Source code for PyCosmo.Projection

# This file is part of PyCosmo, a multipurpose cosmology calculation tool in Python.
# Copyright (C) 2013-2021 ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle and Astrophysics and SIS
# ID.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
# program.  If not, see <>.

import pickle
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np

class _PowerSpecCache:
    """internal use only: used to avoid repeated computation of the powerspectrum"""

    def __init__(self):

    def cache(self, power_spec_function):
        def wrapped(a, k, diag_only):
            ak = a
            if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
                ak =
            kk = a
            if isinstance(k, np.ndarray):
                kk =
            key = (power_spec_function.__func__.__qualname__, ak, kk, diag_only)
            if key not in self._cache:
                self._cache[key] = power_spec_function(a, k, diag_only)
            return self._cache[key]

        return wrapped

    def clear(self):
        self._cache = dict()

[docs]class Projection(object): """ Core projection functions to be used by the :class:`.Obs` class to predict observables. .. Warning :: Projection not supported by the Boltzmann solver yet, since it requires nonlinear perturbations. Calling any function from this module while using the Boltzmann solver (pk_type = 'boltz') will return **ValueError: you must set pk_nonlin_type to access projections** """ def __init__(self, params, background, lin_pert, nonlin_pert): self.params = params self.background = background self._memory = _PowerSpecCache() self._lin_pert = lin_pert self._nonlin_pert = nonlin_pert self._setup_cached_powerspec_functions() def _setup_cached_powerspec_functions(self): self._lin_powerspec_a_k = self._memory.cache(self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k) self._nonlin_powerspec_a_k = self._memory.cache(self._nonlin_pert.powerspec_a_k) def __getstate__(self): dd = self.__dict__.copy() dd.pop("_lin_powerspec_a_k") dd.pop("_nonlin_powerspec_a_k") return dd def __setstate__(self, dd): self.__dict__.update(dd) self._setup_cached_powerspec_functions()
[docs] def cl_limber( self, ells, weight_function1, weight_function2, a_grid, cosmo, perturb="nonlinear", ): r""" Computes the angular power spectrum of the auto- or cross-correlation between two LSS probes i.e. galaxy overdensity, cosmic shear or CMB lensing. :param ells: array of angular multipoles :math:`\ell` :param weight_function1: radial weight function for first probe :param weight_function2: radial weight function for second probe :param a_grid: integration grid in scale factor a :param perturb: string tag denoting if we use linear or nonlinear power spectrum. It can be either ``linear`` or ``nonlinear``. :return: Angular power spectrum :math:`C_{\ell}` at the multipoles :math:`\ell`. """ amin, amax, num = a_grid amin, amax = min(amin, amax), max(amin, amax) a_vec = np.linspace(amin, amax, int(num)) # use a as integration variable intg_vec = self.cl_limber_int( a_vec, ells, weight_function1, weight_function2, cosmo, perturb ) cl = np.trapz(intg_vec, a_vec, axis=1) return cl
[docs] def cl_limber_int( self, a, ells, weight_function1, weight_function2, cosmo, perturb="nonlinear" ): r""" Returns the integrand needed to compute the angular power spectrum of the auto- or cross-correlation between two LSS probes in the Limber approximation. :param a: array of scale factor values a :param ells: array of angular multipoles :math:`\ell` :param weight_function1: radial weight function for first probe :param weight_function2: radial weight function for second probe :param perturb: string tag denoting if we use linear or nonlinear power spectrum. It can be either ``linear`` or ``nonlinear``. :return: Integrand at :math:`\ell` for the