Source code for PyCosmo.LinearPerturbationApprox

# This file is part of PyCosmo, a multipurpose cosmology calculation tool in Python.
# Copyright (C) 2013-2021 ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle and Astrophysics and SIS
# ID.
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import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate, special

from .LinearPerturbationBase import LinearPerturbationBase

[docs]class LinearPerturbationApprox(LinearPerturbationBase): r""" Class created to manage fitting functions for the computation of the linear matter power spectrum :math:`P_{lin}(k)`. The fitting functions provide transfer functions that are then used to compute the power spectrum. The different fitting functions can be selected using the *set function*: .. code-block:: python cosmo.set(pk_type = option) where *option* can be one the following keywords: - ``EH`` for `Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, ApJ, 511, 5 (default) <>`_ - ``BBKS`` for BBKS as summarized by `Peacock, 1997, MNRAS, 284, 885 <>`_ **For developers:** in order to compare the codes :math:`\textsf{PyCosmo}` and :math:`\texttt{CCL}` in terms of linear matter power spectrum computed with the *BBKS* fitting function, the user should choose a routine which is optimized for this purpose. This further option can be selected as: .. code-block:: python cosmo.set(pk_type = 'BBKS_CCL') where ``BBKS_CCL`` follows the implementation in the `CCL code <>`_ . """ def __init__(self, cosmo): self._cosmo = cosmo self._params = cosmo.params self._background = cosmo.background self._enrich_params()
[docs] def max_redshift(self, k): """computes max redshift for which this model is applicable. :param k: wavenumber k, introduced in the abstract base class since this might be needed for some models. [:math:`h Mpc^{-1}`] :returns: redshift """ avec = np.linspace(1e-4, 1, 10000) ai = avec[np.argmax(self._background._omega_m_a(avec))] return 1 / ai - 1
def _D1(self, a=1.0, norm=0): """ Computes the linear growth factor :math:`D(a)` by integrating the growth differential equation. :param a: scale factor [1] :param norm: normalisation scheme: 0: D(a=1)=1 (default), 1: D(a)=a in matter era, .. code-block:: python cosmo.lin_pert.growth_a(a) """ # assert k is None, 'this model {} does not consider k'.format(self) a = np.atleast_1d(a) ai = 1.0 / (self.max_redshift(None) + 1) a_start = min( np.concatenate((a, np.array([ai]))) ) # initial condition for integration if a_start < ai: raise ValueError(f"initial a_start={a_start} too high (at max {ai})") a = np.atleast_1d(a) a_out = np.concatenate((np.array([a_start]), a, np.array([1.0]))) perm = np.argsort(a_out) # keeping track of index that would sort the array a inverse_perm = np.argsort(perm) # useful indec for going back to original a_out = a_out[perm] y_start = np.array([1.0, 0.0]) # initial conditions: y1=G=1, y2=dG/dlna=0. x_out = np.log(a_out) u = integrate.odeint(self._growth_derivs, y_start, x_out) u0 = u[:, 0][inverse_perm] if norm == 0: D = u0[1:-1] * a / u0[-1] # normalise to D=1 at a=1 elif norm == 1: D = u0[1:-1] * a # normalise to D=a in matter dominated era else: raise ValueError("invalid value for norm, must be 0 or 1") return D
