Source code for PyCosmo.NonLinearPerturbationHaloFit

# This file is part of PyCosmo, a multipurpose cosmology calculation tool in Python.
# Copyright (C) 2013-2021 ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle and Astrophysics and SIS
# ID.
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import numpy as np
import scipy

from PyCosmo.PerturbationBase import NonLinearPerturbationBase

[docs]class NonLinearPerturbationHaloFit(NonLinearPerturbationBase): """ The class computes the non-linear matter power spectrum, :math:`P_{nl}(k)`, with a choice of analytic fitting funtions. .. Warning :: NonLinearPerturbationHalofit not supported by the Boltzmann solver yet. Calling any function from this module while using the Boltzmann solver (pk_type = 'boltz') will return **AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'function'** """ def __init__(self, cosmo): self._params = cosmo.params self._background = cosmo.background self._lin_pert = cosmo.lin_pert
[docs] def k_nl(self, a): r"""Computes the non-linear wave number :math:`k_{nl}` as a function of the scale factor a. :param a: scale factor [1] :return: k_nl: non-linear wave number [:math:`\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}`] """ logk_ran = [-3.0, 2.0] k = np.logspace(logk_ran[0], logk_ran[1], num=1000) aa = np.atleast_1d(a) k_nl = np.zeros(len(aa)) for i in range(len(aa)): # Delta^2=k ** 3*P(k)/(2 pi ** 2) del2 = self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(aa[i], k)[0] * k**3 / 2.0 / np.pi**2 # k_nl defined such that Delta^2(k_nl)=1 k_nl[i] = np.interp(1.0, del2, k) if k_nl[i] < 10 ** logk_ran[0] or k_nl[i] > 10 ** logk_ran[1]: print("k_nl: warning: k_nl outside of search k range") return k_nl
[docs] def max_redshift(self, k): """computes max redshift for which this model is applicable. :param k: wavenumber k, might be needed for some underlying linear perturbation models. [:math:`h Mpc^{-1}`] :returns: redshift """ return self._lin_pert.max_redshift(k)
[docs] def powerspec_a_k(self, a=1.0, k=0.1, diag_only=False): """ Returns the nonlinear matter power spectrum using a choice of fitting functions. Currently both the *Halofit* fitting function and its revision by `Takahashi et al., 2012 <>`_ are supported. Those can be selected using the *set function*: .. code-block:: python cosmo.set(pk_nonlin_type = option) where *option* can be one the following keywords: - ``halofit`` (default) for `Smith et al., 2003, MNRAS, 341, 1311 <>`_ - ``rev_halofit`` for revision by `Takahashi et al., 2012, ApJ, 761, 152 <>`_ After selecting the fitting function, the non-linear matter power spectrum, :math:`P_{nl}(k)`, can be computed as follows: .. code-block:: python cosmo.nonlin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a,k) :param a: scale factor [1] :param k: wavenumber :math:`[Mpc^{-1}]` :return: Nonlinear matter power spectrum, :math:`P_{nl}(k)`, in :math:`[Mpc^3]`. """ if self._params.pk_nonlin_type in ("halofit", "rev_halofit"): return self._powerspec_nonlin_halofit_a_k( a, k, self._params.pk_nonlin_type, diag_only ) raise NotImplementedError( "{} not implemented yet".format(self._params.pk_nonlin_type) )
