Source code for PyCosmo.NonLinearPerturbationMead

# This file is part of PyCosmo, a multipurpose cosmology calculation tool in Python.
# Copyright (C) 2013-2021 ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle and Astrophysics and SIS
# ID.
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import numba
import numpy as np
from scipy import special

from PyCosmo.cython.halo_integral import _integral_halo as cython_integral_halo
from PyCosmo.PerturbationBase import NonLinearPerturbationBase
from PyCosmo.TheoryPredTables import TheoryPredTables

from ._scipy_utils import interp1d

based on:

    Halo Model
    by Lukas Hergt, Institute for Astronomy, ETH Zurich

rewrite by:

    Uwe Schmitt
    Scientific IT Services
    ETH Zurich
    March 2018


[docs]@numba.jit(numba.float64[:](numba.float64[:])) def fft_top_hat(x): # pragma: no cover """ Fourier transform of 3D spherical top hat. :param x: dimensionless parameter (usually k r) :return t: Fourier transform of a 3D spherical top hat. """ cutoff = 1e-8 # x values below thresh will yield a result abs smaller than cutoff: thresh = np.sqrt(6 / cutoff) t = np.zeros(len(x)) for i, y in enumerate(x): if y > thresh: continue elif y > 1e-2: t[i] = 3.0 * (np.sin(y) - y * np.cos(y)) / y**3.0 else: t[i] = 1.0 - y**2.0 / 10.0 + y**4.0 / 280.0 return t
def _u_km_slow(k, a, c, rv_mpc, nu_range, eta): """ Fourier transform u(k,M) of the NFW profile, normed such that the integrated mass equals one. :param k: wavenumber [Mpc^-1] :param m_msun: halo mass in solar masses [Msun] :param a: scale factor :return ukm: Fourier Transform u(k,M) of the NFW profile [1] """ k = k[None, :, None] * nu_range[:, None, None] ** eta[None, None, :] nm, nk, __ = k.shape na = len(a) c = np.atleast_2d(c).T[:, None, :] rv_mpc = np.atleast_2d(rv_mpc).T[:, None, :] assert rv_mpc.shape == (nm, 1, na) assert c.shape == (nm, 1, na) rs_mpc = rv_mpc / c normalisation = np.log(1.0 + c) - c / (1.0 + c) krs = k * rs_mpc assert krs.shape == (nm, nk, na) ci_krs = c * krs ci_plus_1_krs = (1 + c) * krs si_k, ci_k = special.sici(krs) si_ck, ci_ck = special.sici(ci_plus_1_krs) term1 = np.cos(krs) * (ci_ck - ci_k) term2 = np.sin(krs) * (si_ck - si_k) term3 = -np.sin(ci_krs) / ci_plus_1_krs return (term1 + term2 + term3) / normalisation def integral_halo(k, m_msun, nu_range, rv_mpc, c, a, f, eta): nufuncs = m_msun[:, None, :].T * nu_range[:, None, None] * f[:, None, None] u_km = _u_km_slow(k, a, c, rv_mpc, nu_range, eta) integrand_1halo = nufuncs * u_km**2.0 integral_1halo = np.trapz(integrand_1halo, np.log(nu_range), axis=0) return integral_1halo
[docs]class NonLinearPerturbationMead(NonLinearPerturbationBase): r""" The class incorporates the implementation of the :math:`\texttt{HMCode}` as described in `Mead et al. 2015 <>`_ and `Mead et al. 2016 <>`_ . .. Warning :: NonLinearPerturbationMead not supported by the Boltzmann solver yet. Calling any function from this module while using the Boltzmann solver (pk_type = 'boltz') will return **AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'function'** """ def __init__(self, cosmo): self._params = cosmo.params self._background = cosmo.background self._lin_pert = cosmo.lin_pert self._tables = TheoryPredTables(self._lin_pert) self._enrich_params() self._setup_interpolation_functions() def _enrich_params(self): # First term. eta0, of the Halo bloating parameter eta self._params.eta0 = 0.98 - 0.12 * self._params.A_mead # Newton's gravitational constant as in Mo, Bosch & White, 2010 self._params.G_mead = 4.299e-9 # Parameters used for the mass function, according