[docs] def growth_a(self, a, k=None, norm=0, diag_only=True): """ Returns the linear growth factor by calling a function that integrates the growth differential equation. It returns a vector of len(a) if k is None or a number, or if diag_only is set to True. Otherwise it returns a matrix with dimension (len(k), len(a)). :param a: scale factor [1] :param k: wavenumber k, necessary for massive neutrino models [:math:`h Mpc^{-1}`] :param norm: normalisation scheme: norm = 0: D(a=1)=1 (default), norm = 1: D(a)=a in matter era :param diag_only: if set to False, the growth factor is repeated and reshaped to match the shape of k :return: growth factor [1] """ if ( self._params.massive_nu_total_mass == 0.0 or self._params.N_massive_nu == 0.0 ): if k is None or np.isscalar(k) or diag_only: return self._D1(a, norm) k = np.atleast_1d(k) return np.repeat(self._D1(a, norm).reshape(1, -1), len(k), axis=0) if k is None: raise ValueError( "You must specify k since growth factor in EH with heavy neutrinos is" " k dependent!" ) a = np.atleast_1d(a) k = np.atleast_1d(k) if diag_only: assert a.shape == k.shape, "in diag_only mode a and k must have same length" growth_nu = self._D1(a, norm=1) * (1.0 + self._params._z_equality) term_1 = self._D1(a) * growth_nu ** (-self._params._p_cb) if diag_only: return term_1 * self._D_cb_diag(growth_nu, k) return term_1 * self._D_cb(growth_nu, k)
def _growth_derivs(self, y, x): """Compute derivatives for the ODE for calcuting the growth factor. !!!NEED TO INCLUDE REFERENCE!!! """ a_temp = np.exp( np.array(x) ) # ; x=ln(a) #; compute derivatives of y1=G and y2=dG/dlna f1 = y[1] # f1=dy1/dx=y2=dG/dlna _dlnh_dlna = self._background._dlnh_dlna(a=a_temp) f2 = ( -(4.0 + _dlnh_dlna) * y[1] - (3.0 + _dlnh_dlna - 1.5 * self._background._omega_m_a(a=a_temp)) * y[0] ) return [f1, f2] def _growth_derivs_nu(self, y, x): """Compute derivatives for the ODE for calcuting the growth factor including massive neutrinos. !!!NEED TO INCLUDE REFERENCE!!! """ a_temp = np.exp( np.array(x) ) # ; x=ln(a) #; compute derivatives of y1=G and y2=dG/dlna f1 = y[1] # f1=dy1/dx=y2=dG/dlna _dlnh_dlna = self._background._dlnh_dlna_massive_nu(a=a_temp) f2 = ( -(4.0 + _dlnh_dlna) * y[1] - (3.0 + _dlnh_dlna - 1.5 * self._background._omega_m_a(a=a_temp)) * y[0] ) return [f1, f2] def _growth_hyper_a(self, a=1.0): # , Om=0.25,z=0): """ LCDM growth function D(z) using hypergeometric function. Only valid for LCDM. This comes from Aseem Paranjape and is used for testing. ; param: a: scale factor ; return: D(a): growth factor normalised to 1 at a=1. """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) a_temp = np.append(a, [1.0]) acube = a_temp**3 hbyh0 = np.sqrt(self._background._H2_H02_a(a=a_temp)) g = ( hbyh0 / np.sqrt(self._params.omega_m) * np.power(a_temp, 2.5) * special.hyp2f1( 5.0 / 6, 1.5, 11.0 / 6, -acube * (1.0 / self._params.omega_m - 1) ) ) g /= g[-1] # normalised to 1 at a=1.0 return g[:-1]
[docs] def transfer_k(self, k): r""" Computes the linear matter transfer function using a choice of the currently available fitting functions. :param k: wavenumber :math:`[Mpc^{-1}]` :return: Matter transfer function :math:`T(k)` in :math:`Mpc^{3/2}`. """ if self._params.pk_type == "EH": if ( self._params.massive_nu_total_mass == 0.0 or self._params.N_massive_nu == 0.0 ): tk = self._transfer_EH(k) else: tk = self._T_master(k) elif self._params.pk_type in ("BBKS", "BBKS_CCL"): tk = self._transfer_BBKS(k) else: print( "transfer_k: error - only EH and BBKS fitting functions are supported" ) return tk
