Source code for cpod.sim_managers

#! /usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (C) 2013 ETH Zurich, Institute of Astronomy

# System imports
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
import os
import ConfigParser
import time as time_mod
import random
import string
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from os import path
import logging
import datetime
import sys

# External modules
import PyCosmo
import shutil
import tempfile

# cpod imports

CPOD_CONFIG_NAME = "cpod.ini"

CPOD_PREFIX_OPTION = "local_base_path"
REMOTE_BASE_PATH_OPTION = "remote_base_path"




DEFAULT_ROCKSTAR_CONFIG_NAME = 'rockstar_confg.cfg'

[docs]class SimManage(object): """ This class has been created to house functions that are used to manage and manipulate N-body simulations that used for the mass mapping projects. """ DELTA_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "deltaConfig.conf" def __init__(self, cpodConfPath): """ Initialises an instance of SimManage. """ self.cpodConfPath = cpodConfPath if not os.path.exists(cpodConfPath): raise Exception("Config not found in: '%s'" % cpodConfPath) self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() print('Welcome to the cPod simulation manager.\n') self.music_exec = self.parser.get(CPOD_MUSIC_SECTION, CPOD_EXEC_OPTION) print('The path to the MUSIC excutable has been set to: %s' % self.music_exec) self.gadget2_exec = self.parser.get(CPOD_GADGET2_SECTION, CPOD_EXEC_OPTION) print('The path to the gadget2_exec excutable has been set to: %s' % self.gadget2_exec) self.rockstar_exec = self.parser.get(CPOD_ROCKSTAR_SECTION, CPOD_EXEC_OPTION) print('The path to the rockstar_exec excutable has been set to: %s' % self.rockstar_exec) self.remote_base_path = self.parser.get(CPOD_WORKSPACE_SECTION, REMOTE_BASE_PATH_OPTION) #path_temp = path.dirname(__file__)+'/templates/pycosmo_template.ini' path_templates = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'templates/') self.templates_dir = path_templates #sys.path.append(self.templates_dir) print('The path to the templates folder has been set to: %s' % self.templates_dir) self.music_param = None self.gadget_param = None # self.rockstar_param = None self.output_path = None
[docs] def setup(self, deltaConfig=None, seed=None): """ Sets up the instance by creating the output directory structure :param root_output_dir: the root of the desired output directory :param deltaConfig: (optional) the delta config to use :param seed: (optional) the seed to be used """ self.root_output_dir = self.parser.get(CPOD_WORKSPACE_SECTION, CPOD_PREFIX_OPTION) if len(self.root_output_dir)==0: print("local_base_path is empty using a temp directory") self.root_output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.deltaConfig = deltaConfig self.seed = seed"Delta config is:" + str(deltaConfig))"seed in is:" + str(seed))"Setting up dir structure") output_data_path = os.path.join(self.root_output_dir, OUTPUT_DATA_FOLDER)"Output directory is: %s" % output_data_path) self.output_path = self._prepare_output(output_data_path=output_data_path) # A1 - setup for MUSIC music_outfile = self.mk_music_config(output_path=self.output_path, configin=deltaConfig, random_seed=seed) # A2 - setup for gadget2 gadget_outdir, gadget_param_file, _ = self.mk_gadget2_config(self.output_path) # A3 - setup for Rockstar num_snaps = 50 rockstar_outfile = self.mk_rockstar_config(dir_in=self.output_path, dir_out=self.remote_base_path, filename="snapshot_<snap>", num_snaps=num_snaps, startingsnap=0) deltaConfigPath = os.path.join(self.output_path, self.DELTA_CONFIG_FILE_NAME) if deltaConfig is not None: shutil.copy(deltaConfig, deltaConfigPath) else: open(deltaConfigPath, 'a').close() with open(self.output_path + 'setup_summary.dat', 'w') as f: f.write(self.output_path + music_outfile + '\n') f.write(self.output_path + gadget_param_file + '\n') f.write(rockstar_outfile + '\n') self.music_param = os.path.join(self.output_path, music_outfile) self.gadget_param = os.path.join(self.output_path, gadget_param_file)