to Shets & Tormen, 1999 (ST) # or Tinker et al., 2010 (Ti) if self._params.multiplicity_fnct == "ST": # Sheth & Tormen, 'Large-scale bias and the peak background split', 1999 self._params.mf_aa = 0.3222 self._params.mf_a = 0.707 self._params.mf_p = 0.3 elif self._params.multiplicity_fnct == "TI": # Tinker et al., 'Large-scale bias of dark matter halos', 2010 self._params.mf_aa = 0.368 self._params.mf_a = -0.729 self._params.mf_b = 0.589 self._params.mf_c = 0.864 self._params.mf_n = -0.243 self._params.rho_crit_Msun_iMpc3 = ( 3 * self._params.H0**2 / (8 * np.pi * self._params.G_mead) ) self._params.rho_matter_Msun_iMpc3 = ( self._params.rho_crit_Msun_iMpc3 * self._params.omega_m ) self._params.bins = 1000 def _eta(self, a): sigma8_a = self.sigma8_a(a) return self._params.eta0 - 0.3 * sigma8_a def _setup_interpolation_functions(self, a0=0.5): """ Set up derived parameters for scale factor a. The order is slightly weird but this is due to the fact that the lookup tables need delta_c and n needs the lookup tables. :param a: scale factor a :param k: wavenumber k :return: """ bins = self._params.bins assert bins >= 1000, "bins should be >=1000" m_grid = 10 ** np.linspace(-250, 20, bins - 1) s_grid_0 = self._sigma([m_grid], a0).flatten() assert np.all(np.diff(s_grid_0) <= 0), "s-array not monotone falling" self.sigma_a0_function = interp1d( np.log(m_grid + 1e-300), s_grid_0, kind="quadratic", fill_value="extrapolate", ) if bins < 10000: m_vec = np.append([1e-300], 10 ** np.linspace(-250, 20, 9999)) s_vec = self.sigma_a0_function(np.log(m_vec + 1e-300)) else: m_vec = m_grid s_vec = s_grid_0 self.delta_c_a0 = delta_c_a0 = self.delta_c(a0) self.nu0 = nu0 = delta_c_a0 / s_vec self.growth_a0 = self._tables.growth_tab_a(a=a0) self.nu0_to_mass = interp1d(nu0, m_vec, kind="linear", fill_value="extrapolate")
[docs] def nu2mass(self, nu, a): r""" Extracts the halo mass from Eq.(17) in `Mead et al., 2015 <>`_, :math:`\nu = \delta_c / \sigma`, by converting the :math:`\nu`-array into a mass-array by backwards interpolation. :param nu: :math:`\nu`-array as in :math:`\nu = \delta_c / \sigma` [1] :return: Mass in solar masses [Msun]. """ nu = np.atleast_1d(nu) a = np.atleast_1d(a) delta_c_a = self.delta_c(a) nu0 = ( nu * ( self._tables.growth_tab_a(a=a) / self.growth_a0 * self.delta_c_a0 / delta_c_a )[:, None] ) mask = nu0 < min(self.nu0) nu0[mask] = min(self.nu0) masses = self.nu0_to_mass(nu0) masses[mask] = 0 return masses
def _alpha(self, a): n = self.neff(a) alpha = 3.24 * 1.85**n alpha[alpha > 2] = 2 alpha[alpha < 0.5] = 0.5 return alpha
[docs] def delta_c(self, a): r""" Computation of the linear collapse threshold, :math:`\delta_c`. Following `Mead et al., 2015, <>`_, :math:`\delta_c` is treated as a fitting parameter (read its fitted value in Table 2 of the paper). The current implementation in :math:`\textsf{PyCosmo}` follows the updated formula reported in Eq.(8) of `Mead et al., 2016, <>`_, where the original prescription from 2015 is augmented by the fitting formula proposed in Eq. C28 of `Nakamura & Suto, 1997 <>`_. :param a: scale factor [no dimensions] :return: Linear collapse threshold, :math:`\delta_c`. """ fac2 = 1.59 + 0.0314 * np.log(self.sigma8_a(a)) return (1.0 + 0.0123 * np.log10(self._background._omega_m_a(a=a))) * fac2
def _pk_to_D(self, pk, k): """ Compute the matter power spectrum per unit log k from an input matter power spectrum per unit k. :param pk: matter power spectrum pk :param k: wave vector k :return D: dimensionless matter power spectrum variance per unit log """ # TODO: move this method to base class LinearPerbutabionBase nk, na = pk.shape assert k.shape == (nk,) D = k[:, None] ** 3 * pk / (2 * np.pi**2) return D
