • also takes into account parameters that determine the size and content of the ODE system, e.g.,

    >>> cosmo ="mnulcdm", mnu_relerr=1e-4, rsa=True)

A complete list of the parameters that can be passed to is:

  • model = “lcdm”, “wcdm” or “mnulcdm”

  • rsa = set to True to use the radiation streaming approximation, default is False

  • l_max = hierarchy truncation of the radiation fields

  • l_max_mnu = hierarchy truncation of massive neutrinos (only for “mnulcdm” model)

  • mnu_relerr = relative error for the massive neutrino integration (only for “mnulcdm” model)

  • compilation_flags = “-0n” flags controlling level of optimization

  • splits = splits of the equation system to reduce memory consumption and time during compilation

  • reorder = set to True to reorder the equations to speed up code generation when splits are used

  • You can modify the input parameters and update the derived parameters with

    >>> cosmo.set(omega_b=0.07)


A list of parameter options that can be used in the set function can be printed when no argument is passed., e.g., cosmo.set()

  • You can print the configuration parameters with

    >>> cosmo.print_params()

Example calculations


  • Angular diameter distance at a = 0.4:

    >>> cosmo.background.dist_ang_a(a=0.4)
    array([ 1762.38876138])
  • Luminosity distance at a = 0.6 and 0.8

    >>> cosmo.background.dist_lum_a(a=[0.6,0.8])
    array([ 4048.4298942 ,  1266.53970396])
  • Cosmological distances as a function of a:

    >>> cosmo.background.dist_rad_a(a)      # comoving radius
    >>> cosmo.background.dist_trans_a(a)    # transverse comoving distance
    >>> cosmo.background.dist_ang_a(a)      # angular diameter distance
    >>> cosmo.background.dist_lum_a(a)      # luminosity distance

Image created with the PyCosmoHUB.


Linear and non-linear perturbations

  • Growth factor at a = 0.5 and 1.0:

    >>> cosmo.lin_pert.growth_a(a=[.5,1.])
    array([ 0.61200153,  1.])
  • Linear and non linear matter power spectrum at a = 1 for a grid of k values:

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> pk_l = cosmo.lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a=1., k=np.logspace(-3,0))
    >>> pk_nl = cosmo.nonlin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a=1., k=np.logspace(-3,0))
  • Linear and non linear matter power spectrum as a function of k, at redshift z=1.5. Examples are given using both Eisenstein & Hu and BBKS linear fitting functions, and the revised version of Halofit for the non-linear fitting function:

    >>> # Set the non-linear fitting function
    >>> cosmo.set(pk_nonlin_type = 'rev_halofit')
    >>> # Set the linear fitting function to EH
    >>> cosmo.set(pk_type = 'EH')
    >>> # Compute the linear and non-linear power spectra with rev_halofit+EH
    >>> pk_lin_EH = cosmo.lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(1./(1+z), k)[:,0]
    >>> pk_nonlin_EH = cosmo.nonlin_pert.powerspec_a_k(1./(1+z), k)[:,0]
    >>> # Set the linear fitting function to BBKS
    >>> cosmo.set(pk_type = 'BBKS')
    >>> # # Compute the linear and non-linear power spectra with rev_halofit+BBKS
    >>> pk_lin_BBKS = cosmo.lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(1./(1+z), k)[:,0]
    >>> pk_nonlin_BBKS = cosmo.nonlin_pert.powerspec_a_k(1./(1+z), k)[:,0]

Image created with the PyCosmoHUB.

  • Non linear matter power spectrum computed with the Mead et al. model, at redshift z=1.5:

    >>> cosmo.set(pk_type='EH', pk_nonlin_type='mead')
    >>> pk_nonlin_hmcode = cosmo.nonlin_pert.powerspec_a_k(1./(1+z), k)[:,0]

Image created with the PyCosmoHUB.


Perturbations with the Boltzmann solver

  • Linear perturbations can also be computed using the Boltzmann solver. In order to use the Boltzmann solver, set pk_type=”boltz”. It is also recommended to use pk_norm_type=”A_s” with the Boltzmann solver. We show an example of the computation of the fields for a specific k value (k=0.2 \(h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}\)) as a function of the scale factor a:

    >>> cosmo ="lcdm")
    >>> cosmo.set(pk_type='boltz', pk_norm_type='A_s', pk_norm=2.1e-9)
    >>> fields = cosmo.lin_per.fields(k=0.2, grid=np.log(np.logspace(-5,0,500)))
    >>> fields.Phi,, fields.Theta[1]

Image created with the PyCosmoHUB.

  • The total matter power spectrum is computed using the powerspec_a_k function, equivalently to the example of the fitting functions:

    >>> pk_boltz = cosmo.lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a=1., k)[:,0]

Image created with the PyCosmoHUB.



Some models will print a “new traces detected! you might want to run recompile /path_to_cache/0_21_5__166a3f3a4a07.pkl” message. If you want to speed up the computation, please paste the recompile command to your terminal and recompile the C code.

Massive neutrinos

  • We show an example of the linear perturbation computation for a massive neutrino model. We first set A_s normalization, increase the total mass of the neutrinos (while keeping the number to 3) and use the RSA to speed up the computation.

    >>> cosmo_nu ="mnulcdm", rsa=True)
    >>> cosmo_nu.set(pk_type='boltz', pk_norm_type='A_s', pk_norm=2.1e-9, massive_nu_total_mass=0.5)
    >>> fields_nu = cosmo_nu.lin_pert.fields(k=0.2, grid = np.log(np.logspace(-5,0,500)))
  • We now plot the massive neutrino fields: fields_nu.delta_nu_m, fields_nu.u_nu_m and fields_nu.sigma_nu_m

Image created with the PyCosmoHUB.

  • We compute the total matter power spectrum and the cold dark matter and baryon power spectrum and look at the difference:

    >>> ps_nu = cosmo_nu.lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(k=kvec, a=1.)
    >>> ps_nu_cb = cosmo_nu.lin_pert.powerspec_cb_a_k(k=kvec, a=1.)

Image created with the PyCosmoHUB.



  • Computation of the weak lensing power spectrum \(C_{\ell}^{\gamma \gamma}\) using non-linear perturbations:

    >>> # PyCosmo instance
    >>> cosmo = PyCosmo.Cosmo()
    >>> # Set the fitting functions for the power spectrum
    >>> cosmo.set(pk_type='EH', pk_nonlin_type='rev_halofit')
    >>> # Note: 'perturb': 'nonlinear' can be replaced with 'linear' by the user.
    >>> clparams = {'nz': ['smail', 'smail'],
    >>>             'z0': 1.13,
    >>>             'beta': 2.,
    >>>             'alpha': 2.,
    >>>             'probes': ['gamma', 'gamma'],
    >>>             'perturb': 'nonlinear',
    >>>             'normalised': False,
    >>>             'bias': 1.,
    >>>             'm': 0,
    >>>             'z_grid': np.array([0.0001, 5., 1000])
    >>>             }
    >>> obs = PyCosmo.Obs()
    >>> cls_haloEH =, cosmo, clparams)

Image created with PyCosmoHUB.