self.rockstar_param = rockstar_outfile def _prepare_output(self, output_data_path=None, dir_new=True): """ Sets up the output directory for further processing :param output_data_path: (optional) directory for storing data :param dir_new: (optional) if True (default) a new directory will be created inside output_data_path """ if output_data_path is None: output_data_path = os.path.normpath(path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../data/')+'/' print('output_data_path set to:\n') print(output_data_path) if dir_new is True: # if true, need to today = time_now = time_mod.localtime() datestring = str(today.year).zfill(4)+str(today.month).zfill(2)+str( timestring = str(time_now[3]).zfill(2) + str(time_now[4]).zfill(2) + str(time_now[5]).zfill(2) random_str = random.choice(string.letters) dir_temp = 'Sim_3D_'+datestring+'_'+timestring+'_'+random_str output_path = path.join(output_data_path, dir_temp)+ "/" os.makedirs(output_path) else: output_path = output_data_path shutil.copy(self.cpodConfPath, os.path.join(output_path, CPOD_CONFIG_NAME)) return output_path
[docs] def mk_music_config(self, output_path, outfile=CONFIG_FILE_NAME, configin=None, template_conf_file=None, random_seed=None, ic_in_configdir=True): """ This function is designed to automatically generate the configuration file need to run MUSIC (IC generator) :param output_path: path to the directory where the music configuration should be created :param outfile: (optional) name of the output config file :param configin: (optional) name of a file that contains entries to overwrite default values in template :param template_conf_file: (optional) template config file to be used :param random_seed: (optional) random seed to use :param ic_in_configdir: (optional) if True (default) the output directory for ic files will be same as the config files :return: the name of the MUSIC config file """ config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.optionxform=str if template_conf_file is None: #setting up the default template template_conf_file = self.templates_dir+'ics_MUSIC_template.conf' print("Template config file is set to: '%s'" % template_conf_file) # reading the base template if configin is not None: # overwrite some of the entries using input file if random_seed is not None: config.set(MUSIC_SEED_SECTION, MUSIC_SEED_OPTION, random_seed) # if ic_in_configdir is True: # config.set('output','filename',path.join(output_path, config.get('output','filename'))) #TODO make sure name is always the same for proper housekeeping! with open(output_path+outfile,'w') as cfgfile: config.write(cfgfile) ###!!!! NEED TO THINK ABOUT ONLY OUTPUTING WHAT IS IN THE TEMPLATE cfgfile.close()
return outfile
[docs] def mk_gadget2_config(self,dir_in,ic_datafile='ics_gadget.dat',ic_confgfile='ics_MUSIC.conf', list_a_file='outfile_a.dat',list_a_new=True,len_fac_out = 0.5,zmax_out = 2.0): """ This function is designed to automatically generate a gadget parameter file. This input for this is a directory that contains both the ic_files and the config files used to generate that ic data. :param dir_in: directory containing ic data and ic config files :param ic_datafile: name of the ic data file :param ic_confgfile: name of the ic config file :param list_a_file: file