values of a. """ r = self.background.dist_trans_a(a=a) weightfunc = ( weight_function1(a, self) * weight_function2(a, self) / r**2 / a**2 / self.background.H(a) * self.params.c ) avec = np.tile(a, len(ells)) weightvec = np.tile(weightfunc, len(ells)) kvec = np.outer(ells, 1 / r).flatten() if perturb == "linear": intg = weightvec * self._lin_powerspec_a_k(avec, kvec, diag_only=True) elif perturb == "nonlinear": intg = weightvec * self._nonlin_powerspec_a_k(avec, kvec, diag_only=True) else: raise ValueError("perturb {} not implemented".format(perturb)) intg = intg.reshape(len(ells), -1) return intg
[docs] def cl_limber_ISW( self, ell, weight_function1, weight_function2, growth_ISW, a_grid, perturb="linear", ): r""" Computes the angular power spectrum of the cross correlation between the CMB temperature anisotropies and the galaxy overdensity/cosmic shear. :param ell: array of angular multipole :math:`\ell` :param weight_function1: radial weight function for first probe :param weight_function2: radial weight function for second probe :param growth_ISW: growth function for ISW :param a_grid: integration grid in scale factor a :param linear: string tag denoting if we use linear or nonlinear power spectrum. It can be either ``linear`` or ``nonlinear`` :return: Angular power spectrum :math:`C_{\ell}` at the multipoles :math:`\ell`. """ # There is no minus sign in the integrand, i.e. we don't need to reverse the # integration range amin, amax, num = a_grid amin, amax = min(amin, amax), max(amin, amax) # this code requires descending a values to work: a_vec = np.linspace(amin, amax, int(num))[::-1] # use a as integration variable intg_vec = self.cl_limber_ISW_int( a_vec, ell, weight_function1, weight_function2, growth_ISW, perturb ) # cl = np.trapz(intg_vec,a_vec) cls = np.trapz(intg_vec, a_vec, axis=1) cls *= ( 3.0 * self.params.omega_m * self.params.H0**2 * self.params.Tcmb / self.params.c**2 * 1.0 / ell**2 ) return cls
[docs] def cl_limber_ISW_int( self, a, ells, weight_function1, weight_function2, growth_ISW, perturb="linear" ): r""" Returns the integrand needed to compute the angular power spectrum of the cross correlation between the CMB temperature anisotropies and the galaxy overdensity/cosmic shear/CMB lensing. :param a: array of scale factor values a :param ells: array of angular multipoles :math:`\ell` :param weight_function1: radial weight function for first probe :param weight_function2: radial weight function for second probe :param growth_ISW: growth function for ISW :param perturb: string tag denoting if we use linear or nonlinear power spectrum. It can be either ``linear`` or ``nonlinear``. :return: Integrand at :math:`\ell` for the values of a. """ r = self.background.dist_trans_a(a=a) weightfunc = ( weight_function1(a, self) * weight_function2(a, self) * growth_ISW(a, self) ) # TODO This is for a vectorised call - need to remove at some point avec = np.ones(len(ells) * len(a)) weightvec = np.tile(weightfunc, len(ells)) kvec = np.outer(ells, 1 / r).flatten() if perturb == "linear": intg = weightvec * self._lin_powerspec_a_k(avec, kvec, diag_only=True) else: intg = weightvec * self._nonlin_powerspec_a_k(avec, kvec, diag_only=True) intg = intg.reshape(len(ells), -1) return intg
[docs] def cl_limber_IG( self, ell, weight_function1, weight_function2, F, a_grid, IAmodel="NLA" ): r""" Computes the angular power spectrum of the cross correlation between intrinsic galaxy ellipticities and tracers of the LSS. :param ell: array of angular multipole :math:`\ell` :param weight_function1: radial weight function for first probe -> this needs to be the weight function :param weight_function2: radial weight function for second probe -> this needs to be n(z) :param F: IA bias function :param a_grid: integration grid in scale factor a :param IAmodel: string tag denoting if we use NLA or LA IA model. It can be either ``NLA`` or ``IA``. :return: Angular power spectrum :math:`C_{\ell}` at the multipoles :math:`\ell`. """ amin, amax, num = a_grid amin, amax = min(amin, amax), max(amin, amax) a_vec = np.linspace(amin, amax, int(num)) intg_vec = self.cl_limber_IG_int( a_vec, ell, weight_function1, weight_function2, F, IAmodel ) # cl = np.trapz(intg_vec,a_vec) cls = np.trapz(intg_vec, a_vec, axis=1) return cls