[docs] def mass2radius(self, m_msun): """ Converts mass of a sphere in solar masses [Msun] to corresponding radius in [Mpc], assuming homogeneous density corresponding to the critical matter density of the universe (redshift z=0). :param m_msun: mass of sphere in solar masses [Msun] :return: Radius of the sphere in [Mpc]. """ radius = ( 3.0 * m_msun / (4.0 * np.pi * self._params.rho_matter_Msun_iMpc3) ) ** (1.0 / 3.0) return radius
[docs] def radius2mass(self, r_mpc): """ Converts radius of a sphere in [Mpc] to corresponding mass in solar masses [Msun], assuming homogeneous density corresponding to the critical matter density of the universe (redshift z=0). :param r_mpc: radius of sphere [Mpc] :return: Mass of sphere in solar masses [Msun]. """ mass = 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * r_mpc**3.0 * self._params.rho_matter_Msun_iMpc3 return mass
[docs] def rvir(self, mvir_msun, a): # TODO: Extend this beyond flat cosmologies? """ Calculates the virial radius corresponding to a dark matter halo of mass m_msun in a flat cosmology. See `Bryan & Norman, 1998 <>`_ for more details. :param mvir_msun: Halo mass in solar masses [Msun] :return: Virial radius in :math:`[Mpc]`. """ delta_v = 418.0 * self._background._omega_m_a(a=a) ** (-0.352) rvir3 = (3.0 * mvir_msun) / ( 4.0 * np.pi * self._params.rho_matter_Msun_iMpc3 * delta_v[:, None] ) rvir_mpc = rvir3 ** (1.0 / 3.0) return rvir_mpc
[docs] def T(self, x): r""" Computes the Fourier Transform of a 3D spherical top-hat function. :param x: dimensionless parameter (usually equal to :math:`kr`) [1] :return: Fourier Transform of a 3D spherical top-hat function. """ orig_shape = x.shape x_flat = np.ravel(x) t = fft_top_hat(x_flat) t = t.reshape(orig_shape) return t
[docs] def T_deriv(self, x): r""" Analytical computation of the derivative of the Fourier Transform of a 3D spherical top-hat function. :param x: dimensionless parameter (usually equal to :math:`kr`) [1] :return: Derivative of the Fourier Transform of a 3D spherical top-hat function. """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) return np.where( x > 1e-2, 3.0 / x**4 * (x**2 * np.sin(x) - 3.0 * np.sin(x) + 3.0 * x * np.cos(x)), -x / 5.0 + x**3 / 70.0, )
[docs] def neff(self, a): r""" Calculates the effective spectral index of the linear power spectrum at the collapse scale, according to the implementation in the HMCode. :param a: scale factor [1] :return: Effective spectral index of the linear power spectrum, :math:`n_{eff}`, at the collapse scale. """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) # Calculate ksig as nu(1/ksig) = 1 m = self.nu2mass([1.0], a) # Calculate rsig rsig = self.mass2radius(m) assert rsig.shape == (len(a), 1) # Calculate ksig ksig = 1.0 / rsig # Calculate the linear power spectrum k_temp = np.logspace(-4, 4, 5000) pklin = self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(k=k_temp, a=a) Dlin = self._pk_to_D(pklin, k_temp) # Calculate the top hat window function and its derivative Tksig = self.T(k_temp / ksig).T assert Tksig.shape == (len(k_temp), len(a)) Tksig_deriv = self.T_deriv(k_temp / ksig).T assert Tksig.shape == (len(k_temp), len(a)) # Effective index # n = -3 - dlnsig^2/dlnR|R=1/ksig # The division by sigma^2(1/ksig) is needed because sigma^2(1/ksig) is not 1 i1 = np.trapz(Tksig * Tksig_deriv * Dlin, x=k_temp, axis=0) i2 = np.trapz( self.T(1.0 / ksig * k_temp).T ** 2 * Dlin / k_temp[:, None], x=k_temp, axis=0, ) np3 = -2.0 / ksig.flatten() * i1 / i2 neff = np3 - 3.0 # neff=-2.00168848 return neff
