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1# Copyright (C) 2018 ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
4Created on Mar 6, 2018
5author: Joerg Herbel
8import numpy as np
10# ==================================================================
11# G E N E R A L
12# ==================================================================
14# Filters
16# Filter bands (multi-band only):
17filters = ["g", "r", "i", "z", "Y"]
19# Reference filter band for cutting eg. apparent star magnitudes:
20reference_band = "r"
22# Output
24# Tile name (multi-band only):
25tile_name = "ufig"
27# Format of image names (multi-band only):
28image_name_format = "{}_{}.fits"
30# Format of galaxy catalog names (multi-band only)
31galaxy_catalog_name_format = "{}_{}"
33# Format of star catalog names (multi-band only)
34star_catalog_name_format = "{}_{}"
36# Format of detection clf catalog names (multi-band only)
37det_clf_catalog_name_format = "{}_{}"
39# Dictionary of image names (multi-band only):
40image_name_dict = {}
42# Dictionary of galaxy catalog names (multi-band only):
43galaxy_catalog_name_dict = {}
45# Dictionary of star catalog names (multi-band only):
46star_catalog_name_dict = {}
48# Dictionary of detection clf catalog names (multi-band:
49det_clf_catalog_name_dict = {}
50# only)
52# output image name:
53image_name = "ufig.fits"
55# output catalog of galaxies used:
56galaxy_catalog_name = ""
58# output catalog of stars used:
59star_catalog_name = ""
62# True if file should be overwritten:
63overwrite = True
65# Maps path
67# Remote dir containing shear and PSF maps:
68maps_remote_dir = "ufig_res/maps/"
70# Directory for writing SExtractor weight maps to fits:
71tempdir_weight_fits = ""
73# Filepath containing overlap information:
74filepath_overlapblock = None
77# Seed and RNGs
79# General seed set when initializing UFig:
80seed = 102301239
82# Seed offset set before converting mags to number of phot for gals
83gal_nphot_seed_offset = 500
85# Seed offset set before sampling the number of stars:
86star_num_seed_offset = 600
88# Seed offset set before sampling star positions:
89star_dist_seed_offset = 700
91# Seed offset set before converting mags to number of phot for stars
92star_nphot_seed_offset = 800
94# Seed offset set before rendering the gals (different phot noise)
95gal_render_seed_offset = 900
97# Seed offset set before rendering the stars (different phot noise)
98star_render_seed_offset = 1000
100# Seed offset set before drawing the background values in each pixel
101background_seed_offset = 1100
102coeffs_seed_offset = 1300 # Seed offset set before drawing template coefficients
104# Seed offset set before adding compression noise to image
105compression_noise_seed_offset = 123234
107# galsbi seeds that are needed in ufig
108seed_ngal = 500
109gal_dist_seed_offset = 200
110gal_sersic_seed_offset = 300
111gal_ellipticities_seed_offset = 400
113# Value in ADU out to which stellar profiles are rendered (should be
114render_stars_accuracy = 0.3
115# sub-dominant to noise rms)
118# Number of threads used when rendering photon-based:
119n_threads_photon_rendering = 1
121# Stars below this magnitude will be rendered:
122mag_pixel_rendering_stars = 17
123# using pixel fft, ignoring higher order PSF moments
125# ==================================================================
126# C A M E R A
127# ==================================================================
129# pixel scale (arcsec/pixel):
130pixscale = 0.263
132# Dictionary of saturation levels (multi-band only):
133saturation_level_dict = {}
135# Dictionary of gain_dict (multi-band only):
136gain_dict = {}
138# saturation (ADU):
139saturation_level = 35256.77280358
141# gain (e/ADU):
142gain = 4.321430284118572
144# ==================================================================
145# I M A G E P R O P E R T I E S
146# ==================================================================
148# number of pixels on image x-axis:
149size_x = 10000
151# number of pixels on image y-axis:
152size_y = 10000
154# center of field:
155ra0 = 70.459787
157# center of field:
158dec0 = -44.244444
160# Dictionary of magnitude zeropoints (multi-band only):
161magzero_dict = {}
163# magnitude zeropoint:
164magzero = 30.0
166# Dictionary of exposure times (multi-band only):
167exposure_time_dict = {}
