Source code for edelweiss.nflow

# Copyright (C) 2023 ETH Zurich
# Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
# Author: Silvan Fischbacher

import os
import pickle

import joblib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cosmic_toolbox import file_utils, logger
from pzflow import Flow

from edelweiss import nflow_utils

LOGGER = logger.get_logger(__file__)

[docs] def load_nflow(path, band=None, subfolder=None): """ Load a normalizing flow from a given path. :param path: path to the folder containing the emulator :param band: the band to load (if None, assumes that there is only one nflow) :param subfolder: subfolder of the emulator folder where the normalizing flow is stored :return: the loaded normalizing flow """ if subfolder is None: subfolder = "nflow" if band is not None: subfolder = subfolder + "_" + band output_directory = os.path.join(path, subfolder) with open(os.path.join(output_directory, "nflow.pkl"), "rb") as f: nflow = pickle.load(f) nflow.flow = Flow(file=os.path.join(output_directory, "model.pkl")) nflow.scaler_input = joblib.load( os.path.join(output_directory, "scalers/flow_scaler_input.pkl") ) nflow.scaler_output = joblib.load( os.path.join(output_directory, "scalers/flow_scaler_output.pkl") ) return nflow
[docs] class Nflow: """ The normalizing flow class that wraps a pzflow normalizing flow. :param output: the names of the output parameters :param input: the names of the input parameters (=conditional parameters) :param scaler: the scaler to use for the normalizing flow """ def __init__(self, output=None, input=None, scaler="standard"): """ Initialize the normalizing flow. """ if isinstance(input, tuple): input = np.array(input) if isinstance(output, tuple): output = np.array(output) self.input = input self.output = output if input is None: input = [] if output is None: output = [] self.all_params = np.concatenate([input, output]) self.scaler = scaler self.scaler_input, self.scaler_output = nflow_utils.get_scalers(scaler)
[docs] def train( self, X, epochs=100, batch_size=1024, progress_bar=True, verbose=True, min_loss=5, ): """ Train the normalizing flow. :param X: the features to train on (recarray) :param epochs: number of epochs :param batch_size: batch size :param progress_bar: whether to show a progress bar :param verbose: whether to print the losses :param min_loss: minimum loss that is allowed for convergence """ self.epochs = epochs self.batch_size = batch_size"==============================")"Training normalizing flow with")"{len(X)} samples and")"conditional parameters: {self.input}")"other parameters: {self.output}")"==============================") X = pd.DataFrame(X) if self.input is not None: X[self.input] = self.scaler_input.fit_transform(X[self.input]) if self.output is None: self.output = X.columns self.all_params = self.output X[self.output] = self.scaler_output.fit_transform(X[self.output]) self.flow = Flow(data_columns=self.output, conditional_columns=self.input) self.losses = self.flow.train( X, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, progress_bar=progress_bar, verbose=verbose, ) nflow_utils.check_convergence(self.losses, min_loss=min_loss) "Training completed with best loss at" f" epoch {np.argmin(self.losses)}/{self.epochs}" f" with loss {np.min(self.losses):.2f}" )
fit = train
[docs] def sample(self, X=None, n_samples=1): """ Sample from the normalizing flow. :param X: the features to sample from (recarray or None for non-conditional sampling) :param n_samples: number of samples to draw, number of total samples is n_samples * len(X) :return: the sampled features (including the conditional parameters) """ if X is not None: params = X.dtype.names assert np.all( list(params) == self.input ), "Input parameters do not match the trained parameters" X = pd.DataFrame(X) X[self.input] = self.scaler_input.transform(X[self.input]) f = self.flow.sample(n_samples, conditions=X) f = f.reindex(columns=self.all_params) # Find NaNs and replace with mean f.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan, inplace=True) nan_inf_mask = f.isna() n_nans = f.isna().sum().sum() if n_nans > 0: LOGGER.warning(f"Found {n_nans} NaNs or infs in the sampled data") column_means = f.mean() f.fillna(column_means, inplace=True) # Inverse transform if self.input is not None: f[self.input] = self.scaler_input.inverse_transform(f[self.input]) f[self.output] = self.scaler_output.inverse_transform(f[self.output]) # Reintroduce NaNs f[nan_inf_mask] = np.nan return f.to_records(index=False)
__call__ = sample
[docs] def save(self, path, band=None, subfolder=None): """ Save the normalizing flow to a given path. :param path: path to the folder where the emulator is saved :param subfolder: subfolder of the emulator folder where the normalizing flow is stored """ if subfolder is None: subfolder = "nflow" if band is not None: subfolder = subfolder + "_" + band output_directory = os.path.join(path, subfolder) file_utils.robust_makedirs(output_directory) flow_path = os.path.join(output_directory, "model.pkl") self.flow = None LOGGER.debug(f"Flow saved to {flow_path}") scaler_path = os.path.join(output_directory, "scalers") file_utils.robust_makedirs(scaler_path) scaler_input_path = os.path.join(scaler_path, "flow_scaler_input.pkl") scaler_output_path = os.path.join(scaler_path, "flow_scaler_output.pkl") joblib.dump(self.scaler_input, scaler_input_path) joblib.dump(self.scaler_output, scaler_output_path) self.scaler_input = None self.scaler_output = None LOGGER.debug(f"Scalers saved to {scaler_path}") with open(os.path.join(output_directory, "nflow.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f)"Normalizing flow saved to {output_directory}")