from UFalcon import construct_maps, utils
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy
Galaxy weak lensing (kappa and gamma)
Galaxy clustering
CMB lensing
For this we use the helper class “construct_maps” which collates the functions in the rest of the package to produce cosmological signal maps. This class can be seen as an easy starting point for an independent user.
maps = np.load('shells_example.npz',mmap_mode="r")['maps'] #mmap_mode="r" allows us to be economical with memory usage
z_low = np.load('z_low.npy')
z_high = np.load('z_high.npy')
[0. 0.01277548 0.02578057 0.03902289 0.05251003 0.06625001
0.08025129 0.09452274 0.1090737 0.1239141 0.1390541 0.1545049
0.1702779 0.1863854 0.2028402 0.2196561 0.2368474 0.2544296
0.2724188 0.2908324 0.3096887 0.3290072 0.3488088 0.3691156
0.3899513 0.4113412 0.4333125 0.4558939 0.4791168 0.5030144
0.5276226 0.5529801 0.5791287 0.6061132 0.6339825 0.6627892
0.6925908 0.7234494 0.7554329 0.7886154 0.823078 0.8589094
0.8962073 0.9350792 0.9756439 ]
[0.01277548 0.02578057 0.03902289 0.05251003 0.06625001 0.08025129
0.09452274 0.1090737 0.1239141 0.1390541 0.1545049 0.1702779
0.1863854 0.2028402 0.2196561 0.2368474 0.2544296 0.2724188
0.2908324 0.3096887 0.3290072 0.3488088 0.3691156 0.3899513
0.4113412 0.4333125 0.4558939 0.4791168 0.5030144 0.5276226
0.5529801 0.5791287 0.6061132 0.6339825 0.6627892 0.6925908
0.7234494 0.7554329 0.7886154 0.823078 0.8589094 0.8962073
0.9350792 0.9756439 1.018033 ]
print(f"In this example the lightcone is produced up to redshift: {z_high[-1]}")
In this example the lightcone is produced up to redshift: 1.0180330276489258
shell_no = 30
zi = z_low[shell_no]
zf = z_high[shell_no]
# Format the redshifts to three significant figures
zi_formatted = "{:.3g}".format(zi)
zf_formatted = "{:.3g}".format(zf)
hp.mollview(maps[shell_no], title=f"Lightcone shell between redshifts {zi_formatted} to {zf_formatted}", cmap='jet')
Firstly we can set up a helper class called “construct_maps”. This allows one to easily create probe maps and collates the funtions in the other parts of the code together in one place. For this we need to suply the simulation cosmology and some details of the simulation (boxsize, n_particles)
#Set up cosmology of sims
eV = astropy.units.eV
Omega_m= 0.26
Omega_b = 0.0493
sigma_8 = 0.84
Neff = 3.046
H0 = 67.36
O_nu =0.001422554 #neutrino energy density
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Omega_m-O_nu, Neff=Neff,Ob0=Omega_b, m_nu=0.02*eV, Tcmb0=2.7255)
#Set up of simulation parameters for example
boxsize = (900 / 1000) / (H0 / 100.) # Convert 900 Mpc/h into Gpc
n_particles = 832**3
#Desired output set up
nside = 128 #output maps will have nside=128, this must be lower or equal to the input nside of the simulation lightcone maps
zi=0.0 #compute the contribution from z=0
zf=1.05 #compute the contribution to the given signal until z~1 (this is as far as our simultions allow)
construct_class = construct_maps.construct_map_cosmogrid(maps=maps, z_low=z_low, z_high=z_high,
nside=nside, boxsize=boxsize, cosmo=cosmo, n_particles=n_particles, zi=zi, zf=zf)
Lets start with the simplest of UFalcon maps: the map produced for CMB wek lensing. This assumes a single source at redshift z=1090 (recombination) and computes the lensing convergence kappa map for the supplied DM lightcone shells. Due to the limited redshift range of the simulation (in this case going only up to z~1) we can only compute the contribution up until this maximum redshift- one could then consider adding a gaussian realization for the high-redshift aprt of this probe.
cmb_kappa_map = construct_class.construct_kappa_cmb_map()
actual zmax for cmb kappa: 1.018033
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hp.mollview(cmb_kappa_map, title=r"CMB-$\kappa$ z=0.0 to z=0.976", cmap='jet')
For this we need to supply a redshift distribution for the source galaxies so we begin by assuming a simple Smail distribution
#Example photometric reshift distribution
# Define the Smail distribution
def smail(z, alpha, beta, z0):
return (z**alpha / z0**(alpha+1)) * np.exp(-(z/z0)**beta)
# Parameters
alpha = 4
beta = 6
z0 = 0.7
num_points = 40
z = np.linspace(0, 1, num_points)
p_z = smail(z, alpha, beta, z0) #not necessary to be normalized- UFalcon takes care of this
#Put the redshift distribution in 2D-array form as required by UFalcon code
n_z = np.zeros((num_points,2))
n_z[:,0] = z
n_z[:,1] = p_z
# Plot the distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
plt.plot(n_z[:,0],n_z[:,1], label=f'Smail Distribution: $z_0$={z0}, $\\alpha$={alpha}, $\\beta$={beta}')
plt.xlabel('Redshift $z$')
plt.ylabel('Probability Density $p(z)$')
plt.title('Smail Redshift Distribution')
UFalcon also includes the option of applying a shift to the photometric redshift distribution and can compute the IA signal using the NLA model
IA = 0.0 #no instrinsic alignment in this example
shift_nz = 0.0 #no delta z shift
#NB if IA is non-zero here the produced map will contain a cosmological signal + an IA signal
#UFalcon also allows for a computation of the IA signal alone (see later)
#In this example we use "fast_mode" this should always be tested against the more robust default (fast_mode=False)- see comparison later
kappa_wl_map_fast_mode = construct_class.construct_kappa_map(n_of_z=n_z, shift_nz=shift_nz, IA=IA, fast_mode=True, \
fast_mode_num_points_1d=13, fast_mode_num_points_2d=512)
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hp.mollview(kappa_wl_map_fast_mode, title=r"weak lensing $\kappa$ fast mode", cmap='jet')
#UFalcon also provides a convenient function to switch between weak lensing kappa and weak lensing gamma maps using the Kaiser-Squires transform
#(see equations 24/25 in https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.09233)
#Use pixelweights for the map2alm transformation: This delivers the most accurate transform according to healpy, but requires
#the pixel weights, which will be downloaded automatically.