[docs] def powerspec_a_k(self, a=1.0, k=0.1, diag_only=False): """ Computes the linear total matter power spectrum, :math:`P_{lin}(k)`, using a choice of fitting functions. :param a: scale factor [1] :param k: wavenumber :math:`[Mpc]^{-1}` :param diag_only: if set to True: compute powerspectrum for pairs :math:`a_i, k_i`, else consider all combinations :math:`a_i, k_j` :return: Linear matter power spectrum, :math:`P_{lin}(k)`, in :math:`[Mpc]^3`. Example: .. code-block:: python cosmo.set(pk_type = option) cosmo.lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a,k) where ``option`` can be set to one of the fitting functions (``EH`` or ``BBKS``). """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) k = np.atleast_1d(k) if diag_only: assert len(a) == len(k) T_k = self.transfer_k(k=k) growth = self.growth_a(a, k, diag_only=diag_only) # using equation in section 2.4 of notes norm = ( 2.0 * np.pi**2 * self._params.deltah_norm**2 * (self._params.c / self._params.H0) ** (3.0 + self._params.n) ) if diag_only: pk = norm * growth**2 * k**self._params.n * T_k**2 else: pk = norm * growth**2 * (k**self._params.n * T_k**2).reshape(-1, 1) return pk
def _transfer_BBKS(self, k): """ BBKS transfer function as summarized by Peacock (1997, MNRAS, 284, 885) :param k: wavenumber [Mpc^-1] :return: T(k): BBKS matter transfer function [1] """ k = np.atleast_1d(k) q_pd = k / self._params.h / self._params.gamma if self._params.pk_type == "BBKS_CCL": tfac = self._params.Tcmb / 2.7 q_pd = q_pd * tfac**2 tk = ( np.log(1.0 + 2.34 * q_pd) / (2.34 * q_pd) * ( 1.0 + 3.89 * q_pd + (16.1 * q_pd) ** 2 + (5.46 * q_pd) ** 3 + (6.71 * q_pd) ** 4 ) ** (-0.25) ) return tk def _transfer_EH(self, k): """Return the CDM + baryon transfer function as defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, ApJ, 511, 5, Equation (16) Input: wave vector k in Mpc^-1""" T = self._params.omega_b / self._params.omega_m * self._T_b( k ) + self._params.omega_dm / self._params.omega_m * self._T_c(k) return T def _jn_spher(self, n, x): """Returns the spherical Bessel function of order n. This is used to compute the oscillatory feature of the baryonic transfer function as in Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, ApJ, 511, 5""" jn_spher = np.sqrt(np.pi / (2.0 * x)) * special.jn(n + 0.5, x) return jn_spher def _G(self, y): """Returns the function G as defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, ApJ, 511, 5, Equation (15) G(y) = y(-6. sqrt(1 + y) + (2 + 3 y) ln((sqrt(1 + y) + 1)/(sqrt(1 + y) - 1))) and needed to calculate alpha_b""" G = y * ( -6.0 * np.sqrt(1.0 + y) + (2.0 + 3.0 * y) * np.log((np.sqrt(1.0 + y) + 1.0) / (np.sqrt(1.0 + y) - 1.0)) ) return G def _photon2baryon_dens(self, z): """Returns the ratio of the baryon to photon momentum density R as defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, ApJ, 511, 5, Equation (5) for redshift z R = 31.5 omega_b h^2 sigma_27^-4 (z/10^3)^-1""" R = ( 31.5 * self._params.omega_b * self._params.h**2 * self._params._sigma_27 ** (-4) * (z / 10**3) ** (-1.0) ) return R def _T_0(self, k, alpha_c, beta_c): """Returns the transfer function T_0 as defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, ApJ, 511, 5, Equation (19) T_0 = ln(e+1.8 beta_c q)/(ln(e+1.8 beta_c q) + C q^2) where q = (k [Mpc^-1])/(13.41 k_eq) C = 14.2/alpha_c + 386/(1+69.9 q^1.08) alpha_c = a_1^(-omega_b/omega_0) a_2^(-(omega_b/omega_0)^3) a_1 = (46.9 omega_0 h^2)^0.670 (1+(32.1 omega_0 h^2)^-0.532) a_2 = (12.0 omega_0 h^2)^0.424 (1+(45.0 omega_0 h^2)^-0.582) beta_c^-1 = 1 + b_1 ((omega_c/omega_0)^b_2 - 1) b_1 = 0.944 (1 + (458 omega_0 h^2)^-0.708)^-1 b_2 = (0.395 omega_0 h^2)^-0.0266""" # Define the needed variables as in Eqs. (10), (20) q = k / (13.41 * self._params._k_eq) C = 14.2 / alpha_c + 386.0 / (1.0 + 69.9 * q**1.08) T_0 = np.log(np.e + 1.8 * beta_c * q) / ( np.log(np.e + 1.8 * beta_c * q) + C * q**2 ) return