Source code for UFalcon.probe_weights

# Copyright (C) 2022 ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
# Author: Alexander Reeves, Raphael Sgier and Jörg Herbel
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from UFalcon import utils, constants

[docs]class Continuous: def __init__( self, n_of_z, interpolation_kind="linear", z_lim_low=0, z_lim_up=None, shift_nz=0.0, ): """ Constructor. :param n_of_z: Either path to file containing n(z), assumed to be a text file readable with numpy with the first column containing z and the second column containing n(z), a 2D array of shape (N, 2) or a callable that is directly a redshift distribution. :type n_of_z: str or ndarray :param interpolation_kind: This argument specifies type of interpolation used, if the redshift distribution is read from a file. It is directly forwarded to scipy.interpolate.interp1d and defaults to 'linear' :type interpolation_kind: str :param z_lim_low: lower integration limit to use for n(z) normalization, default: 0 :type z_lim_low: float :param z_lim_up: upper integration limit to use for n(z) normalization, default: last z-coordinate in n(z) file :type z_lim_up: float :param shift_nz: Can shift the n(z) function by some redshift (intended for easier implementation of photo z bias) :type shift_nz: float """ # we handle the redshift dist depending on its type if callable(n_of_z): if z_lim_up is None: raise ValueError( "An upper bound of the redshift normalization has to be defined if n_of_z is not a " "tabulated function." ) self.nz_intpt = n_of_z # set the integration limit and integration points self.lightcone_points = None self.limit = 1000 else: # read from file if isinstance(n_of_z, str): nz = np.genfromtxt(n_of_z) elif isinstance(n_of_z, np.ndarray): nz = n_of_z.copy() else: raise ValueError("n_of_z type not understood...") # get the upper bound if necessary if z_lim_up is None: z_lim_up = nz[-1, 0] # get the callable function self.nz_intpt = interp1d( nz[:, 0] - shift_nz, nz[:, 1], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0, kind=interpolation_kind, ) # points for integration self.lightcone_points = nz[ np.logical_and(z_lim_low < nz[:, 0], nz[:, 0] < z_lim_up), 0 ] # check if there are any points remaining for the integration if len(self.lightcone_points) == 0: self.lightcone_points = None self.limit = 1000 else: self.limit = 10 * len(self.lightcone_points) self.z_lim_up = z_lim_up self.z_lim_low = z_lim_low # Normalization self.nz_norm = integrate.quad( lambda x: self.nz_intpt(x), z_lim_low, self.z_lim_up, points=self.lightcone_points, limit=self.limit, )[0]
[docs] def get_weight_norm(self, z_low, z_up, cosmo): """ Computes the normalization for lensing integrals. :param z_low: lower end of the redshift interval :type z_low: float :param z_up: upper end of the redshift interval :type z_up: float """ # This is essentially the numerator in the expression in eqt. 3.4 of norm1 = utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance(z_low, z_up, cosmo) * self.nz_norm # Multiplied by the comoving distance to the shell squared as that is not included in kappa prefactor (Eqn 3.3 norm2 = ( utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance(0.0, (z_low + z_up) / 2.0, cosmo) ** 2.0 ) return norm1 * norm2
[docs]class Continuous_lensing(Continuous): """ Computes the lensing weights for a continuous, user-defined n(z) distribution. The weight should then be multiplied by kappa_prefactor. """ def __init__( self, n_of_z, interpolation_kind="linear", z_lim_low=0, z_lim_up=None, shift_nz=0.0, fast_mode=False, fast_mode_num_points_1d=13, fast_mode_num_points_2d=512, ): super().