def _interp_k_sig(self, a): """Creates an interpolant to the k_sig-redshift relation in order to speed up the calculation of the nonlinear matter power spectrum. : param a: scale factor [1] : return: nonlinear scale k_sig(a) needed to compute nonlinear matter power spectrum [:math:`Mpc^{-1}`] """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) if not hasattr(self, "halofit_params_interp"): a_temp = np.logspace(-4, 0, 1000) # restrict to valid a values for approximate lin pert models: # Need to precompute ksig with a fine k grid for each input scale # factor a k_temp = np.logspace(-4, 4, 1000) a_limit = 1 / (1 + self.max_redshift(k_temp)) a_temp = a_temp[a_temp >= a_limit] pklin_temp = self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a=a_temp, k=k_temp) Dlin_temp = self._pk_to_D( pklin_temp, np.reshape(k_temp, (k_temp.shape[0], 1)) ) k_sig_interp = np.zeros_like(a_temp) np3_interp = np.zeros_like(a_temp) C_interp = np.zeros_like(a_temp) for i, ai in enumerate(a_temp): k_sig_interp[i], np3_interp[i], C_interp[i] = self._k_sig( Dlin_temp[:, i], ai, k_temp ) self.halofit_params_interp = np.vstack( (a_temp, k_sig_interp, np3_interp, C_interp) ) k_sig = np.interp( a, self.halofit_params_interp[0, :], self.halofit_params_interp[1, :], left=np.nan, right=np.nan, ) np3 = np.interp( a, self.halofit_params_interp[0, :], self.halofit_params_interp[2, :], left=np.nan, right=np.nan, ) C = np.interp( a, self.halofit_params_interp[0, :], self.halofit_params_interp[3, :], left=np.nan, right=np.nan, ) return k_sig, np3, C def _powerspec_nonlin_halofit_a_k(self, a, k, model, diag_only): """Returns the halofit nonlinear matter power spectrum per k as defined in Smith et al., 2003, MNRAS, 341, 1311.""" a = np.atleast_1d(a) k = np.atleast_1d(k) lenk = k.shape[0] lena = a.shape[0] if diag_only: assert lenk == lena pklin_temp = self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a=a, k=k, diag_only=True) Dlin_temp = self._pk_to_D(pklin_temp, k) k_sig, np3, C = self._interp_k_sig(a) D_halofit = self._D_nonlin_halofit(Dlin_temp, k, k_sig, np3, C, a, model) pk_halofit = self._D_to_pk(D_halofit, k) return pk_halofit # TODO Need to decide how the nonlinear power spectrum should be # computed pklin_temp = self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a=a, k=k) Dlin_temp = self._pk_to_D(pklin_temp, k[:, None]) k_sig, np3, C = self._interp_k_sig(a) k_arr = np.tile(k, lena) k_arr = k_arr.reshape((-1, lenk)).T D_halofit = self._D_nonlin_halofit(Dlin_temp, k_arr, k_sig, np3, C, a, model) pk_halofit = self._D_to_pk(D_halofit, np.reshape(k, (lenk, 1))) if diag_only: return np.diag(pk_halofit) return pk_halofit def _pk_to_D(self, pk, k): """Returns the matter power spectrum per unit lnk from an input matter power spectrum per unit k.""" return k**3 * pk / (2 * np.pi**2) def _D_to_pk(self, D, k): """Returns the matter power spectrum per unit k from an input matter power spectrum per unit lnk.""" return (2 * np.pi**2) * D / k**3 def _k_sig(self, Dlin, a, k): """Computes the scale k_sig which satisfies sig^2(1/ksig) = 1 where sig^2(R) = int dlnk Dlin Wgauss(kR) ** 2 as defined in Eq. 54 of Smith et al., 2003, MNRAS, 341, 1311""" if a > 0.3: if self._params.pk_norm >= 0.65 and self._params.pk_norm <= 1.2: logkmin = -1 logkmax = 2 nk = 300 elif self._params.pk_norm < 0.65: logkmin = -1 logkmax = 6 nk = 200 else: logkmin = -2 logkmax = 4 nk = 110 # 2nd case: redshift larger than 2.3 else: # Redshift smaller than five if a > 0.166: if self._params.pk_norm >= 0.6: logkmin = -1.0 logkmax = 4 nk = 600 else: logkmin = 0.0 logkmax = 7 nk = 1000 elif a <= 0.166 and a > 0.125: logkmin = -1 logkmax = 7 nk = 600 else: logkmin = -1 