[docs] def cl_limber_IG_int( self, a, ells, weight_function1, weight_function2, F, IAmodel="NLA" ): r""" Returns the integrand for the angular power spectrum of intrinsic alignments (IAs) computed using the NLA or LA model. :param a: array of scale factor values a :param ells: array of angular multipoles :math:`\ell` :param weight_function1: radial weight function for first probe -> this needs to be the weight function :param weight_function2: radial weight function for second probe -> this needs to be n(z) :param F: IA bias function :param IAmodel: string tag denoting if we use NLA or LA IA model. It can be either ``NLA`` or ``IA``. :return: Integrand at :math:`\\ell` for the values of a. """ r = self.background.dist_trans_a(a=a) # For the second redshift selection functions, we need to transform a to z z = 1.0 / a - 1.0 weightfunc = ( weight_function1(a, self) * weight_function2(z) * F(a, self) / r**2 / a**2 ) avec = np.tile(a, len(ells)) weightvec = np.tile(weightfunc, len(ells)) kvec = np.outer(ells, 1.0 / r).flatten() if IAmodel == "NLA": intg = weightvec * self._nonlin_powerspec_a_k(avec, kvec, diag_only=True) else: intg = weightvec * self._lin_powerspec_a_k(avec, kvec, diag_only=True) intg = intg.reshape(len(ells), -1) return intg
[docs] def cl_limber_II( self, ell, weight_function1, weight_function2, F, a_grid, IAmodel="NLA" ): r""" Computes the angular power spectrum of the auto power spectrum of intrinsic galaxy ellipticities. :param ell: array of angular multipole :math:`\ell` :param weight_function1: redshift selection function for first probe :param weight_function2: redshift selection function for second probe :param F: IA bias function :param a_grid: integration grid in scale factor a :param IAmodel: string tag denoting if we use NLA or LA IA model. It can be either ``NLA`` or ``IA``. :return: Angular power spectrum :math:`C_{\ell}` at the multipoles :math:`\ell`. """ amin, amax, num = a_grid amin, amax = min(amin, amax), max(amin, amax) a_vec = np.linspace(amin, amax, int(num)) intg_vec = self.cl_limber_II_int( a_vec, ell, weight_function1, weight_function2, F, IAmodel ) cls = np.trapz(intg_vec, a_vec, axis=1) return cls
[docs] def cl_limber_II_int( self, a, ells, weight_function1, weight_function2, F, IAmodel="NLA" ): r""" Returns the integrand for the angular power spectrum of the auto correlation of intrinsic alignments (IAs) computed using the NLA or LA model. :param a: array of scale factor values a :param ells: array of angular multipoles :math:`\ell` :param weight_function1: redshift selection function for first probe :param weight_function2: redshift selection function for second probe :param F: IA bias function :param IAmodel: string tag denoting if we use NLA or LA IA model. It can be either ``NLA`` or ``IA``. :return: Integrand at :math:`\ell` for the values of a. """ r = self.background.dist_trans_a(a=a) # For the redshift selection functions, we need to transform a to z z = 1.0 / a - 1.0 weightfunc = ( self.background.H(a=a) / self.params.c * weight_function1(z) * weight_function2(z) * F(a, self) ** 2 / r**2 / a**2 ) avec = np.tile(a, len(ells)) weightvec = np.tile(weightfunc, len(ells)) kvec = np.outer(ells, 1.0 / r).flatten() if IAmodel == "NLA": intg = weightvec * self._nonlin_pert.powerspec_a_k( avec, kvec, diag_only=True ) else: intg = weightvec * self._lin_pert.powerspec_a_k(avec, kvec, diag_only=True) return intg.reshape(len(ells), -1)