with the output a times :param list_a_new: if True (default) the list_a_file is created :param len_fac_out: ??? :param zmax_out: ??? :return: outdir,gadget_param_file,num_a_out """ #outdir = dir_in+'3D_boxes/' outdir = '3D_boxes/' print(dir_in) print(ic_datafile) ic_file_temp = ic_datafile output_a_list = list_a_file #ic_file_temp = dir_in+ic_datafile #output_a_list = dir_in+list_a_file gadget_param_file = 'gadget_input.param' if not os.path.exists(path.join(dir_in, outdir)): os.makedirs(dir_in+outdir) ic_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() ic_config.optionxform=str num_a_out = None if list_a_new is True: num_a_out = self.mk_list_a(dir_in+output_a_list, ic_config, len_fac = len_fac_out, zmax = zmax_out) hubbleparam = float(ic_config.get('cosmology','H0'))/100. timebegin = 1./(1.+float(ic_config.get('setup','zstart'))) timemax = 1.0 gadget_template = path.join(self.templates_dir, 'gadget_template.param') with open(gadget_template,'r') as fparam_temp: with open(dir_in+gadget_param_file,'w') as f: softlen = float(ic_config.get('setup','boxlength'))/float(ic_config.get('random','cubesize'))/30. f.write('% Variable set by Mass Mapping routines \n') f.write('\n') f.write('InitCondFile %s \n' %ic_file_temp) f.write('OutputDir %s \n' %outdir) f.write('OutputListFilename %s \n' %output_a_list) f.write('TimeBegin %s \n' %timebegin) f.write('TimeMax %s \n' %timemax) f.write('Omega0 %s \n' %ic_config.get('cosmology','Omega_m')) f.write('OmegaLambda %s \n' %ic_config.get('cosmology','Omega_L')) f.write('OmegaBaryon %s \n' %ic_config.get('cosmology','Omega_b')) f.write('HubbleParam %s \n' %hubbleparam) f.write('BoxSize %s \n' %ic_config.get('setup','boxlength')) f.write('SofteningHalo %s \n' %softlen) f.write('SofteningHaloMaxPhys %s \n' %softlen) f.write('\n') f.write(
return outdir,gadget_param_file,num_a_out
[docs] def mk_list_a(self,file_out,ic_config,len_fac = 0.5,zmax = 2.0): """ Function for making a list of a value that will be used output results of the N-body simulations. :param file_out: the output file where the a list will be stored :param ic_configin: config instance used to generate initial conditions :param len_fac: ??? :param zmax: ??? :return: num_a_out """ # pycosmo_template = self.templates_dir+'pycosmo_template.ini' # print("PyCosmo template is set to: '%s'" % pycosmo_template) amin = 1.0/(1.0+zmax) #ic_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() hub_param = str(float(ic_config.get('cosmology','H0'))/100.) box_len = float(ic_config.get('setup','boxlength'))/float(hub_param) #units in Mpc cosmo = PyCosmo.Cosmo(paramfile='cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test') # cosmo_config = PyCosmo.read_param(pycosmo_template) # cosmo_config.set('cosmo_params','omega_m_0',ic_config.get('cosmology','Omega_m')) # cosmo_config.set('cosmo_params','omega_l_0',ic_config.get('cosmology','Omega_L')) # cosmo_config.set('cosmo_params','omega_b_0',ic_config.get('cosmology','Omega_b')) # cosmo_config.set('cosmo_params','h',hub_param) # cosmo_config.set('cosmo_params','n',ic_config.get('cosmology','nspec')) cosmo.set(omega_m = float(ic_config.get('cosmology','Omega_m'))) cosmo.set(omega_l_in = float(ic_config.get('cosmology','Omega_L'))) cosmo.set(omega_b = float(ic_config.get('cosmology','Omega_b'))) cosmo.set(h = float(hub_param)) cosmo.set(n = float(ic_config.get('cosmology','nspec'))) dist_max = cosmo.background.dist_rad_a(amin) #units in Mpc num_out = np.floor(dist_max/box_len/len_fac) dist_int = np.linspace(0.,box_len*len_fac*num_out) a_arr = np.linspace(1.0,amin,500) dist_arr = cosmo.background.dist_rad_a(a_arr) #units in Mpc f_int = interpolate.interp1d(dist_arr,a_arr) a_out = f_int(dist_int) np.savetxt(file_out,a_out[::-1]) num_a_out = len(a_out)
