Source code for estats.stats.CrossStarletL1NormDi

# Copyright (C) 2019 ETH Zurich
# Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
# Author: Dominik Zuercher

import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
from astropy.stats import mad_std

[docs]def context(): """ Defines the paramters used by the plugin """ stat_type = 'convergence-cross' required = ['Starlet_L1_steps', 'Starlet_scalesDi', 'Starlet_L1_selected_scalesDi', 'Starlet_L1_sliced_bins', 'NSIDE', 'min_SL1_SNR', 'max_SL1_SNR'] defaults = [1000, [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096], [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096], 15, 1024, -4., 4.] types = ['int', 'list', 'list', 'int', 'int', 'float', 'float'] return required, defaults, types, stat_type
[docs]def CrossStarletL1NormDi(map_w, weights, ctx): """ Performs Starlet decompostion of map and calculates the L1 norm of each filter band. Uses the dyadic scheme. :param map: A Healpix convergence map :param weights: A Healpix map with pixel weights :param ctx: Context instance :return: Starlet L1 norm (num filter bands * Starlet_steps) """ try: from esd import esd except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Did not find esd package. " "It is required for this module to work properly. " "Download from: " "") l1_coll = np.zeros((len(ctx['Starlet_scalesDi']), ctx['Starlet_L1_steps'] + 1)) # noise map to estimate std of wavelet coeffs std = mad_std(map_w[map_w > hp.UNSEEN]) rands = np.random.randn(np.sum(map_w > hp.UNSEEN)) noise_map = np.full(map_w.size, hp.UNSEEN) noise_map[map_w > hp.UNSEEN] = rands # generators for wavelet decompositions wave_iter = esd.calc_wavelet_decomp_iter( map_w, l_bins=ctx['Starlet_scalesDi']) noise_iter = esd.calc_wavelet_decomp_iter( noise_map, l_bins=ctx['Starlet_scalesDi']) counter = 0 for ii, maps in enumerate(zip(wave_iter, noise_iter)): if ii == 0: continue wmap = maps[0] nmap = maps[1] # redo masking wmap = wmap[weights > 0.0] nmap = nmap[weights > 0.0] noise_est = np.std(nmap) * std snr = wmap / noise_est minimum = np.min(snr) maximum = np.max(snr) thresholds_snr = np.linspace(minimum, maximum, ctx['Starlet_L1_steps'] - 1) digitized = np.digitize(snr, thresholds_snr) snr_abs = np.abs(snr) bin_l1_norm = [np.sum(snr_abs[digitized == i]) for i in range(1, len(thresholds_snr))] # append min, max and std of the map bin_l1_norm = np.hstack((np.asarray([minimum]), bin_l1_norm, np.asarray([maximum]), np.asarray([std]))) bin_l1_norm = bin_l1_norm.reshape(1, bin_l1_norm.size) l1_coll[counter] = bin_l1_norm counter += 1 return l1_coll
[docs]def process(data, ctx, scale_to_unity=False): # backwards compatibility for data without map std if data.shape[1] > ctx['Starlet_L1_steps']: data = data[:, :-1] num_of_scales = len(ctx['Starlet_scalesDi']) new_data = np.zeros( (int(data.shape[0] / num_of_scales), data.shape[1] * num_of_scales)) for jj in range(int(data.shape[0] / num_of_scales)): new_data[jj, :] = data[jj * num_of_scales: (jj + 1) * num_of_scales, :].ravel() return new_data
[docs]def slice(ctx): # number of datavectors for each scale mult = 1 # number of scales num_of_scales = len(ctx['Starlet_scalesDi']) # either mean or sum, for how to assemble the data into the bins operation = 'sum' n_bins_sliced = ctx['Starlet_L1_sliced_bins'] # if True assumes that first and last entries of the data vector indicate # the upper and lower boundaries and that binning scheme indicates # bin edges rather than their indices range_mode = True return num_of_scales, n_bins_sliced, operation, mult, range_mode
[docs]def decide_binning_scheme(data, meta, bin, ctx): num_of_scales = len(ctx['Starlet_scalesDi']) n_bins_original = ctx['Starlet_L1_steps'] n_bins_sliced = ctx['Starlet_L1_sliced_bins'] # get the correct tomographic bins bin_idx = np.zeros(meta.shape[0], dtype=bool) bin_idx[np.where(meta[:, 0] == bin)[0]] = True bin_idx = np.repeat(bin_idx, meta[:, 1].astype(int)) data = data[bin_idx, :] # Get bins for each smooting scale bin_centers = np.zeros((num_of_scales, n_bins_sliced)) bin_edges = np.zeros((num_of_scales, n_bins_sliced + 1)) for scale in range(num_of_scales): # cut correct scale and minimum and maximum kappa values data_act = data[:, n_bins_original * scale:n_bins_original * (scale + 1)] minimum = np.max(data_act[:, 0]) maximum = np.min(data_act[:, -1]) new_kappa_bins = np.linspace(minimum, maximum, n_bins_sliced + 1) bin_edges[scale, :] = new_kappa_bins bin_centers_act = new_kappa_bins[:-1] + 0.5 * \ (new_kappa_bins[1:] - new_kappa_bins[:-1]) bin_centers[scale, :] = bin_centers_act return bin_edges, bin_centers
[docs]def filter(ctx): filter = np.zeros(0) for scale in reversed(ctx['Starlet_scalesDi']): if scale in ctx['Starlet_L1_selected_scalesDi']: f = [True] * \ ctx['Starlet_L1_sliced_bins'] f = np.asarray(f) else: f = [False] * \ ctx['Starlet_L1_sliced_bins'] f = np.asarray(f) filter = np.append(filter, f) return filter