169# exposure time (s) of a single exposure:
170exposure_time = 90.0
172# precision of the image:
173image_precision = np.float64
175# ==================================================================
176# I N P U T C A T A L O G S
177# ==================================================================
179nside_sampling = 512
180apparent_magnitude_offset = 0.0
182# Stars
183# ----------------------------------
184# magnitude distribution (empricial)
185# ----------------------------------:
188# coefficient for CDF of stars:
189stars_mag_0 = 17
191# coefficients for CDF of stars:
192stars_mag_cdf_a = 0.000214734
194# magnitude distribution (a0,:
195stars_mag_cdf_b = -0.00978518
197# a1, a2, a3 for (A.7) in Berge:
198stars_mag_cdf_c = 0.189962
200# et al. 2012):
201stars_mag_cdf_d = 2.80165
203# maximum star magnitude cutoff:
204stars_mag_max = 27.0
206# minimum star magnitude cutoff:
207stars_mag_min = 14.0
209# increase or decrease the number of stars:
210# (they will be resampled from the Besancon model)
211stars_counts_scale = 1
213# catalog precision
214catalog_precision = np.float64
216# ---------------------------------
217# magnitude distribution (Besancon)
218# ---------------------------------
220# type of Besancon to use, options available::
221# besancon_map - use spatially varying Besancon model
222# besancon_gaia_splice - splice GAIA and Besancon
223star_catalogue_type = "besancon_map"
225# Format of besancon catalog file name (multi-band only)
226besancon_cat_name_format = "{}_besancon.fits"
228# Catalog containing sample of stars:
229besancon_cat_name = "ufig_besancon.fits"
231# --------------------------------
232# GAIA stars
233# --------------------------------
234filepath_gaia = "DES0441-4414_gaia.h5"
235gaia_mag_g_limit = 19
237# Maximum distanace in pixels to match detected objects with GAIA input
238max_dist_pix_match_gaia = 1
240# ---------------------------------------------------
241# spatially varying magnitude distribution (Besancon)
242# ---------------------------------------------------
244# Path to pickle file containing list of available Besancon catalogs:
245besancon_map_path = "cats/besancon_map_y1a1_nside8.pkl"
247# Galaxies
248# ------------------------------------
249# magnitude distribution (single-band)
250# ------------------------------------
252# coefficient for CDF of galaxies:
253gals_mag_0 = 23
255# coefficients for CDF of galaxies:
256gals_mag_cdf_a = 0
258# magnitude distribution (a0,a1, a2, a3 for (A.7) in Berge et al. 2012):
259gals_mag_cdf_b = -0.0076
260gals_mag_cdf_c = 0.356
261gals_mag_cdf_d = 4.52
263# maximum galaxy magnitude cutoff:
264gals_mag_max = 27
266# minimum galaxy magnitude cutoff:
267gals_mag_min = 16
269# -----------------------------------
270# size-mag distribution (single-band)
271# -----------------------------------
273# rms r50 size distribution (arcsec):
274size_sigma = 0.35638773798050416
276# corr angle for r50 size-mag theta in (A.11) Berge et al. 2012
277size_theta = 0.10000007376338751
279# mean magnitude; mag_p in (A.11):
280size_mag_mean = 25.309
282# mean log(r50); log(r50,p) in (A.11):
283size_log_mean = -0.796
286# --------------------------
287# Limit on number of photons
288# --------------------------
291# Upper limit on the sum of the number of photons for all galaxies. This parameter has
292# the function to limit runtime for ABC runs. A reasonable value depends, among others,
293# on the size of the image and the apparent magnitude limits:
294n_phot_sum_gal_max = np.inf
297# ==================================================================
298# S H E A R
299# ==================================================================
301# Type of the shear field (constant or variable):
302shear_type = "constant"
304# ---------------
305# constant shear
306# ---------------
308# 1-Component of constant shear added to ellipticity:
309g1_constant = 0.0
311# 2-Component of constant shear added to ellipticity:
312g2_constant = 0.0
314# --------------
315# variable shear
316# --------------
318# Shear maps; must be stored in res/maps/ or in remote_dir
319shear_maps = "shear_maps.fits"
321# Prefactor to account for a potential flipping of the shear g1-map:
322g1_prefactor = -1
324# ==================================================================
325# P S F
326# ==================================================================