__init__(n_of_z, interpolation_kind, z_lim_low, z_lim_up, shift_nz) self.fast_mode = fast_mode self.fast_mode_num_points_1d = fast_mode_num_points_1d self.fast_mode_num_points_2d = fast_mode_num_points_2d def __call__(self, z_low, z_up, cosmo): """ Computes the lensing weights for the redshift interval [z_low, z_up]. :param z_low: lower end of the redshift interval :type z_low: float :param z_up: upper end of the redshift interval :type z_up: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: lensing weight :rtype: float """ norm = self.get_weight_norm(z_low, z_up, cosmo) # lensing weights if self.fast_mode: z_vals, dz = np.linspace( z_low, z_up, self.fast_mode_num_points_1d, retstep=True ) quad_y_vals = self._integrand_1d( z_vals, cosmo ) # evaluate the integrand at these values numerator = integrate.simps(quad_y_vals, dx=dz, axis=0) else: numerator = integrate.quad(self._integrand_1d, z_low, z_up, args=(cosmo,))[ 0 ] return numerator / norm def _integrand_2d(self, y, x, cosmo): """ The 2d integrand of the continous lensing weights. :param y: float, redhsift that goes into the n(z) :param x: float, redshift for the Dirac part :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: the 2d integrand function :rtype: ndarray """ # TODO: check the return types and test fast_mode further return ( self.nz_intpt(y) * utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance(0, x, cosmo) * utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance(x, y, cosmo) * (1 + x) * cosmo.inv_efunc(x) / utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance(0, y, cosmo) ) def _integrand_1d(self, x, cosmo): """ Function that integrates out y from the 2d integrand. :param x: which redshift to evaluate :type x: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: the 1d integrant at x :rtype: float """ if self.fast_mode: def quad_y(x): x = np.atleast_1d(x) # we need to protect against under and overflow y_vals = np.geomspace( np.maximum(x, 1e-4), self.z_lim_up + 1e-12, self.fast_mode_num_points_2d, ) f_vals = np.nan_to_num(self._integrand_2d(y_vals, x, cosmo)) return integrate.simps(f_vals, x=y_vals, axis=0) else: if self.lightcone_points is not None: # Points of the distribution specified to quad algorithm to improve accuracy points = self.lightcone_points[ np.logical_and( self.z_lim_low < self.lightcone_points, self.lightcone_points < self.z_lim_up, ) ] quad_y = lambda x: integrate.quad( # noqa lambda y: self._integrand_2d(y, x, cosmo), x, self.z_lim_up, limit=self.limit, points=points, )[ 0 ] # noqa else: quad_y = lambda x: integrate.quad( # noqa lambda y: self._integrand_2d(y, x, cosmo), x, self.z_lim_up, limit=self.limit, )[ 0 ] # noqa return quad_y(x)
[docs]class Continuous_intrinsic_alignment(Continuous): """ Computes the intrinsic alignment weights for a continuous, user-defined n(z) distribution. N.B: the weight should then be multiplied by delta_prefactor. """ def __init__( self, n_of_z, interpolation_kind="linear", z_lim_low=0, z_lim_up=None, shift_nz=0.0, IA=1.0, eta=0.0, z_0=0.5, ): super().__init__(n_of_z, interpolation_kind, z_lim_low, z_lim_up, shift_nz) self.IA = IA self.eta = eta self.z_0 = z_0 def __call__(self, z_low, z_up, cosmo): """ Computes the IA weights for the redshift interval [z_low, z_up]. :param z_low: lower end of the redshift interval :type z_low: float :param z_up: upper end of the redshift interval :type z_up: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: lensing weight :rtype: float """ norm = self.get_weight_norm(z_low, z_up, cosmo) numerator = w_IA( self.IA, self.eta, z_low, z_up, cosmo, self.nz_intpt, z_0=self.z_0, points=self.lightcone_points, ) return numerator / norm
[docs]class Dirac_lensing: """ Computes the lensing weights for a single-source redshift. """ def __init__(self, z_source): """ Constructor :param z_source: source redshift :type z_source: float """ self.z_source = z_source def __call__(self, z_low, z_up, cosmo): """ Computes the lensing weights for the redshift interval [z_low, z_up]. :param z_low: lower end of the redshift interval :type z_low: float :param z_up: upper end of the redshift interval :type z_up: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: lensing weight :rtype: float """ # source is below the shell --> zero weight if self.z_source <= z_low: w = 0 # source is inside the shell --> error elif self.z_source < z_up: raise NotImplementedError( "Attempting to call UFalcon.lensing_weights.Dirac with z_low < z_source < z_up, " "this is not implemented" ) # source is above the shell --> usual weight else: numerator = integrate.quad(self._integrand, z_low, z_up, args=(cosmo,))[0] norm = utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance( z_low, z_up, cosmo ) * utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance(0, self.z_source, cosmo) # Multiplied by the comoving distance to the shell squared as that is not included in kappa prefactor (Eqn 3.3 norm *= ( utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance(0.0, (z_low + z_up) / 2.0, cosmo) ** 2.0 ) w = numerator / norm return w def _integrand(self, x, cosmo): return ( utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance(0, x, cosmo) * utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance(x, self.z_source, cosmo) * (1 + x) * cosmo.inv_efunc(x) )
[docs]class Continuous_clustering(Continuous): """ Computes the clustering weights for a continuous, user-defined n(z) distribution. """ def __init__( self, n_of_z, interpolation_kind="linear", z_lim_low=0, z_lim_up=None, shift_nz=0.0, ): """ Constructor. :param n_of_z: Either path to file containing n(z), assumed to be a text file readable with numpy with the first column containing z and the second column containing n(z), a 2D array of shape (N, 2) or a callable that is directly a redshift distribution. :type n_of_z: str or ndarray :param interpolation_kind: This argument specifies type of interpolation used, if the redshift distribution is read from a file. It is directly forwarded to scipy.interpolate.interp1d and defaults to 'linear' :type interpolation_kind: str :param z_lim_low: lower integration limit to use for n(z) normalization, default: 0 :type z_lim_low: float :param z_lim_up: upper integration limit to use for n(z) normalization, default: last z-coordinate in n(z) file :type z_lim_up: float :param shift_nz: Can shift the n(z) function by some redshift (intended for easier implementation of photo z bias) :type shift_nz: float """ super().__init__(n_of_z, interpolation_kind, z_lim_low, z_lim_up, shift_nz) def __call__(self, z_low, z_up, lin_bias, cosmo): """ Computes the lensing weights for the redshift interval [z_low, z_up]. :param z_low: lower end of the redshift interval :type z_low: float :param z_up: upper end of the redshift interval :type z_up: float :param lin_bias: the linear bias for the galaxy clustering weight :type lin_bias: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: clustering weight :rtype: float """ weight_clustering = ( # utils.hubble((z_low + z_up) / 2.0, cosmo) cosmo.H((z_low + z_up) / 2.0).value * self.nz_intpt((z_low + z_up) / 2.0) * lin_bias * ( 1.0 / utils.dimensionless_comoving_distance( 0.0, (z_low + z_up) / 2.0, cosmo ) ** 2.0 ) ) return weight_clustering / self.nz_norm
[docs]def kappa_prefactor(n_pix, n_particles, boxsize, cosmo): """ Computes the prefactor to transform from number of particles to convergence, see, eq. (A.1). :param n_pix: number of healpix pixels used :type n_pix: int :param n_particles: number of particles :type n_particles: int :param boxsize: size of the box in Gigaparsec :type boxsize: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: convergence prefactor :rtype: float """ convergence_factor = ( (3.0 * cosmo.Om0 / 2.0) * (n_pix / (4.0 * np.pi)) * (cosmo.H0.value / constants.c) ** 3 * (boxsize * 1000.0) ** 3 / n_particles ) return convergence_factor
[docs]def delta_prefactor(n_pix, n_particles, boxsize, cosmo): """ Computes the prefactor to transform from number of particles to clustering see: :param n_pix: number of healpix pixels used :type n_pix: int :param n_particles: number of particles :type n_particles: int :param boxsize: size of the box in Gigaparsec :type boxsize: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: clustering prefactor :rtype: float """ clustering_factor = ( (n_pix / (4.0 * np.pi)) * (cosmo.H0.value) ** 2.0 / (constants.c) ** 3 * (boxsize * 1000.0) ** 3 / n_particles ) return clustering_factor
