Source code for ivy.backend

# Copyright (C) 2013 ETH Zurich, Institute for Astronomy

Created on Mar 18, 2014

author: jakeret
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from multiprocessing import Pool
import time
from ivy.context import getContextProvider
from ivy.utils.timing import SimpleTiming
from ivy.utils.timing import TimingCollection

[docs]class SimpleMapPlugin(object): def __init__(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx
[docs] def getWorkload(self): return [self.ctx]
[docs]class SequentialBackend(object): """ Simple implementation of a backend executing the plugins in a sequential order """ def __init__(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx
[docs] def run(self, loop, mapPlugin=None): if mapPlugin is None: mapPlugin=SimpleMapPlugin(self.ctx) return list(map(LoopWrapper(loop), mapPlugin.getWorkload()))
[docs]class MultiprocessingBackend(object): """ Backend based on Python's multiprocessing. Will instantiate a multiprocessing pool with ``ctx.params.cpu_count`` processes. """ def __init__(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx
[docs] def run(self, loop, mapPlugin): pool = Pool(self.ctx.params.cpu_count) try: ctxList =, True), mapPlugin.getWorkload()) timingCollection = TimingCollection(str(loop)) for ctx in ctxList: for timing in ctx.timings: timingCollection.addTiming(timing) self.ctx.timings.append(timingCollection) return ctxList finally: pool.close()
[docs]class IpClusterBackend(object): """ Backend based on IPython cluster. Will distribute the workload among the available engines. """ def __init__(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx
[docs] def run(self, loop, mapPlugin): from IPython import parallel client = parallel.Client() view = client.load_balanced_view() try: return view.map_sync(LoopWrapper(loop), mapPlugin.getWorkload()) finally: pass
# view.close()
[docs]class JoblibBackend(object): """ Backend based on the joblib package Will instantiate a multiprocessing pool with ``ctx.params.cpu_count`` processes. """ def __init__(self, ctx): self.ctx = ctx
[docs] def run(self, loop, mapPlugin): import joblib with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=self.ctx.params.cpu_count) as parallel: ctxList = parallel(joblib.delayed(LoopWrapper(loop, True), False)(ctx) for ctx in mapPlugin.getWorkload()) timingCollection = TimingCollection(str(loop)) for ctx in ctxList: for timing in ctx.timings: timingCollection.addTiming(timing) self.ctx.timings.append(timingCollection) return ctxList
[docs]class LoopWrapper(object): """ Callable wrapper for the loop execution """ def __init__(self, loop, parallel=False): self.loop = loop self.parallel = parallel def __call__(self, ctx): if self.parallel: ctx.timings = [] self.loop.ctx = ctx for plugin in self.loop: print(plugin) start = time.time() plugin() ctx.timings.append(SimpleTiming(str(plugin), time.time() - start)) getContextProvider().storeContext() self.loop.reset() return ctx
BACKEND_NAME_MAP = {"sequential": SequentialBackend, "multiprocessing": MultiprocessingBackend, "ipcluster": IpClusterBackend, "joblib": JoblibBackend, }
[docs]def create(ctx, force=None): ''' Simple factory instantiating backends for the given name in ``ctx.params.backend`` ''' backend_name = ctx.params.backend if force is None else force return BACKEND_NAME_MAP[backend_name](ctx)