gam1, gam2 = utils.kappa_to_gamma(
kappa_wl_map_fast_mode, use_pixel_weights=True)
/Users/alexreeves/Documents/local_software/UFalcon/src/UFalcon/utils.py:192: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
-np.sqrt(((ell + 2.0) * (ell - 1)) / ((ell + 1) * ell)),
/Users/alexreeves/Documents/local_software/UFalcon/src/UFalcon/utils.py:192: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
-np.sqrt(((ell + 2.0) * (ell - 1)) / ((ell + 1) * ell)),
hp.mollview(gam1, title=r"weak lensing $\gamma$", cmap='jet')
#Check that the power spectra match up as expected
cl_gamma = hp.anafast([np.zeros_like(gam1), gam1, gam2])[1]
cl_kappa = hp.anafast(kappa_wl_map_fast_mode)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x15416ea50>]
Finally UFalcon also allows to compute the IA contribution alone
kappa_IA = construct_class.construct_IA_map(n_of_z=n_z, shift_nz=shift_nz, IA=1.0)
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min() arg is an empty sequence
hp.mollview(kappa_IA, title=r"weak lensing IA map", cmap='jet')
Here we use the same example Smail redshift distribution as for the weak lensing probe, now this represents the redshift distribution of the galaxy survey we are modeling
lin_bias = 1.5 #The galaxy linear bias (more complex bias modelas are under development)
galaxy_delta = construct_class.construct_delta_map(n_of_z=n_z, lin_bias=lin_bias)
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hp.mollview(galaxy_delta, title=r"$\delta_g$ map", cmap='jet')
Finally, lets how an example of the (currently experimental) ISW probe. This implementation is based off of that presented in https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.14654.
# To minimize unphysical features due to box replications, we recommend setting zmax to None.
# This allows the pipeline to determine a recommended zmax value that reduces such features in the final maps.
isw_map = construct_class.construct_isw_map(zmax_for_box=None)
Creating SBT class. This may take a few seconds...
zmax_for_box = None was passed. Using the recommended value of 0.50 computed based on the boxsize 900.00 Mpc/h.
Warning: no alpha function provided, so the default is being used. However, this default has only been tested on a Cosmogrid set up, so proceed with caution.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
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Slice not in zmin and zmax range.
Converting to sbt...
Finding zeros for Bessel function up to n = 129
Constructing l and n value grid
Pre-compute spherical Bessel integrals
Computing spherical Bessel Transform from spherical harmonics
mean redshift of slice 1 / 30: 0.01
mean redshift of slice 2 / 30: 0.02
mean redshift of slice 3 / 30: 0.03
mean redshift of slice 4 / 30: 0.05
mean redshift of slice 5 / 30: 0.06
mean redshift of slice 6 / 30: 0.07
mean redshift of slice 7 / 30: 0.09
mean redshift of slice 8 / 30: 0.10
mean redshift of slice 9 / 30: 0.12
mean redshift of slice 10 / 30: 0.13
mean redshift of slice 11 / 30: 0.15
mean redshift of slice 12 / 30: 0.16
mean redshift of slice 13 / 30: 0.18
mean redshift of slice 14 / 30: 0.19
mean redshift of slice 15 / 30: 0.21
mean redshift of slice 16 / 30: 0.23
mean redshift of slice 17 / 30: 0.25
mean redshift of slice 18 / 30: 0.26
mean redshift of slice 19 / 30: 0.28
mean redshift of slice 20 / 30: 0.30
mean redshift of slice 21 / 30: 0.32
mean redshift of slice 22 / 30: 0.34
mean redshift of slice 23 / 30: 0.36
mean redshift of slice 24 / 30: 0.38
mean redshift of slice 25 / 30: 0.40
mean redshift of slice 26 / 30: 0.42
mean redshift of slice 27 / 30: 0.44
mean redshift of slice 28 / 30: 0.47
mean redshift of slice 29 / 30: 0.49
mean redshift of slice 30 / 30: 0.52
array([-2.94393808e-06, -3.15297772e-06, -3.58408665e-06, ...,
-7.79299515e-07, -1.37734206e-06, -1.36757380e-06])
This will take ~10 minutes to run on a laptop
kappa_wl_map = construct_class.construct_kappa_map(n_of_z=n_z, shift_nz=shift_nz, IA=IA, fast_mode=False) #no fast mode
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hp.mollview(kappa_wl_map, title=r"weak lensing $\kappa$", cmap='jet')
hp.mollview(kappa_wl_map_fast_mode, title=r"weak lensing $\kappa$ fast mode", cmap='jet')
hp.mollview(kappa_wl_map-kappa_wl_map_fast_mode, title=r"$\Delta \kappa$", cmap='jet')
[ ]: