cpod.templates package


cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test module

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.F = 1.14

??? [under development]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.Nnu = 3.04

Number of effective massless neutrino species [under development] [1]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.Tcmb = 2.725

CMB temperature [K]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.Yp = 0.24

Helium fraction [under development] [1]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.aini = 1e-07

a used as initial starting point for Boltzman calculation - Warning: aini may now be a function k for some settings [under development]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.cosmics_dir = '../Tests/comparison_files/cosmics/zend_0/'

COSMICS directory for recombination [under development]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.cosmo_nudge = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

nudge factors for H0, omega_gam, and omega_neu to compare with other codes - set to [1.,1.,1.] or leave out to suppress nudge

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.deltah = 1843785.9626

Powerspectrum Normalisation (early time)

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.fDM = 0.0

??? [under development]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.h = 0.7

dimensionless Hubble constant H0 = h*100km/s/Mpc [1]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.n = 1.0

Spectral index for scalar modes [1]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.omega_b = 0.045

Baryon density parameter (z=0) [1]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.omega_l_in = 'flat'

Dark energy density. If ‘flat’ then omega_l is 1.- omega_m - omega_r [1]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.omega_m = 0.3

Matter density paramater (dark matter + baryons) (z=0) [1]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.omega_r_0 = 0.0

Radiation density (z=0)

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.omega_suppress = False

suppress radiation contribution in omega total as is often done

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.pk_nonlin_type = 'halofit'

sets if the nonlinear matter power spectrum should be calculated using the halofit fitting function (‘halofit’) or the revised halofit fitting function (‘rev_halofit’)

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.pk_norm = 0.8

Power spectrum normalisation value: either deltah or sigma8 depending on pk_norm_type setting

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.pk_norm_type = 'sigma8'

Power spectrum normalisation scheme: ‘deltah’ for CMB normalisation or ‘sigma8’ for sigma8 normalisation

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.pk_type = 'EH'

sets is the linear perturbations should be calculated using boltzman solver (‘boltz’) or approximations (‘EH’ for Einstein and Hu or ‘BBKS’)

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.recomb = 'recfast++'

code to compute recombination: ‘recfast++’ or ‘cosmics’ [under development]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.sigma8_0 = 0.8

Powerspectrum Normalisation (z=0)

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.tau = 0.09

Optical depth [under development]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.w0 = -1.0

DE equation of state at z=0 [1]

cpod.templates.pycosmo_template_for_cpod_test.wa = 0.0

DE equation of state evolution such that w(a)=w0+wa(1-a) [1]

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