[docs] def sigma_v_a(self, a): r""" Computes :math:`\sigma^2_V(a)` as defined in Eq. (22) of `Mead et al, 2015 <>`_ . :param a: scale factor [1] :return: :math:`\sigma^2_v(a)` at the desired scale factor. """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) k = np.logspace(-6, 4.0, num=5000) # grid of wavenumber k [Mpc^-1] pklin = self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(k=k, a=a) Dlin = self._pk_to_D(pklin, k) res = np.trapz(Dlin / k[:, None] ** 3, k, axis=0) sigv = np.sqrt(res / 3.0) assert sigv.shape == (len(a),) return sigv
[docs] def sigma_d(self, a, R=100.0): r""" Computes :math:`\sigma^2_D(a)` as defined in Eq. B5 of `Mead et al, 2015 <>`_ :param a: scale factor [1] :return: :math:`\sigma^2_D(a)` at the desired scale factor. """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) R = R / self._params.h k = np.logspace(-6, 4.0, num=5000) # grid of wavenumber k [Mpc^-1] pklin = self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(k=k, a=a) Dlin = self._pk_to_D(pklin, k) T = self.T(k * R) res = np.trapz(T[:, None] ** 2 * Dlin / k[:, None] ** 3, x=k, axis=0) sigv = np.sqrt(res / 3.0) return sigv
[docs] def sigma8_a(self, a): r""" Compute :math:`\sigma_8`, the rms density contrast fluctuation, smoothed with a top hat of radius 8 :math:`h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}` at scale factor a. :param a: scale factor [1] :return: :math:`\sigma_8` at the desired scale factor. """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) r = 8.0 / self._params.h # smoothing radius [Mpc] k = np.logspace(-5.0, 2.0, num=5000) # grid of wavenumber k [Mpc^-1] lnk = np.log(k) w = self.T(k * r) # top hat window function pk = self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a=a, k=k) res = np.trapz(k[:, None] ** 3 * pk * w[:, None] ** 2, lnk, axis=0) sig8z = np.sqrt(1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi**2) * res) return sig8z
def _calc_sigma_integral(self, k, m_msun, a): r""" Calculate the unnormed sigma^2. :param k: wavelength array over which the integration is performed [Mpc^-1] :param m_msun: mass in solar masses at which sigma^2 is evaluated [Msun] :param a: scale factor :return: unnormed sigma^2 [dimensionless] """ # here: first dimension: k, second msun, third a a = np.atleast_1d(a) k = np.atleast_1d(k) m_msun = np.atleast_2d(m_msun) nk = k.shape[0] na = a.shape[0] nm = m_msun.shape[1] assert m_msun.shape[0] == na ps = self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a=a, k=k)[:, None, :] r_mpc = np.atleast_2d(self.mass2radius(m_msun=m_msun)).T[None, :, :] assert r_mpc.shape == (1, nm, na) t = self.T(x=r_mpc * k[:, None, None]) assert t.shape == (nk, nm, na) integrand_mpc = ps * t**2.0 * k[:, None, None] ** 3.0 integral = np.trapz(integrand_mpc, np.log(k), axis=0) return integral.flatten() def _sigma(self, m_msun, a): r"""computes sigma for a single a""" a = np.atleast_1d(a) assert len(a) == 1 nk = self._params.npoints_k # Wavenumber k [Mpc^1] to integrate over k = np.append([1e-100], 10 ** np.linspace(-10, 100, nk)) # This deals with missing factors of 2 pi^2 - could also be omitted! m_msun_8 = self.radius2mass(8.0 / self._params.h) sigma8norm = np.sqrt(self._calc_sigma_integral(k=k, m_msun=m_msun_8, a=a)) # We need to normalise with the value of sigma8 at the desired redshift s8z = self.sigma8_a(a=a) sigma = np.sqrt(self._calc_sigma_integral(k=k, m_msun=m_msun, a=a)) return sigma / sigma8norm * s8z # sigma -> _sigma_m_a, can I move this to HaloFitBaseClass API ?
