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1# Copyright (C) 2018 ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
4Created on Mar 6, 2018
5author: Joerg Herbel
8import warnings
10import numpy as np
11import scipy.interpolate
12import scipy.optimize
13import scipy.special
14import scipy.stats
19class UCatNumGalError(ValueError):
20 """
21 Raised when more galaxies than allowed by the input parameters are sampled
22 """
25class UCatMZInterpError(ValueError):
26 """
27 Raised when lum_fct_m_max is too low for the given redshift range
28 """
31class Catalog:
32 pass
35def apply_pycosmo_distfun(dist_fun, z):
36 z_unique, inv_ind = np.unique(z, return_inverse=True)
37 dist = dist_fun(a=1 / (1 + z_unique))[inv_ind] # Unit: Mpc
38 return dist
41def intp_z_m_cut(cosmo, mag_calc, par):
42 """
43 This function returns an interpolator which predicts the maximum absolute magnitude
44 for a given redshift such that a galaxy will still fall below the limiting apparent
45 magnitude in the reference band (par.gals_mag_max). To do this, we do a check for a
46 number of grid points in redshift. The check consists of finding the template with
47 the smallest ratio of flux in the ref-band at that redshift (apparent flux) and flux
48 in the luminosity function band at redshift zero (absolute flux). We then compute
49 the absolute magnitude a galaxy would need to have to still pass the cut assuming
50 that its spectrum is given by only that one template which we found. This works
51 because the mixing-in of other templates will only make the object brighter in the
52 r-band at this redshift. See also docs/jupyter_notebooks/z_m_cut.ipynb.
53 """
55 def find_max_template_ind(z, n_templates):
56 coeffs = np.eye(n_templates)
58 m_lf = mag_calc(
59 redshifts=np.zeros(n_templates),
60 excess_b_v=np.zeros(n_templates),
61 coeffs=coeffs,
62 filter_names=[par.lum_fct_filter_band],
63 )[par.lum_fct_filter_band]
65 m_ref = mag_calc(
66 redshifts=np.full(n_templates, z),
67 excess_b_v=np.zeros(n_templates),
68 coeffs=coeffs,
69 filter_names=[par.reference_band],
70 )[par.reference_band]
72 ind = np.argmin(m_ref - m_lf)
74 return ind
76 def app_mag_ref(z, temp_i, m_abs, n_templates):
77 coeff = np.zeros((1, n_templates))
78 coeff[0, temp_i] = 1
79 coeff[0, temp_i] = 10 ** (
80 0.4
81 * (
82 mag_calc(
83 redshifts=np.zeros(1),
84 excess_b_v=np.zeros(1),
85 coeffs=coeff,
86 filter_names=[par.lum_fct_filter_band],
87 )[par.lum_fct_filter_band][0]
88 - m_abs
89 )
90 )
91 coeff[0, temp_i] *= (1e-5 / cosmo.background.dist_lum_a(a=1 / (1 + z))) ** 2 / (
92 1 + z
93 )
94 m = mag_calc(
95 redshifts=np.atleast_1d(z),
96 excess_b_v=np.zeros(1),
97 coeffs=coeff,
98 filter_names=[par.reference_band],
99 )[par.reference_band]
101 return m[0]
103 n_templates = mag_calc.n_templates
104 z_intp = [par.lum_fct_z_res]
105 temp_ind = find_max_template_ind(z_intp[0], n_templates)
106 abs_mag = [
107 scipy.optimize.brentq(
108 f=lambda m: app_mag_ref(z_intp[0], temp_ind, m, n_templates)
109 - par.gals_mag_max,
110 a=-100,
111 b=par.gals_mag_max,
112 )
113 ]
115 i_loop = 0
116 while True:
117 i_loop += 1
118 try:
119 z_ = z_intp[-1] + 0.02
121 if z_ > par.lum_fct_z_max:
122 break
124 temp_ind = find_max_template_ind(z_, n_templates)
125 abs_mag_ = scipy.optimize.brentq(
126 f=lambda m,
127 temp_ind=temp_ind,
128 z_=z_,
129 n_templates=n_templates: app_mag_ref(z_, temp_ind, m, n_templates)
130 - par.gals_mag_max,
131 a=-100,
132 b=abs_mag[-1],
133 )
134 z_intp.append(z_)
135 abs_mag.append(abs_mag_)
136 except ValueError:
137 break
139 intp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
140 x=z_intp,
141 y=abs_mag,
142 kind="cubic",
143 bounds_error=False,
144 fill_value=(abs_mag[0], abs_mag[-1]),
145 )
147 if np.any(intp(intp.x) > par.lum_fct_m_max):
148 msg = (
149 "par.lum_fct_m_max is too low according to z-m-interpolation,"
150 " some galaxies may be missing\n"
151 f"gals_mag_max={par.gals_mag_max:2.2f}"
152 f" lum_fct_z_max={par.lum_fct_z_max:2.2f}"
153 f" m_max_sample={np.max(intp(intp.x)):2.2f}"
154 f" lum_fct_m_max={par.lum_fct_m_max:2.2f}"
155 )
156 if par.raise_z_m_interp_error:
157 raise UCatMZInterpError(msg)
158 else:
159 warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=1)
161 return intp