328# Type of the PSF field to add, options
329# constant_moffat:
330# maps_moffat:
331# coadd_moffat_cnn
332# coadd_moffat_cnn_read:
333psf_type = "constant_moffat"
336# beta parameter of the Moffat PSF:
337# Relative flux in the first component of the PSF (set to one if PSF
338# consists of a single component)
339psf_beta = [3.5]
340psf_flux_ratio = 1.0
341psf_flux_ratio_variable = False
343# ------------
344# constant psf
345# ------------
347# FWHM of total PSF (arcsec):
348seeing = 0.9
350# mean PSF e1:
351psf_e1 = 0.015
353# mean PSF e2:
354psf_e2 = 0.01
356# ------------
357# variable psf
358# ------------
360# Format of file names of PSF maps (multi-band only)
361psf_maps_file_name_format = "psf_{}.fits"
363# Dictionary of file names of PSF maps (multi-band only):
364psf_maps_dict = {}
366# Healpy maps with PSF fields (0: r50, 1: e1, 2: e2):
367psf_maps = "sva1_2048_psf.fits"
368filepath_psfmodel_input = "DES0441-4414_r_psfmodel.h5"
369filepath_psfmodel_input_format = "DES0441-4414_{}_psfmodel.h5"
370filepath_psfmodel_input_dict = {}
373# Fudge factor calibrating input psf_r50:
374psf_r50_factor = 1.0
376# Additive shift calibrating input psf_r50:
377psf_r50_shift = 0.0
379# Fudge factor calibrating input psf_e1:
380psf_e1_factor = 1.0
382# Additive shift calibrating input psf_e1:
383psf_e1_shift = 0.0
385# Prefactor to account for a potential flipping of the PSF e1-map:
386psf_e1_prefactor = -1
388# Fudge factor calibrating input psf_e2:
389psf_e2_factor = 1.0
391# factors to modify the PSF cnn parameters:
392psf_cnn_factors = {
393 "psf_fwhm_cnn": [0.0, 1.0],
394 "psf_e1_cnn": [0.0, 1.0],
395 "psf_e2_cnn": [0.0, 1.0],
396 "psf_f1_cnn": [0.0, 1.0],
397 "psf_f2_cnn": [0.0, 1.0],
398 "psf_g1_cnn": [0.0, 1.0],
399 "psf_g2_cnn": [0.0, 1.0],
400 "psf_kurtosis_cnn": [0.0, 1.0],
401 "psf_flux_ratio_cnn": [0, 1.0],
405# exponential suppression factor for the PSF flexions:
406psf_flexion_suppression = -5.0
409# ==============
410# PSF estimation
411# ==============
413# Output PSF model:
414filepath_psfmodel_output = "ufig_psfmodel.h5"
416# Format of SExtractor output catalog filenames (multi-band only)
417filepath_psfmodel_output_format = "{}.psfmodel.h5"
419# Dictionary of file names of output catalogs:
420filepath_psfmodel_output_dict = {}
421# (multi-band only)
423# Whether to store the filepath_psfmodel_output file (False will remove it)
424psfmodel_output_store = False
426# Polynomial order for fitting PSF:
427psfmodel_poly_order = 5
429# Regression regularisation parameter:
430psfmodel_ridge_alpha = 1e-6
432# Type of polynomial to fit, options: [standard, chebyshev]:
433psfmodel_polynomial_type = "standard"
435# magnitude of stars used in PSF fitting:
436psfmodel_star_mag_range = [17, 22]
438# clip star outliers in PSF measurement:
439psfmodel_n_sigma_clip = 3
441# fraction of stars to exclude from PSF fitting, use later for validation
442psfmodel_fraction_validation_stars = 0
444# parameters for correcting brighter fatter, None or dict, example: {'c1r': 0.22,
445# 'c1e1': -0.02, 'c1e2': 0.00, 'mag_ref':22}:
446psfmodel_corr_brighter_fatter = None
448# columns use to find star outliers
449psfmodel_outlier_removal_columns = [
450 "psf_fwhm",
451 "psf_e1",
452 "psf_e2",
455# ================
456# Shear estimation
457# ================
459# which method to use for shape estimation [moments_source_extractor, hsm]:
460shear_estimation_method = "moments_source_extractor"
461shear_estimation_stamp_shape = 29
462shear_estimation_moments_window = "FLUX_RADIUS"
463shear_estimation_hsm_round_moments = True
464shear_estimation_hsm_params = {"max_mom2_iter": 1000}
466# ===============
467# remove overlap with multiple tiles
468# ===============
469filename_overlapblock = "DES0441-4414_overlapblock.h5"
471# ==================================================================
472# R A D I A L G A L A X Y P R O F I L E S T A B L E
473# ==================================================================
475# Whether table with values of the inverse is computed on-the-fly
476compute_gamma_table_onthefly = False
478# size of the interpolation for the:
479sersicprecision = 9
481# interpolation of the intrinsic galaxy function:
482gammaprecision = 13
484# boundary between different interpolation regimes of the radial cdf
485gammaprecisionhigh = 4
