First release on PyPI.
Support of the generation of images in multiple bands with the config file multi_band_variable_systematics
All functionalities concerning the rendering of single-band images released in previous versions are not affected by this
For multi-band rendering: galaxy number counts are obtained from a luminosity function
For multi-band rendering: galaxy redshifts and absolute magnitudes are sampled from luminosity function
For multi-band rendering: galaxy spectra are sampled using template spectra and a distribution of template coefficients
For multi-band rendering: apparent galaxy magnitudes can be calculated in multiple filter bands
For multi-band rendering: extinction is taken into account
For multi-band rendering: star number counts and magnitudes from Besancon model of Milky Way
New way of reading in Healpix maps using instead of healpy.read_map to avoid dtype conversions and lower memory footprint
Support of two core config files: constant_systematics and variable_systematics
Update the io_util to handle absolute paths for file names
Rendering using noise maps is more memory efficient
Support for variable shear, exposure time, and background maps
Improved test coverage; especially testing the rendered galaxy and star profiles to 1e-4 precision
Add correct scatter when converting a magnitude to a number of photons
Functionalities to read in a catalog
Module to more realistically handle sky subtraction as performed on real images
Based on Ivy
Improved test coverage
Improved documentation
Fixed x-y problem
Fix image size bug
Sextractor support
First release.