plugin Package

base_plugin Module

Created on Mar 4, 2014

author: jakeret

class ivy.plugin.base_plugin.BasePlugin(ctx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract base class for all the plugins providing standardized interfaces

parallel_plugin_collection Module

Created on Mar 18, 2014

author: jakeret

class ivy.plugin.parallel_plugin_collection.ParallelPluginCollection(pluginList, mapPlugin, reducePlugin=None, ctx=None, parallel=True)[source]

Bases: ivy.plugin.base_plugin.BasePlugin

Collection that allows for executing plugins in parallel by using a MapReduce aprach. The implementation therefore requires a list of plugins to execute, a map plugin creating the workload and (optionally) a reduce plugin reducing the data from the parallel task exection

  • pluginList – List of plugins (or a Loop) which should be executed in parallel
  • mapPlugin
  • reducePlugin – (optional)
  • ctx – (optional)

plugin_factory Module

Created on Mar 5, 2014

author: jakeret

class ivy.plugin.plugin_factory.PluginFactory[source]

Bases: object

Simple factory creating instances of plugins

static createInstance(pluginName, ctx)[source]

Instantiates the given plugin. Expects that the given module contains a class

with the name ‘Plugin’

Parameters:pluginName – name of the plugin to instanciate
Return plugin:an instance of the plugin