Source code for cosmoHammer.pso.CurvatureFitter

Created on Oct 30, 2013

@author: J.Akeret
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, \

from numpy.linalg.linalg import norm
from scipy.optimize.minpack import leastsq
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy
import sys

[docs]def parabola(p, theta, thetabar=1): """ Computation of the paraboloid for the given curvature matrix and samples. :param p: list of samples :param theta: vector containing the lower triangle of the matrix and the offset from the true mean :return: vector y from f(x,p) """ leng, dim = theta.shape corrm, v, mu = transform(dim, p) # _cov = corr2cov(corrm, v) # R = numpy.linalg.inv(_cov) if(any(v==0)): vi = v else: vi = numpy.diag(1/v) R =,, vi)) v = numpy.zeros(leng) for i,thetaj in enumerate(theta): thetaj = thetaj / thetabar v[i] =,, thetaj)) #+, mu)
return numpy.array(v)
[docs]def errfunc(p,theta,delta, thetabar): """ Error function defined by f(theta) - delta :param p: list of samples :param theta: the curvature matrix. see parabola def :param delta: the measured values """
return parabola(p, theta, thetabar) - delta
[docs]def errfunc2(p,theta,delta, thetabar): """ Error function defined by f(theta) - delta :param p: the curvature matrix. see parabola def :param theta: list of samples :param delta: the measured values """
return sum((parabola(p, theta, thetabar) - delta)**2)
[docs]def transform(dim, p): """ Transforms a vector containg the lower triangle of a matrix into a symmetric matrix :param p: the vector :return: the matrix and left over values """ corrm = numpy.identity(dim) k=0 for i in range(1,dim): for j in range(0,i): corrm[i,j]= p[k] k +=1 corrm += corrm.T - numpy.diag(corrm.diagonal()) vars = p[k:k+dim] mu = p[k+dim:]
return corrm, vars, mu
[docs]def reverse(dim, R, vars): """ Transforms a symmetric matrix into a vector containig the lower triangle :param R: the symmetric matrix :return: the vector """ p = numpy.zeros(int(dim*(dim-1)/2)) k=0 for i in range(1, dim): for j in range(i): p[k] = R[i,j] k +=1 p = numpy.append(p, vars)
return numpy.append(p, numpy.zeros_like(vars))
[docs]def bound(x): dim = int(1./2 * (numpy.sqrt(8*len(x)+1)-1)) _, stds, _ = transform(dim, x)
return stds
[docs]class CurvatureFitter(object): ''' Fits a paraboloid centered around the global best fit of the PSO by estimating a curvarture matrix with the particle given in the swarm :param swarm: list of particles :param gbest: the global best particle at the last iteration ''' def __init__(self, swarm, gbest): ''' Constructor ''' self.swarm = swarm self.gbest = gbest
[docs] def fit(self): """ Fits the paraboloid to the swarm particles :return: the mean = global best position and the estimated covariance matrix """ scale = 10**0 dim = len(self.gbest.position) x = numpy.array([particle.position * scale for particle in self.swarm]) theta = (x - self.gbest.position * scale) #/ (self.gbest.position * scale) norms = numpy.array(list(map(norm, theta))) b = (norms < 0.1) theta = theta[b] fitness = numpy.array([ * scale for particle in self.swarm]) fitness = fitness[b] delta = -2*(fitness - * scale) _cov = self.minimize1(dim, theta, delta) _cov = self.minimize2(dim, theta, delta)
return self.gbest.position, _cov
[docs] def minimize1(self, dim, theta, delta): p0Cor = numpy.random.uniform(-1,1,dim**2).reshape(dim, dim) p0Cor = p0Cor - numpy.diag(p0Cor) + numpy.identity(dim) p0 = reverse(dim, numpy.identity(dim), numpy.ones(dim)/20) popt, _,infodict,mesg,_ = leastsq(errfunc, p0, args=(theta, delta, self.gbest.position),full_output=True) print(mesg) ss_err=(infodict['fvec']**2).sum() ss_tot=((delta-delta.mean())**2).sum() rsquared=1-(ss_err/ss_tot) print("rsquared", rsquared) corrm, var, mu = transform(dim, popt) var = var * self.gbest.position _cov = corr2cov(corrm, var) print("used mu:", mu) print("found _cov:\n", _cov) sigma = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(_cov)) print( "=> found sigma:", sigma)
return _cov
[docs] def minimize2(self, dim, theta, delta): cons = ( {'type': 'ineq', 'fun' : lambda x: bound(x)}) p0 = reverse(dim, numpy.identity(dim), numpy.ones(dim)*self.gbest.position/10) res = minimize(errfunc2, p0, args=(theta, delta, self.gbest.position), constraints=cons, method='SLSQP', options={'disp': True, "ftol":1e-10}) popt=res.x corrm, var, mu = transform(dim, popt) var = var * self.gbest.position _cov = corr2cov(corrm, var) print("used mu:", mu) print("found _cov:\n", _cov) sigma = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(_cov)) print( "=> found sigma:", sigma)
return _cov
[docs]def corr2cov(corrm, var): dim = len(var) covm = numpy.empty((dim,dim)) for i in range(len(corrm)): for j in range(len(corrm)): covm[i,j] = corrm[i,j]*var[i]*var[j]
return covm
[docs]def rescale(_cov, v, dim): #rescaling cov2 = numpy.empty((dim, dim)) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): cov2[i,j] = _cov[i,j] * v[i] * v[j]
return cov2