486# Wheter to copy the gamma table to the current working directory to avoid too many jobs
487# accessing the same file
488copy_gamma_table_to_cwd = False
490# ==================================================================
491# B A C K G R O U N D A N D E X P O S U R E T I M E
492# ==================================================================
494# Format of sysmaps:
495# 'sysmaps_hdf'
496# 'sysmaps_hdf_combined'
497sysmaps_type = "sysmaps_hdf"
500# Background
502# Type of the background model:
503background_type = "gaussian"
505# --------------
506# constant noise
507# --------------
509# rms Gaussian noise (ADU) in coadd:
510background_sigma = 5.8819049462619528
512# -----------------------------------------------
513# single-file systematic maps with exposure info
514# #-----------------------------------------------
515filepath_sysmaps = "tile_sys/DES0441-4414_r_sysmaps.h5"
517# Format of file names of background images (multi-band only)
518filepath_sysmaps_format = "tile_sys/DES0441-4414_{}_sysmaps.h5"
520# Dictionary of file names of background images (multi-band only)
521filepath_sysmaps_dict = {}
524# --------------
525# variable noise
526# --------------
528# Format of file names of background images (multi-band only):
529bkg_rms_file_name_format = "ufig_{}_bgrms.fits"
530# Dictionary of file names of background images (multi-band only):
531bkg_rms_file_name_dict = {}
533# Map containing the RMS of the background across the image:
534bkg_rms_file_name = "background_rms.fits"
535# Scaling the background_rms-map
536bkg_noise_scale = 1.00
537# Amplitude of the bkg_rms-map and mean of const gaussian bkg:
538bkg_noise_amp = 0.0
540# Use if background_noise is called before convert_photons_to_adu:
541bkg_noise_multiply_gain = False
543# ------------------
544# compression noise
545# -----------------
546# Uniform noise in range [-compression_noise_level, compression_noise_level]
547compression_noise_level = 0.6
548# to emulate compression noise
550# -----------
551# chunked map
552# -----------
553chunksize = 2500 # Size of the quadratic chunks background map is split up in
555# Exposure Time
556exp_time_type = "constant" # Whether the exposure time varies across the image
558# ----------------------
559# constant exposure time
560# ----------------------
561n_exp_dict = {} # Dictionary of exposure time (multi-band only)
562n_exp = 7 # effective number of exposures in coadd
564# ----------------------
565# variable exposure time
566# ----------------------
568# Format of file names of exposure time images (multi-band only)
569exp_time_file_name_format = "ufig_{}_texp.fits"
571# Dictionary of file names of exposure time images (multi-band only)
572exp_time_file_name_dict = {}
574# Image of the exposure time in every pixel
575exp_time_file_name = ""
577# Background subtraction
579# number of iterations for sigma clipping
580bgsubract_n_iter = 10
582# spacing of pixels in img bkg estimation is done for (downsampling)
583bgsubract_n_downsample = 50
585# size in pixels for local sky subtraction
586back_size = 128
588# Resampling
590# lanczos_integral or read_from_file
591lanczos_kernel_type = "lanczos_integral"
593# -------
594# lanczos
595# -------
597# kernel to simulate correlated noise (only for lanczos_integral)
598lanczos_n = 2
600# ------------------------
601# empirical lanczos kernel
602# ------------------------
603# Filepath containing empirical resampling kernel
605filename_resampling_kernel = "lanczos_resampling_kernel_n3.txt"
607# ==================================================================
608# S O U R C E E X T R A C T O R
609# ==================================================================
611# SExtractor executable
612sextractor_binary = "sex"
614# SExtractor configuration file
615sextractor_config = ""
617# SExtractor S/G separation neural network
618sextractor_nnw = "default.nnw"
620# SExtractor filter
621sextractor_filter = "gauss_3.0_5x5.conv"
623# SExtractor parameter file
624sextractor_params = "default.param"
625# Format of SExtractor output catalog filenames (multi-band only)
626sextractor_catalog_name_format = "{}_{}.sexcat"
628# Dictionary of file names of output catalogs (multi-band only)
629sextractor_catalog_name_dict = {}
631# SExtractor output catalog
632sextractor_catalog_name = "ufig.sexcat"
634# SExtractor check-images; ["SEGMENTATION","BACKGROUND","APERTURES"]