[docs] def sigma(self, m_msun, a): r""" Calculates :math:`\sigma(M, a)`, the RMS of the density field at a given mass. :param m_msun: mass in solar masses at which sigma is evaluated [Msun] :param a: scale factor [1] :return: :math:`\sigma(M, a)` as the RMS of the density field. """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) m_msun = np.atleast_1d(m_msun) if m_msun.ndim == 1: m_msun = np.atleast_2d([m_msun] * len(a)) assert m_msun.shape[0] == a.shape[0] # we make use of the fact that sigma(a) / growth(a) == sigma(a') / growth(a'). # so for a particular m_msun and a vector a we only need to compute sigma for # the first entry of a, and all other sigma values can be computed by scaling. sigma0s = [] for ai, msi in zip(a, m_msun): sigma0 = self.sigma_a0_function(np.log(msi + 1e-300)) / self.growth_a0 sigma0s.append(sigma0) growth_a = self._tables.growth_tab_a(a=a) return (growth_a[:, None] * np.vstack(sigma0s)).T
[docs] def f(self, nu): r""" Multiplicity function :math:`f(\nu)` as it appears in the calculation of the Halo Mass Function. The available fitting functions are `Press & Schechter, 1974 <>`_, `Sheth & Tormen, 1999 <>`_ , and `Tinker et al., 2010 <>`_ . :param nu: array of :math:`\nu` values as in :math:`\nu = \delta_c / \sigma(M)`\ (see eq. 17 in `Mead et al., 2015 <>`_) :return: Multiplicity function :math:`f(\nu)` . Example of setting the multiplicity function: .. code-block:: python cosmo.set(multiplicity_fnct = option) where *option* can be 'PS' for *Press & Schechter (1974)*, 'ST' for *Sheth & Tormen (1999)* or 'Ti' for *Tinker et al., 2010*. """ if self._params.multiplicity_fnct == "PS": # Press & Schechter, 'Formation of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies by # self-similar gravitational condensation' (1974) f = np.sqrt(2.0 / np.pi) * np.exp(-(nu**2.0) / 2.0) elif self._params.multiplicity_fnct == "ST": # Sheth & Tormen, 'Large-scale bias and the peak background split', 1999 # f = self._params.mf_aa * np.sqrt(2. * self._params.mf_a / np.pi) * \ # (1. + (self._params.mf_a * nu ** 2.) ** (-self._params.mf_p)) * np.exp( # - self._params.mf_a * nu ** 2. / 2.) f = 0.2161599864561661 * ( (1.0 + (self._params.mf_a * nu**2.0) ** (-self._params.mf_p)) * np.exp(-self._params.mf_a * nu**2.0 / 2.0) ) elif self._params.multiplicity_fnct == "Ti": # Tinker et al., 'Large-scale bias of dark matter halos', 2010 f = ( self._params.mf_aa * (1.0 + (self._params.mf_b * nu) ** (-2.0 * self._params.mf_a)) * nu ** (2.0 * self._params.mf_n) * np.exp(-self._params.mf_c * nu**2.0 / 2) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "{} for multiplicity_fit in calc_f is not supported, use one of " "the following options: 'PS' for Press & Schechter, 'ST' for " "Sheth & Tormen, " "or 'Ti' for Tinker et al.".format(self._params.multiplicity_fnct) ) return f
[docs] def cm(self, m_msun, a): r""" *Concentration-mass* function of Dark Matter Haloes. The implemented fitting function is from `Bullock et al, 2001 <>`_, as described in Eq. (14) of `Mead et al, 2015 <>`_. :param a: scale factor a [1] :param m_msun: halo mass in solar masses [Msun] :return: Concentration :math:`c(a, M)` of a halo of mass :math:`m_{msun}` at scale factor :math:`a`. """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) z = 1.0 / a - 1 if self._params.w0 != -1: raise NotImplementedError( "{} for concentration-mass relation is not supported for w!=-1" ) # Bullock et al., 'Profiles of dark haloes: evolution, scatter and environment', # 2001 The correction by Dolag is not required # Determine the linear growth factor at the formation scale factor as in Eq. # (15) of Mead et al, 2015 It is used to calculate the formation scale factor # below gzf = ( self.delta_c(a) / self.sigma(0.01 * m_msun, a) * self._tables.growth_tab_a(a=a) ) # Determine the formation redshift af = self._tables.inv_growth_tab_a(g=gzf) zf = 1.0 / af - 1.0 c = self._params.A_mead * (1.0 + zf) / (1.0 + z) # If the formation redshift is smaller than z i.e. in the future we set c = A c[zf < z] = self._params.A_mead return c
