Source code for esub.epipe

#! /usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (C) 2019 ETH Zurich,
# Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
# Author: Dominik Zuercher, adapted by Silvan Fischbacher

# System imports
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import argparse
import shlex
import subprocess

# package imports
import sys

import yaml
from ekit import logger as logger_utils

from esub import esub

LOGGER = logger_utils.init_logger(__name__)

[docs]def starter_message(): print(" ") print(" _____ ") print("________________(_)____________ ") print("_ _ \\__ __ \\_ /___ __ \\ _ \\ ") print("/ __/_ /_/ / / __ /_/ / __/ ") print("\\___/_ .___//_/ _ .___/\\___/ ") print(" /_/ /_/ ") print(" ")
[docs]def format_loop_cmd(command, index, entry): """ Inserts a loop index into a command if specified by eg. "{}" inside the command. Then evaluates the command as an f-string to resolve possible (e.g. mathematical) expressions. :param command: command string :param index: loop index :return: command with loop index inserted at all places specified by curly brackets and optional format specifications and afterwards as f-string evaluated """ # format index_repeated = [] while True: try: # if this fails, there are more places where the index # should be inserted than we currently have items in # the list command_formatted = command.format(*index_repeated) break except IndexError: index_repeated.append(entry) # evaluate as f-string command_formatted = eval('f"{}"'.format(command_formatted)) return command_formatted
[docs]def represents_int(s): """ Checks if string can be converted to integer :param s: string to be checked :return: True if s can be converted to an integer and False otherwise """ try: int(s) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def make_submit_command(base_cmd, name, deps, job_dict, parameters): """ Adds the dependencies to the base command given in the pipeline Also tries to replace variables indicated by [] brackets. :param base_cmd: The command string given in pipeline file :param name: The job name :param deps: The dependencies of the job :param job_dict: The jobs dictionary :param parameters: A dictionary holding global variables. Function attempts to replace them in the command string :return: Complete submission string """ dep_string = "" for dep in deps: if represents_int(dep): job_ids = [dep] elif dep in job_dict.keys(): job_ids = job_dict[dep] else: LOGGER.warning( "Did not find a job named {}. \ Ignoring dependencies on it".format(dep) ) continue for job_id in job_ids: dep_string += "ended({}) && ".format(int(job_id)) dep_string = dep_string[:-4] dep_string = '"' + dep_string + '"' cmd = ( base_cmd + " --job_name={}".format(name) + " --dependency={}".format(dep_string) ) # Attempt variable replacement while True: rep = cmd.find("$") if rep == -1: break start = cmd[rep:].index("[") + rep stop = cmd[rep:].index("]") + rep rep_key = cmd[start + 1 : stop] cmd = cmd[:rep] + str(parameters[rep_key]) + cmd[stop + 1 :] return cmd
[docs]def submit(cmd, assert_ids=True): """ Runs the command and receives its job index which gets added to the dependency list. :param cmd: Command string to submit :param assert_ids: whether to check that job ids were successfully obtained :return: The ids of the just submitted jobs """ stdout_lines = [] with subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True, ) as proc: # read stdout for line in proc.stdout: stdout_lines.append(line) if esub.TIMEOUT_MESSAGE in line: LOGGER.warning(esub.TIMEOUT_MESSAGE) # read stderr for line in proc.stdout: stdout_lines.append(line) if esub.TIMEOUT_MESSAGE in line: LOGGER.warning(esub.TIMEOUT_MESSAGE) # read stderr stderr = "\n".join(proc.stderr) # raise an exception in case the process did not terminate successfully if proc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Running the command "{}" failed with\ exit code {}. Error: \n{}'.format( cmd, proc.returncode, stderr ) ) # get ids of newly submitted jobs last_line = stdout_lines[-1] ids = [] for string in last_line.split("Submitted job ids:")[-1].split(" "): try: int(string) ids.append(string) except ValueError: pass if assert_ids: assert ( len(ids) > 0 ), "Something went wrong, did not manage to get any job ids from stdout" return ids
[docs]def get_parameters(step): """ Extracts and stores global variables from the\ parameter object in epipe file :param step: epipe object instance :return : Dictionary holding the global variables """ param_list = step["parameters"] parameters = {} for element in param_list: key = list(element.keys())[0] parameters[key] = element[key] parameter_dict = {} for par_key in parameters.keys(): parameter_dict[par_key] = parameters[par_key] for key in parameter_dict.keys(): LOGGER.debug(f"Setting parameter {key} -> {parameter_dict[key]}") return parameter_dict