T_0 def _T_b(self, k): """Returns the baryonic part of the transfer function as defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, ApJ, 511, 5, Equation (21) T_b = (T_0(k,1,1)/(1 + (k s/5.2)^2) + alpha_b/(1 + (beta_c/(k s))^3)*e^-(k/k_Silk)^1.4 ) *j_0(k s_tilde) """ # Define the needed variable as in Eq. (22) s_tilde = self._params._sound_horiz / ( 1.0 + (self._params._beta_node / (k * self._params._sound_horiz)) ** 3 ) ** (1.0 / 3.0) T_b = ( self._T_0(k, 1.0, 1.0) / (1.0 + (k * self._params._sound_horiz / 5.2) ** 2) + self._params._alpha_b / (1.0 + (self._params._beta_b / (k * self._params._sound_horiz)) ** 3.0) * np.exp(-((k / self._params._k_Silk) ** 1.4)) ) * self._jn_spher(0, k * s_tilde) return T_b def _T_c(self, k): """Returns the CDM part of the transfer function as defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, ApJ, 511, 5, Equation (17) T_c = f T_0(k,1,beta_c) + (1 - f) T_0(k,alpha_c,beta_c) """ f = 1.0 / (1.0 + (k * self._params._sound_horiz / 5.4) ** 4) # Eq. (18) T_c = f * self._T_0(k, 1.0, self._params._beta_c) + (1.0 - f) * self._T_0( k, self._params._alpha_c, self._params._beta_c ) return T_c def _gamma_eff(self, k): """ :param k: wave vector k in Mpc^-1 :return: scale-dependent rescaling of the zero-baryon shape parameter gamma defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1, Equation (16) Gamma_eff =\ Omega_0 * h^2 * (sqrt(alpha_nu) + (1 - sqrt(alpha_nu)) / (1 + (0.43 * k * s)^4)) """ gamma_eff = ( (self._params.omega_m + self._params.omega_nu_m) * self._params.h**2 * ( np.sqrt(self._params._alpha_nu) + (1.0 - np.sqrt(self._params._alpha_nu)) / (1.0 + (0.43 * k * self._params._sound_horiz_nu) ** 4.0) ) ) return gamma_eff def _q_eff(self, k): """ :param k: wave vector k in Mpc^-1 :return: scale-dependent equation (17) defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1 q_eff = k * Sigma_2.7^2 / (Gamma_eff * Mpc^-1) """ q_eff = k * self._params._sigma_27**2.0 / self._gamma_eff(k) return q_eff def _T_master(self, k): """ :param k: wave vector k in Mpc^-1 :return: scale-dependent but time-independent master function defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1, Equation (24) T_master(k) = T_sup(k) * B(k) """ return self._T_sup(k) * self._B(k) def _T_sup(self, k): """ T_sup(k) = L / (L + C * q_eff^2) :param k: wave vector k in Mpc^-1 :return: small-scale suppressed CDM + baryon + massive neutrinos transfer function as defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1, Equation (18) """ L = np.log( np.e + 1.84 * self._params._beta_c_nu * np.sqrt(self._params._alpha_nu) * self._q_eff(k) ) # Eq. (19) C = 14.4 + 325.0 / (1.0 + 60.5 * self._q_eff(k) ** 1.08) # Eq. (20) return L / (L + C * self._q_eff(k) ** 2) def _B(self, k): """ :param k: wave vector k in Mpc^-1 :return: returns the function B(k) defined by Eq. (22) in Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1 """ assert self._params.N_massive_nu > 0, "need N_massive_nu > 0" assert self._params.massive_nu_total_mass > 0, "need massive_nu_total_mass > 0" q_nu = k / ( 3.42 * np.sqrt(self._params._f_nu / self._params.N_massive_nu) * self._params._k_eq_nu ) b_val = 1.0 + ( 1.24 * (self._params._f_nu**0.64) * (self._params.N_massive_nu ** (0.3 + 0.6 * self._params._f_nu)) ) / (q_nu**-1.6 + q_nu**0.8) return b_val def _y_fs(self, k): """ :param k: wave vector k in Mpc^-1 :return: free-streaming epoch as a function of scale defined by Eq. (14) in Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1 """ if self._params.massive_nu_total_mass == 0.0: return 0.0 q = ( k * self._params._sigma_27**2.0 * ((self._params.omega_m + self._params.omega_nu_m) * self._params.h**2) ** -1.0 ) y_fs = ( 17.2 * self._params._f_nu * (1.0 + 0.488 * self._params._f_nu ** -(7.0 / 6.0)) * (self._params.N_massive_nu * q / self._params._f_nu) ** 2.0 ) return y_fs def _D_cb(self, growth_nu, k): """ :param a: scale factor [1] :param k: wave vector k in Mpc^-1 :return: DM + baryons growth rate in the presence of free-streaming defined by Eq. (12) in Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1 """ return (1.0 + (np.outer(growth_nu, 1.0 / (1.0 + self._y_fs(k))).T) ** 0.7) ** ( self._params._p_cb / 0.7 ) def _D_cb_diag(self, growth_nu, k): """ :param a: scale factor [1] :param k: wave vector k in Mpc^-1 :return: DM + baryons growth rate in the presence of free-streaming defined by Eq. (12) in Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1 """ return (1.0 + (growth_nu / (1.0 + self._y_fs(k))) ** 0.7) ** ( self._params._p_cb / 0.7 ) def _enrich_params(self): """Sets the constant parameters needed for the LinearPerturbationApprox class. If pk_type = EH it sets the parameters needed for computing the transfer function as defined in Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, ApJ, 511, 5. If pk_type = BBKS it sets the parameters needed for computing the BBKS transfer function as summarized by Peacock (1997, MNRAS, 284, 885) """ if self._params.pk_type == "EH": self._set_eh_params() if self._params.pk_type in ("BBKS", "BBKS_CCL"): """This calculates Gamma for the linear powerspectrum using the prescription Sugiyama (1995, APJS, 100, 281)""" gamma = ( self._params.omega_m * self._params.h * np.exp( -self._params.omega_b * (1.0 + np.sqrt(2.0 * self._params.h) / self._params.omega_m) ) ) self._params.gamma = gamma # normalise linear power spectrum #TODO: perhaps avoid writing in # params; perhaps needs more error checking if self._params.pk_norm_type == "deltah": self._params.deltah_norm = self._params.pk_norm self._params.sigma8 = self.sigma8() if self._params.pk_norm_type == "sigma8": self._params.sigma8 = self._params.pk_norm self._params.deltah_norm = 4.0e-5 # arbitrary temporary value sigma8_temp = self.sigma8() self._params.deltah_norm = ( self._params.deltah_norm * self._params.sigma8 / sigma8_temp ) if self._params.pk_norm_type == "A_s": raise NotImplementedError( "A_s normalization only available for the Boltzmann solver, \ choose deltah or sigma8" ) return None def _set_eh_params(self): if ( self._params.N_massive_nu == 0.0 or self._params.massive_nu_total_mass == 0.0 ): omh2 = ( self._params.omega_m + self._params.omega_nu_m ) * self._params.h**2 self._params._k_Silk = ( 1.6 * (self._params.omega_b * self._params.h**2) ** 0.52 * (omh2) ** 0.73 * (1.0 + (10.4 * omh2) ** -0.95) ) # Eq. (7), units: Mpc^-1 # CDM transfer function, Equations (11), (12) a1 = (46.9 * omh2) ** 0.670 * (1.0 + (32.1 * omh2) ** -0.532) a2 = (12.0 * omh2) ** 0.424 * (1.0 + (45.0 * omh2) ** -0.582) self._params._alpha_c = a1 ** ( -self._params.omega_b / self._params.omega_m ) * a2 ** (-((self._params.omega_b / self._params.omega_m) ** 3.0)) b1 = 0.944 * (1.0 + (458.0 * omh2) ** -0.708) ** -1 b2 = (0.395 * omh2) ** -0.0266 self._params._beta_c = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + b1 * ((self._params.omega_dm / self._params.omega_m) ** b2 - 1.0) ) # Baryon transfer function, Equations (14), (24), (23) # alpha_b = 2.07 k_eq s (1 + R_d)^-3/4 G((1 + z_eq)/(1 + z_d)) # beta_b = 0.5 + omega_b/omega_m_0 + (3 - 2 omega_b/omega_m_0) sqrt((17.2 # omega_m_0 h^2)^2 + 1) # b_node = 8.41 (omega_m_0 h^2)^0.435 self._params._alpha_b = ( 2.07 * self._params._k_eq * self._params._sound_horiz * (1.0 + self._params._R_drag) ** -0.75 * self._G( (1.0 + self._params._z_equality) / (1.0 + self._params._z_drag) ) ) self._params._beta_b = ( 0.5 + self._params.omega_b / self._params.omega_m + (3 - 2 * self._params.omega_b / self._params.omega_m) * np.sqrt((17.2 * omh2) ** 2 + 1) ) self._params._beta_node = 8.41 * omh2**0.435 else: omh2_nu = ( self._params.omega_m + self._params.omega_nu_m ) * self._params.h**2 omb2_nu = self._params.omega_b * self._params.h**2 # equations for massive neutrinos from Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1 # Redshift at matter-radiation equality, Eq. (2) in Eisenstein & Hu, 1998, # ApJ, 496, 2 (modified to include Omega_nu_m in Omega_m) z_equality_nu = 2.5e4 * omh2_nu * self._params._sigma_27**-4 b_1_nu = 0.313 * omh2_nu**-0.419 * (1.0 + 0.607 * omh2_nu**0.674) b_2_nu = 0.238 * omh2_nu**0.223 z_drag_nu = ( 1291.0 * (omh2_nu**0.251) / (1.0 + 0.659 * omh2_nu**0.828) * ( 1.0 + b_1_nu * (self._params.omega_b * self._params.h**2) ** b_2_nu ) ) # Redshift at drag epoch, Eq. (4) # Wave vector values, modified to include Omega_nu_m in Omega_m self._params._k_eq_nu = ( 7.46e-2 * omh2_nu * self._params._sigma_27**-2 ) # Eq. (3), units: Mpc^-1 # sound horizon given by Eq. (4) in Eisenstein & Hu, 1999, ApJ, 511, 1 # (modified to include Omega_nu_m in Omega_m) self._params._sound_horiz_nu = ( 44.5 * np.log(9.83 / omh2_nu) / np.sqrt(1.0 + 10.0 * omb2_nu ** (3.0 / 4.0)) ) # ratios of the density of the species DM, baryons and massive neutrinos to # the total matter density # 0..1 f_c = self._params.omega_dm / ( self._params.omega_dm + self._params.omega_b + self._params.omega_nu_m ) # 0 without massuive nu: f_nu = self._params._f_nu = self._params.omega_nu_m / ( self._params.omega_dm + self._params.omega_b + self._params.omega_nu_m ) # 1 without massive nu: f_cb = (self._params.omega_dm + self._params.omega_b) / ( self._params.omega_dm + self._params.omega_b + self._params.omega_nu_m ) f_nub = (self._params.omega_nu_m + self._params.omega_b) / ( self._params.omega_dm + self._params.omega_b + self._params.omega_nu_m ) # Eq. (11) for DM only (p_c) and for DM + baryons (p_cb) p_c = (1.0 / 4.0) * (5.0 - np.sqrt(1.0 + 24.0 * f_c)) # 0 without massive nu: p_cb = self._params._p_cb = (1.0 / 4.0) * (5.0 - np.sqrt(1.0 + 24.0 * f_cb)) # Eq. (21) self._params._beta_c_nu = 1.0 / (1.0 - 0.949 * f_nub) # Eq. (3) y_d = (1.0 + z_equality_nu) / (1.0 + z_drag_nu) # Eq. (15) self._params._alpha_nu = ( (f_c / f_cb) * (5.0 - 2 * (p_c + p_cb)) / (5.0 - 4.0 * p_cb) * ( (1.0 - 0.553 * f_nub + 0.126 * f_nub**3.0) / (1.0 - 0.193 * np.sqrt(f_nu) + 0.169 * f_nu) ) * (1.0 + y_d) ** (p_cb - p_c) * ( 1.0 + (p_c - p_cb) / 2.0 * (1.0 + 1.0 / ((3.0 - 4.0 * p_c) * (7.0 - 4.0 * p_cb))) * (1.0 + y_d) ** -1 ) )
[docs] def print_params(self): """ Print the parameters related to the chosen linear fitting function (*EH* or *BBKS*). Example: .. code-block:: python cosmo.lin_pert.print_params() """ if self._params.pk_type == "EH": print("") print( "----", ( "Derived cosmology parameters for Eisenstein and Hu" " transfer function " ).ljust(70, "-"), ) print() print( " {:45s}: {}".format( "k_Silk (Silk damping scale [Mpc-1])", self._params._k_Silk ) ) if self._params.pk_type in ("BBKS", "BBKS_CCL"): print( "----", "Derived cosmology parameters for BBKS transfer function ".ljust( 70, "-" ), ) print() print( " {:45s}: {}".format( "gamma (Gamma Sugiyama [h Mpc-1])", self._params.gamma ) )