[docs] def pk_1h(self, k, a, nu_range): r""" One-Halo term of the non-linear matter power spectrum as defined in Eq.(8) of `Mead et al, 2015 <>`_. :param k: wavelength :math:`[Mpc^{-1}]` :param a: scale factor [1] :param nu_range: nu_range-array used for the integration (default set to full lookup table) :param mode: integration scheme. The values **0**, **1** and **2** refer to *numpy integration*, *cython integration* and *cython with adaptive integration*, respectively. :return: One-Halo power spectrum :math:`P_{1h}(k) \ [Mpc^{3}]`. """ a = np.atleast_1d(a) k = np.atleast_1d(k) nu_range = np.atleast_1d(nu_range) m_msun = self.nu2mass(nu_range, a) # mask = ~np.isnan(m_msun) # m_msun = m_msun[mask] # Alter the top hat window function as in Eq. (26) of Mead et al., 2015: # W(k, M) = W(nu^eta, k, M) rv_mpc = self.rvir(m_msun, a) c =, a).T f = self.f(nu=nu_range) eta = self._eta(a) integral_1halo = cython_integral_halo( k, m_msun, nu_range, rv_mpc, c, a, f, eta, adaptive=1 ) pk_1h = integral_1halo / self._params.rho_matter_Msun_iMpc3 # # Apply the large scale smoothing described in Eq. (24) of Mead et al, 2015 k_star = 0.584 * self.sigma_v_a(a) ** -1 pk_1h *= 1.0 - np.exp(-((k[:, None] / k_star) ** 2)) return pk_1h
[docs] def pk_2h(self, k, a): r""" Two-Halo term of the non-linear matter power spectrum as defined in Eq.(10) of `Mead et al, 2015 <>`_. :param k: wavelength :math:`[Mpc^{-1}]` :param a: scale factor [1] :return: Two-Halo power spectrum :math:`P_{2h}(k) \ [Mpc^{3}]`. """ sigma_d_100 = self.sigma_d(a) f = 0.0095 * (sigma_d_100 * self._params.h) ** 1.37 a = np.atleast_1d(a) pk_2h = self._tables.powerspec_tab_a_k(k=k, a=a) # Apply the damping at quasi-linear scales as described in Eq. (23) of Mead et # al., 2015 pk_2h *= 1.0 - f * np.tanh(k[:, None] * self.sigma_v_a(a) / np.sqrt(f)) ** 2 return pk_2h
[docs] def print_params(self): """ Prints the cosmological setup and the parameters used for the computation of the non-linear matter power spectrum with the Mead et al., 2015 model. Example: .. code-block:: python cosmo.set(pk_nonlin_type = 'mead') cosmo.nonlin_pert.print_params() """ COSMO_PARAMS = [ "h", "omega_m", "omega_b", "omega_l", "w0", "wa", "n", "pk_norm", ] print( "The halomodel with Mead et al. corrections has been initialised with the" " following attributes:" ) for key in self._params.keys(): print("{} = {}".format(key, self._params[key])) print( "The halomodel with Mead et al. corrections has been initialised with the" " following cosmological parameters:" ) for key in COSMO_PARAMS: print("{} = {}".format(key, self._params[key]))
[docs] def max_redshift(self, k): """computes max redshift for which this model is applicable. :param k: wavenumber k, might be needed for some underlying linear perturbation models. [:math:`h Mpc^{-1}`] :returns: redshift """ return self._lin_pert.max_redshift(k)
[docs] def powerspec_a_k(self, a=1.0, k=0.1, diag_only=False): r""" Calculates the non-linear matter power spectrum, using the ``mead`` model, as described in \ `Mead et al., 2015 <>`_ and \ `Mead et al., 2016 <>`_, consisting of the superposition of the :meth:`pk_1h` and :meth:`pk_2h` terms. :param k: wavelength :math:`[Mpc]^{-1}` :param a: scale factor [1] :param nu_range: nu-array used for the integration [1] :param m_min_msun: minimum halo mass for the integration range [Msun] :param m_max_msun: maximum halo mass for the integration range [Msun] :return: Halo Model power spectrum, :math:`P_{nl}(k)`, in :math:`[Mpc^{3}]`. Example: .. code-block:: python cosmo.set(pk_nonlin_type = 'mead') cosmo.nonlin_pert.powerspec_a_k(a,k) """ a = np.atleast_1d(a).astype(float) k = np.atleast_1d(k).astype(float) a_limit = 1 / (1 + self.max_redshift(k)) mask_invalid = (a <= a_limit) | (a > 1.0) a[mask_invalid] = a_limit if diag_only: assert len(a) == len(k) min_growth = self._tables.growth_tab_a(min(a)) max_delta_c = self.delta_c(max(a)) nu_max = ( max(self.nu0) / self.delta_c_a0 * max_delta_c * self.growth_a0 / min_growth ) nu_range = np.append( [1e-100], 10 ** np.linspace(-10, np.log10(nu_max - 0.001), 1000) ) pk_1h = self.pk_1h(k, a, nu_range) pk_2h = self.pk_2h(k, a) # Adapt the transition between 1-halo and 2-halo term as described in Eq. (27) # of Mead et al, 2015 alpha = self._alpha(a) pk = (pk_1h**alpha + pk_2h**alpha) ** (1.0 / alpha) pk[:, mask_invalid] = np.nan if diag_only: return np.diag(pk) else: return pk