[docs]def process_item( step, job_dict, index=-1, loop_entry=None, loop_dependence=None, parameters=None, assert_ids=True, ): """ Processes one of the epipe items in the pipeline :param step: The job item :param job_dict: The previous job id dictionary :param index: Loop index if within a loop :param loop_dependence: The overall dependencies of the loop structure if within a loop :param parameters: A dictionary holding global variables. Function attempts to replace them in the command string :param assert_ids: whether to check that job ids were successfully obtained :return: An updated dictionary containing the already submitted jobs and the newly submitted job """ if parameters is None: parameters = dict() deps = [] in_loop = index >= 0 # direct dependencies of the item itself if "dep" in step.keys(): step["dep"] = str(step["dep"]) dependencies = step["dep"].replace(" ", "").split(",") for dep in dependencies: deps.append(dep) # if we are inside a loop, then format the # loop-internal dependencies as necessary if in_loop: for ii, dep in enumerate(deps): if not represents_int(dep): deps[ii] = "{}__{}".format(dep, loop_entry) # add the global dependencies of the loop if loop_dependence is not None: for lp in loop_dependence: deps.append(lp) # get the job name and the job command job_name = step["name"] base_cmd = step["cmd"].strip() if in_loop: job_name = "{}__{}".format(job_name, loop_entry) base_cmd = format_loop_cmd(base_cmd, index, loop_entry) # submit the job LOGGER.debug(f"Propagating dependencies {deps} to job {job_name}")"Submitting job {}".format(job_name)) cmd = make_submit_command(base_cmd, job_name, deps, job_dict, parameters) print(cmd) new_ids = submit(cmd, assert_ids=assert_ids) job_dict[job_name] = new_ids
[docs]def main(args=None): """ epipe main function. Accepts a epipe yaml configuration file and runs the pipeline. :param args: Command line arguments """ if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] description = "This is epipe a tool to easily submit\ pipelines to a clusters queing system" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, add_help=True) # parse all the submitter arguments parser.add_argument( "pipeline", type=str, action="store", help="Path to the pipeline file. Format should be as " "specified in the epipe example. Check " "documentations", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore_jobid_errors", action="store_true", help="Switches off checks checking " "wheter ids of submitted " "jobs were successfully obtained, useful for " "testing", ) parser.add_argument( "--epipe_verbosity", type=int, default=3, choices=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), help="epipe verbosity. From 0-4 with 4 being " "the most verbose. Default is 3 (info).", ) args = parser.parse_args(args) logger_utils.set_logger_level(LOGGER, args.epipe_verbosity) pipeline = args.pipeline LOGGER.debug(f"Using pipeline in file {pipeline}") assert_ids = not args.ignore_jobid_errors # read pipeline file with open(pipeline, "r") as f: pipeline = yaml.load(f, yaml.FullLoader) starter_message() # parse all the jobs and their dependencies from the pipeline string job_dict = {}"Starting submission") parameters = None for step in pipeline: LOGGER.debug(f"Processing item {step}") if "parameters" in step.keys(): LOGGER.debug("Found parameter object") parameters = get_parameters(step) continue if "loop" in step.keys(): LOGGER.debug("Found loop object") loop_entries = list(step["loop"]) if len(loop_entries) == 2: if isinstance(loop_entries[0], int) & isinstance(loop_entries[1], int): LOGGER.warning( "Loop object has structure " "[int1, int2] -> Intrepreting as a range!" ) loop_entries = [x for x in range(loop_entries[0], loop_entries[1])]"Submitting loop indices {loop_entries}") deps = [] # get the names of all jobs that have been # submitted before the loop submitted_jobs = set(job_dict.keys()) if "dep" in step.keys(): step["dep"] = str(step["dep"]) dependencies = step["dep"].replace(" ", "").split(",") for dep in dependencies: deps.append(dep) for index, entry in enumerate(loop_entries): for item in step["items"]: process_item( item, job_dict, index=index, loop_entry=entry, loop_dependence=deps, parameters=parameters, assert_ids=assert_ids, ) # find the names of the newly submitted jobs loop_jobs = set(job_dict.keys()) - submitted_jobs # add the loop as a whole to the job dictionary job_dict[step["name"]] = [] for loop_job in loop_jobs: job_dict[step["name"]] += job_dict[loop_job] else: process_item(step, job_dict, parameters=parameters, assert_ids=assert_ids) for key in job_dict.keys(): job_ids = " ".join(map(str, job_dict[key]))"Submitted job {key} with id(s): {job_ids}")"Submission finished")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()