logkmax = 7 nk = 200 kseek = np.logspace(logkmin, logkmax, nk) sig2gauss = np.trapz( np.exp(-np.outer(1 / kseek, k) ** 2) * Dlin / k, x=k, axis=1 ) ksig = np.interp(1.0, sig2gauss, kseek) # If the ksig determination goes out of bounds or sig^2(ksig^-1) is not strictly # increasing # we return ksig = nan if any([ksig == kseek[-1], ksig == kseek[0], np.any(np.diff(sig2gauss) <= 0)]): ksig = np.nan # assert np.abs(sig-1.0) <= 10 ** (-6), \ # 'The determination of k_sig failed to reach the required accuracy of 10^-6.\ # sig-1.0 = %d' %(np.abs(sig-1.0)) y = k / ksig ysq = y**2 # Effective index, equation (C7) # n = -3 - dlnsig^2/dlnR # = -3 + 2 int dlnk Dlin (k/ksig)^2 Wgauss(k/ksig) ** 2 np3 = 2.0 * np.trapz(ysq * np.exp(-ysq) * Dlin / k, x=k) # Spectral curvature, equation (C8) # C = - d^2lnsig^2/dlnR^2 # = 2(n+3) + (n+3)^2 - 4 int dlnk Dlin (k/ksig)^4 Wgauss(k/ksig) ** 2 C = ( (np3 + 1.0) ** 2 - 1.0 - 4.0 * np.trapz(ysq**2 * np.exp(-ysq) * Dlin / k, x=k) ) return ksig, np3, C def _D_nonlin_halofit(self, Dlin, k, ksig, np3, C, a=1.0, model="halofit"): """Returns the halofit nonlinear matter power spectrum per lnk starting from the desired linear matter power spectrum. If model == 0 it returns the nonlinear matter power spectrum as defined in Smith et al., 2003, MNRAS, 341, 1311. Note: all equations are defined in Appendix C of Smith et al., 2003, MNRAS, 341, 1311 If model == 1 it returns the nonlinear matter power spectrum as defined in Takahashi et al., 2012, ApJ, 761, 152 Note: all equations are defined in the Appendix of Takahashi et al., 2012, ApJ, 761, 152""" # Determine the fractional matter density at the redshift of interest omega_m_z = self._background._omega_m_a(a=a) # Dimensionless wavenumber, below Eq. (C2) y = k / ksig ysq = y**2 # Effective index, equation (C7) # n = -3 - dlnsig^2/dlnR # = -3 + 2 int dlnk Dlin (k/ksig)^2 Wgauss(k/ksig) ** 2 # np3 = 2*np.trapz(ysq*np.exp(-ysq)*Dlin/k,x=k) n = np3 - 3.0 n2 = n**2 n3 = n2 * n n4 = n2**2 # Spectral curvature, equation (C8) # C = - d^2lnsig^2/dlnR^2 # = 2(n+3) + (n+3)^2 - 4 int dlnk Dlin (k/ksig)^4 Wgauss(k/ksig) ** 2 # C = (np3+1) ** 2 - 1 - 4*np.trapz(ysq ** 2*np.exp(-ysq)*Dlin/k,x=k) # Coefficients used in the fitting function - this is the only difference # between # Smith et al, 2003 and Takahashi et al., 2012 # Parameters from Smith et al, 2003 (model='halofit') or Takahashi et al. 2012 # (model='takahashi') # Equations (C9) - (C16) of Smith et al., 2003 if model == "halofit": lga = ( 1.4861 + 1.8369 * n + 1.6762 * n2 + 0.7940 * n3 + 0.1670 * n4 - 0.6206 * C ) lgb = 0.9463 + 0.9466 * n + 0.3084 * n2 - 0.9400 * C lgc = -0.2807 + 0.6669 * n + 0.3214 * n2 - 0.0793 * C alpha = 1.3884 + 0.3700 * n - 0.1452 * n2 beta = 0.8291 + 0.9854 * n + 0.3401 * n2 gamma = 0.8649 + 0.2989 * n + 0.1631 * C mu = 10 ** (-3.5442 + 0.1908 * n) lgnu = 0.9589 + 1.2857 * n elif model == "rev_halofit": # Equations (A6) - (A13) of Takahashi et al., 2012 omega_l_z = self._background._omega_l_a(a=a) lga = ( 1.5222 + 2.8553 * n + 2.3706 * n2 + 0.9903 * n3 + 0.2250 * n4 - 0.6038 * C + 0.1749 * omega_l_z * (1 + self._params.w0) ) lgb = ( -0.5642 + 0.5864 * n + 0.5716 * n2 - 1.5474 * C + 0.2279 * omega_l_z * (1 + self._params.w0) ) lgc = 0.3698 + 2.0404 * n + 0.8161 * n2 + 0.5869 * C alpha = np.abs(6.0835 + 1.3373 * n - 0.1959 * n2 - 5.5274 * C) beta = ( 2.0379 - 0.7354 * n + 0.3157 * n2 + 1.2490 * n3 + 0.3980 * n4 - 0.1682 * C ) gamma = 0.1971 - 0.0843 * n + 0.8460 * C mu = 0.0 lgnu = 5.2105 + 3.6902 * n else: raise NotImplementedError( "non linear model {} not implemented".format(model) ) a_hf = 10**lga b = 10**lgb c = 10**lgc nu = 10**lgnu # omega_m_z dependent functions # 1st case: Matter dominated universe if self._params.omega_m == 1.0: f1 = 1.0 f2 = 1.0 f3 = 1.0 # 2nd case: universe is not matter dominated, interpolate linearily between # dark energy w and curvature with w_eff = -1/3 else: w_z = self._background._w_a(a=a) f1a = omega_m_z**-0.0732 f2a = omega_m_z**-0.1423 f3a = omega_m_z**0.0725 f1b = omega_m_z**-0.0307 f2b = omega_m_z**-0.0585 f3b = omega_m_z**0.0743 frac1 = self._params.omega_l / (self._params.omega_l + self._params.omega_k) we = frac1 * w_z + 1.0 / 3.0 * (1.0 - frac1) frac2 = -1.0 * ((3.0 * we) + 1.0) / 2.0 f1 = frac2 * f1b + (1 - frac2) * f1a f2 = frac2 * f2b + (1 - frac2) * f2a f3 = frac2 * f3b + (1 - frac2) * f3a # The quasi-linear term # Equation (C2) DQ = ( Dlin * np.exp(-0.25 * y - 0.125 * ysq) * (1 + Dlin) ** beta / (1 + alpha * Dlin) ) # The halo term # Equations (C3) - (C4) DH = ( a_hf * y ** (2 + 3 * f1) / (ysq + mu * y + nu) / (1 + b * y**f2 + (c * f3 * y) ** (3 - gamma)) ) return DQ + DH # The set of fucntions useful to comupte the One-Halo and Two-Halo terms # in Mead follow here def _sigma_v(self, k, Dlin): """ :param a: scale factor :param k: wavenumber [Mpc^-1] :param Dlin: P(k) linear-theory matter power spectrum P(k) [Mpc^3] :return: 1D linear displacement variance, as defined in eq.4 in Mead et al, 2015 """ integr = 1.0 / 3 * np.trapz(Dlin / (k**3), x=k, axis=1) sigmav = np.sqrt(integr) return np.sqrt(sigmav) def _sigma_d_100(self, k, Dlin): """ :param a: scale factor :param k: wavenumber [Mpc^-1] :param Dlin: P(k) linear-theory matter power spectrum P(k) [Mpc^3] :return: 1D linear displacement variance, as defined in eq.4 in Mead et al, 2016 """ k = np.atleast_1d(k) R = 100.0 / self._params.h T = 3 / ((k * R) ** 3) * (np.sin(k * R) - np.cos(k * R)) # T = self.T(k * R) integr = 1.0 / 3 * np.trapz((Dlin / (k**3)) * (T**2), x=k, axis=1) sigma_d100 = np.sqrt(integr) return sigma_d100 def _sigma8(self, a, k, Dlin): """ Compute sigma8, the rms density contrast fluctuation smoothed with a top hat of radius 8 h^-1 Mpc at redshift z. :param a: scale factor :param k: wavenumber [Mpc^-1] :param Dlin: P(k) linear-theory matter power spectrum P(k) [Mpc^3] :return sig8z: sigma8 at the desired redshift [1] """ R = 8.0 / self._params.h # smoothing radius [Mpc] lnk = np.log(k) w = ( 3 / ((k * R) ** 3) * (np.sin(k * R) - np.cos(k * R)) ) # top hat window function res = np.trapz(k**3 * Dlin[0] * w**2, lnk) sig8z = np.sqrt(1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi**2) * res) return sig8z def _windowf(self, k, r_v, c): """ :param r_v: virial radius :param c: concentration parameter :return: Fourier Transform of the halo density profile """ k = np.atleast_1d(k) # Normalised mass of a halo of concentration c f_c = np.log(1 + c) - c / (1 + c) k_s = k * r_v / c Si1, Ci1 = scipy.special.sici(k_s * (1 + c)) Si2, Ci2 = scipy.special.sici(k_s) W = ( (Ci1 - Ci2) * np.cos(k_s) + (Si1 - Si2) * np.sin(k_s) - np.sin(c * k_s) / (k_s * (1 + c)) ) / f_c return W def _rho_critic(self): # Newton's gravitational constant as in Mo, Bosch & White "Galaxy # Formation and Evolution" (2010) G = 4.299e-9 rho = 3 * self._params.H0**2 / (8 * np.pi * G) return rho