Source code for UFalcon.utils

# Copyright (C) 2020 ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
# Author: Raphael Sgier and Jörg Herbel

import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate, interpolate
import healpy as hp
from UFalcon import constants

splines = {}

[docs]def dimensionless_comoving_distance(z_low, z_up, cosmo): """ Computes the dimensionless comoving distance between two redshifts. Scalar input only. Legacy code - see updated function :param z_low: lower redshift :type z_low: ndarray :param z_up: upper redshift, must have same shape as z_low :type z_up: ndarray :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: dimensionless comoving distance :rtype: ndarray """ dimless_com = ( (cosmo.comoving_distance(z_up) - cosmo.comoving_distance(z_low)) * cosmo.H0 / constants.c ) return dimless_com.value
[docs]def dimensionless_comoving_distance_old( z_low, z_up, cosmo, fast_mode=0, z_max_interp=10 ): """ Computes the dimensionless comoving distance between two redshifts. Scalar input only. Legacy code - see updated function :param z_low: lower redshift :type z_low: ndarray :param z_up: upper redshift, must have same shape as z_low :type z_up: ndarray :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :param fast_mode: Instead of using quad from scipy, use a simple romberg integration rule (this works here because we know that the dimless com behaves and is differentiable) :type fast_mode: bool :return: dimensionless comoving distance :rtype: ndarray """ if fast_mode == 1: integration_range, dz = np.linspace(z_low, z_up, 32 + 1, retstep=True) dimless_com = integrate.romb(cosmo.inv_efunc(integration_range), dx=dz, axis=0) elif fast_mode == 2: prec_required = 1e-6 from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline if z_max_interp not in splines: z = np.arange(0, z_max_interp, 0.005) splines[z_max_interp] = CubicSpline(z, cosmo.inv_efunc(z)) dimless_com_spline = splines[z_max_interp].integrate(a=z_low, b=z_up) dimless_com_quad = integrate.quad(cosmo.inv_efunc, z_low, z_up)[0] frac_diff = np.abs(dimless_com_spline - dimless_com_quad) / dimless_com_quad if frac_diff > prec_required: raise Exception( f"spline acceleration of integrals has bad precision frac_diff={frac_diff}, required={prec_required}" ) if np.any(z_up > z_max_interp): raise Exception("inv_efunc speed up z_max not sufficient") dimless_com = splines[z_max_interp].integrate( a=z_low, b=z_up ) # 24.4 ms per hit else: dimless_com = integrate.quad(cosmo.inv_efunc, z_low, z_up)[ 0 ] # 753.0 ms per hit return dimless_com
[docs]def comoving_distance(z_low, z_up, cosmo): """ Computes the comoving distance between two redshifts. Scalar input only. :param z_low: lower redshift :type z_low: ndarray :param z_up: upper redshift, must have same shape as z_low :type z_up: ndarray :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: comoving distance :rtype: ndarray """ com = ( dimensionless_comoving_distance(z_low, z_up, cosmo) * constants.c / cosmo.H0.value ) return com
[docs]def a_of_r(r, cosmo): """ Computes the scale factor at a given comoving distance in MpC. Scalar or vector input. Note only supports calculation up to redshift z=12. :param r: input comoving distance in MpC at which scale factor should we found :type r: float :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: scale factor :rtype: float """ zmax = 12 # maximum redshift we will interpolate to a_min = 1 / (1 + zmax) a_array = np.logspace(np.log10(a_min), 0, 2000) # This will span a sufficient redshift range but can we include an accuracy test z_array = 1 / a_array - 1 r_array = np.array( [comoving_distance(0, z_array_elem, cosmo) for z_array_elem in z_array] ) interp = interpolate.interp1d(r_array, a_array, kind="cubic") return interp(r)
[docs]def growth_z(z, cosmo): """ Computes the normalized linear growth factor as a function of redshift (i.e. D(z)). Scalar input only. Normalized means D(z)=1 at z=0. :param z: redshift or array of redshifts at which growth factor should be calculated :type z: ndarray :param cosmo: Astropy.Cosmo instance, controls the cosmology used :type cosmo: Astropy cosmology instance :return: linear growth factor at z i.e. D(z) :rtype: ndarray """ # handle correctly if scalar input z = np.atleast_1d(z) OmegaM = cosmo.Om0 # growth factor calculation growth = lambda a: 1.0 / (a * cosmo.H(1.0 / a - 1.0).value) ** 3.0 # noqa g_array = np.zeros_like(z) for i, z in enumerate(z): a = 1.0 / (1.0 + z) # convert input redshift to scale factor g = 5.0 * OmegaM / 2.0 * cosmo.efunc(z) * integrate.quad(growth, 0, a)[0] # Calculate the growth factor today g_norm = 5.0 * OmegaM / 2.0 * integrate.quad(growth, 0, 1)[0] # divide out to normalise growth factor g_array[i] = g / g_norm return g_array
[docs]def kappa_to_gamma(kappa_map, lmax=None, use_pixel_weights=True): """ Computes a gamma_1- and gamma_2-map from a kappa-map, s.t. the kappa TT-spectrum equals the gamma EE-spectrum. :param kappa_map: kappa map as a HEALPix array :type kappa_map: ndarray :param lmax: maximum multipole to consider, default: 3 * nside - 1 :type lmax: float :param use_pixel_weights: Use pixelweights for the map2alm transformation. This delivers the most accurate transform according to healpy, but requires the pixel weights, which will be downloaded automatically. :type use_pixel_weights: bool :return: gamma_1- and gamma_2-map :rtype: ndarray """ nside = hp.npix2nside(kappa_map.size) if lmax is None: lmax = 3 * nside - 1 kappa_alm = hp.map2alm(kappa_map, lmax=lmax, use_pixel_weights=use_pixel_weights) ell = hp.Alm.getlm(lmax)[0] # Add the appropriate factor to the kappa_alm fac = np.where( np.logical_and(ell != 1, ell != 0), -np.sqrt(((ell + 2.0) * (ell - 1)) / ((ell + 1) * ell)), 0, ) kappa_alm *= fac t, q, u = hp.alm2map( [np.zeros_like(kappa_alm), kappa_alm, np.zeros_like(kappa_alm)], nside=nside ) return q, u