[docs]def kappa_prefactor_nosim(cosmo): """ Computes the simualtion independent prefactor to transform to convergence, see, eq. (A.1), cosmology dependent part. This function does not include the factor depending on box size, number of particles and number of pixels. Remember to also multiply by this using the function sim_spec_prefactor. :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: cosmology dependent convergence prefactor :rtype: float """ # convergence_factor = (3.0 * cosmo.Om0 / 2.0) * (n_pix / (4.0 * np.pi)) * (cosmo.H0.value / constants.c) ** 3 * (boxsize * 1000.0) ** 3 / n_particles # * (n_pix * (boxsize * 1000.0) ** 3 / n_particles convergence_factor = ( (3.0 * cosmo.Om0 / 2.0) / (4.0 * np.pi) * (cosmo.H0.value / constants.c) ** 3 / (cosmo.H0.value / 100) ** 3 ) return convergence_factor
[docs]def delta_prefactor_nosim(cosmo): """ Computes the simualtion independent prefactor to transform to clustering see:, cosmology dependent part. This function does not include the factor depending on box size, number of particles and number of pixels. Remember to also multiply by this using the function sim_spec_prefactor. :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: cosmology dependent clustering prefactor :rtype: float """ # clustering_factor = (n_pix / (4.0 * np.pi)) * (cosmo.H0.value)**2. / (constants.c) ** 3 * (boxsize * 1000.0) ** 3 / n_particles # n_pix * (boxsize * 1000.0) ** 3 / n_particles clustering_factor = ( (1 / (4.0 * np.pi)) * (cosmo.H0.value) ** 2.0 / (constants.c) ** 3 / (cosmo.H0.value / 100) ** 3 ) return clustering_factor
[docs]def sim_spec_prefactor(n_pix, box_size, n_particles): """ Calculate the prefactors depending on the box size, number of particles and number of pixels. See, This should be used together with delta_prefactor and kappa_prefactor. :param n_pix: number of healpix pixels used :type n_pix: int :param boxsize: size of the box in Gigaparsec :type boxsize: float :param n_particles: number of particles :type n_particles: int :return prefactor: prefactor to use :rtype: float """ return n_pix * box_size**3 / n_particles
[docs]def F_NLA_model(z, IA, eta, z_0, cosmo): """ Calculates the NLA kernel used to calculate the IA shell weight. :param z: Redshift where to evaluate :type z: float :param IA: Galaxy intrinsic alignment amplitude :type IA: float :param eta: Galaxy Intrinsic alignment redshift dependence :type eta: float :param z_0: Pivot parameter for the redshift dependence of the NLA model :type z_0: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: NLA kernel at redshift z :rtype: float """ OmegaM = cosmo.Om0 H0 = cosmo.H0.value # growth factor calculation growth = lambda a: 1.0 / (a * cosmo.H(1.0 / a - 1.0).value) ** 3.0 # noqa a = 1.0 / (1.0 + z) g = 5.0 * OmegaM / 2.0 * cosmo.efunc(z) * integrate.quad(growth, 0, a)[0] # Calculate the growth factor today g_norm = 5.0 * OmegaM / 2.0 * integrate.quad(growth, 0, 1)[0] # divide out a g = g / g_norm # critical density today = 3*H^2/(8piG) rho_c ="Msun Mpc^-3").value # Proportionality constant Msun^-1 Mpc^3 C1 = 5e-14 / (H0 / 100.0) ** 2 # redshift dependece term red_dep = ((1 + z) / (1 + z_0)) ** eta return -IA * rho_c * C1 * OmegaM / g * red_dep
[docs]def w_IA(IA, eta, z_low, z_up, cosmo, nz_intpt, z_0=0.5, points=None): """ Calculates the weight per slice for the NLA model given a distribution of source redshifts n(z). :param IA: Galaxy intrinsic alignments amplitude :type IA: float :param eta: Galaxy Intrinsic alignment redshift dependence :type eta: float :param z_low: Lower redshift limit of the shell :type z_low: float :param z_up: Upper redshift limit of the shell :type z_up: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :param nz_intpt: nz function :type nz_intp: callable :param z_0: Pivot parameter for the redshift dependence of the NLA model :type z_0: float :param points: array-like, Points in redshift where integrand is evaluated (used for better numerical integration), can be None :type points: ndarray :return: Shell weight for NLA model :rtype: float """ def f(x): return F_NLA_model(x, IA, eta, z_0, cosmo) * nz_intpt(x) if points is not None: break_points = points[np.logical_and(z_low < points, points < z_up)] try: dbl = integrate.quad( f, z_low, z_up, points=break_points, limit=10 * len(break_points) )[0] except Exception as err: print(err) dbl = integrate.quad(f, z_low, z_up)[0] else: dbl = integrate.quad(f, z_low, z_up)[0] return dbl