return num_a_out
[docs] def mk_rockstar_config(self,dir_in='temp',dir_out='temp',rockstar_config_file=DEFAULT_ROCKSTAR_CONFIG_NAME,filename="snapshot_<snap>", num_snaps=50,startingsnap=0): """ function for making the config files need to run rock star :param dir_in: :param dir_out: :param rockstar_config_file: :param filename: :param num_snaps: :param startingsnap: """ head, tail = os.path.split(dir_in) simulationName = os.path.basename(head) dir_out_sim = os.path.join(dir_out,simulationName) dir_out_3Dbox = os.path.join(dir_out_sim,'3D_boxes/') dir_out_halo = os.path.join(dir_out_sim,'Halodata') print('\n\n\n\n\ndir_out: ') print(dir_in) print(dir_out) print(dir_out_sim) print(dir_out_halo) print(simulationName) # if not os.path.exists(dir_out_sim): # print('blub') # os.mkdir(dir_out_sim) # # if not os.path.exists(dir_out_halo): # os.mkdir(dir_out_halo) with open(os.path.join(dir_in,rockstar_config_file),'w') as f: f.write('#Rockstar Halo Finder\n') f.write('#Parallel config file for multi-cpu, multi-snapshot halo finding\n') f.write('#automatically generated using python package for cpod.\n') f.write('\n') f.write('# example of how to run: start Rockstar server as\n') f.write('# ./rockstar -c parallel.cfg\n') f.write('#Then launch the reading/analysis tasks with:\n') f.write('# ./rockstar -c auto-rockstar.cfg\n') f.write('\n') f.write('FILE_FORMAT = "%s" \n' %"GADGET2") f.write('\n') f.write('INBASE = "%s"\n' %dir_out_3Dbox) f.write('OUTBASE="%s"\n' %dir_out_halo) f.write('\n') f.write('FILENAME="%s"\n' %filename) f.write('NUM_SNAPS=%i\n' %num_snaps) f.write('STARTING_SNAP=%i\n' %startingsnap) f.write('NUM_BLOCKS=1\n') f.write('\n') f.write('SCALE_NOW = 1\n') f.write('GADGET_LENGTH_CONVERSION = 1\n') f.write('GADGET_MASS_CONVERSION = 1e+10\n') f.write('FORCE_RES = 0.001 #Force resolution of simulation, in Mpc/h\n') f.write('\n') # f.write('OUTPUT_FORMAT="%s"\n' %'BOTH') # f.write('DELETE_BINARY_OUTPUT_AFTER_FINISHED=0\n') # f.write('RESCALE_PARTICLE_MASS=0\n') # f.write('\n') #This specifies how many CPUs you want to analyze the particles: #NUM_WRITERS = 8 f.write('PARALLEL_IO=1\n') f.write('NUM_READERS=1\n') f.write('NUM_WRITERS=16\n') f.write('FORK_READERS_FROM_WRITERS=1\n') f.write('FORK_PROCESSORS_PER_MACHINE=16\n') # f.write('FULL_PARTICLE_CHUNKS = 16\n')
return os.path.join(dir_in,rockstar_config_file) #FILE_FORMAT = "GADGET2"
[docs] def cpod_quicksetup(self): """ This function has been written to quickly set up the environment for runing: MUSIC, Gadget2 and rockstar """ # A1 - setup for MUSIC outdir = None configin = None outdir_main = self._prepare_output(output_data_path=outdir) outfile = self.mk_music_config(configin=configin,output_path=outdir_main) # A2 - setup for gadget2 outdir_3Dboxes,gadget_param_file,num_a_out = self.mk_gadget2_config(outdir_main) # A3 - setup for Rockstar #dir_in = outdir #dir_out = outdir_temp num_snaps=num_a_out #!!!NEED to AUTOMATE THIS!! file_out = self.mk_rockstar_config(dir_in=outdir_main,dir_out=outdir_main, filename="snapshot_<snap>",num_snaps=num_snaps,startingsnap=0) # changed dir_in from outdir_3Dboxes to outdir_main, but don't know what this quicksetup function is there for, so no clue whether that was a stupid idea... f = open(outdir_main+'setup_summary.dat','w') f.write(outdir_main+outfile +'\n') f.write(outdir_main+gadget_param_file+'\n') f.write(file_out+'\n') f.close() ff = open(outdir_main+'time_stamp.dat','w') ff.write('Directory and config files created by the function cpod_quicksetup \n') ff.write('') ff.write(str( ff.close
return outdir_main