635sextractor_checkimages = []
637# SExtractor check-images suffixes; ["_seg.fits","_bkg.fits","_ap.fits"]
638sextractor_checkimages_suffixes = []
639sextractor_use_temp = False
640sextractor_use_forced_photo = False
642# -----------------------------
643# variable source extractor run
644# -----------------------------
646# SExtractor weighting scheme (usually NONE or MAP_WEIGHT)
647weight_type = "NONE"
649# SExtractor boolean whether weight maps are gain maps (Y) or not (N)
650weight_gain = "N"
651# Format of file names of weight images (multi-band only)
652weight_image_format = "{}_{}_invvar.fits"
654# Dictionary of file names of weight images (multi-band only)
655weight_image_dict = {}
656# Name of weight image stored in maps_remote_dir
657weight_image = "DES0441-4414_r_invvar.fits"
658flag_gain_times_nexp = True
660# ---------------------------------------
661# Forced-photometry run (multi-band only)
662# ---------------------------------------
663# Dictionary of file names of output catalogs for forced-photometry mode (multi-band
664# only)
665sextractor_forced_photo_catalog_name_dict = {}
667# Format of SExtractor output catalog filenames for forced-photomery mode (multi-band
668# only)
669sextractor_forced_photo_catalog_name_format = "{}_{}_forced_photo.sexcat"
671# Filter band used as detection image for forced-photometry mode (multi-band only)
672sextractor_forced_photo_detection_bands = ["r"]
673# Dictionary of file names of mask files for forced-photometry mode (multi-band only)
674sextractor_mask_name_dict = {}
677# ==================================================================
678# M A T C H I N G
679# ==================================================================
681# Number of cells in which obj are matched each axis is divided
682matching_cells = 20
684# Percentage of overlap of matching cells
685cells_overlap = 0.05
687# Max radius in x- and y-direction for obj to be matched (pixels)
688max_radius = 2.5
690# Max mag difference for obj between input and output
691mag_diff = 4
693# Extension the SExtractor catalog resides in
694sextractor_ext = 2
696# Column containing x-coordinates used to match obj
697matching_x = "XWIN_IMAGE"
699# Column containing y-coordinates used to match obj
700matching_y = "YWIN_IMAGE"
702# Column containing magnitude used to match obj
703matching_mag = "MAG_AUTO"
705# ==================================================================
706# E M U L A T O R
707# ==================================================================
709# how to estimate the flux when running the emulator, options available:
710# - none: no flux estimation
711# - full_image: estimate flux from a simplified rendering of the full image
712# - points: equivalent to full_image but only evaluated at the positions of the objects
713# (and therefore sometimes faster)
714# - integrated: average galaxy density weighted by magnitudes and size
715# - binned_integrated: average galaxy density weighted by magnitudes and size in bins
716# - ngal: number of galaxies for different magnitude cuts
717flux_estimation_type = "none"
719# magnitude value that is used for scaling
720mag_for_scaling = [22, 23, 24]
722# r50 value that is used for scaling
723r50_for_scaling = 0.5
725# number of bins used for flux estimation
726n_bins_for_flux_estimation = 1
728# if to use the minimal emulator that does not require local information (e.g. bkg or
729# psf)
730emu_mini = False
733# ==================================================================
734# V A R I A B L E S Y S T E M A T I C S
735# ==================================================================
737# These parameters are used to add some noise on estimated systematics such
738# as background and PSF. This is useful to test the robustness of the pipeline
739# to small errors in the systematics.
741# Background
742# ----------------
743# standard deviation of the scatter added to the background amplitude
744bkg_amp_variation_sigma = 0.0
745bkg_amp_variation_sigma_dict = {}
746# standard deviation of the scatter added to the background noise
747bkg_noise_variation_sigma = 0.0
748bkg_noise_variation_sigma_dict = {}
750# PSF
751# ----------------
752# standard deviation of the scatter added to the PSF fwhm
753psf_fwhm_variation_sigma = 0.0
754psf_fwhm_variation_sigma_dict = {}