Tutorial: Advanced functions

Here, we introduce some more advanced functionalities of trianglechain

import numpy as np
from trianglechain import TriangleChain
from trianglechain.params import add_derived, ensure_rec
from cosmic_toolbox.colors import set_cycle
def get_samples(n_samples=100000, n_dims=3, names=None):
    covmat = np.random.normal(size=(n_dims, n_dims))
    covmat = np.dot(covmat.T, covmat)
    mean = np.random.uniform(size=(n_dims))
    samples = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mean, cov=covmat, size=(n_samples))
    samples = ensure_rec(samples, names)
    return samples

sample1 = get_samples(names=["a", "b", "c"])
sample2 = get_samples(names=["a", "b", "c"])
sample3 = get_samples(n_dims=4, names=["a", "b", "c", "d"])
sample4 = get_samples(names=["a", "b", "d"])

Contour plots

First, we show some additional plotting functionalities:

– filling the contours with fill=True

– plotting a grid with grid=True

– using the upper triangle for one of the plots with tri=upper

– grouping the parameters a & b with grouping_kwargs

n_per_group specifies how to group the parameters

empty_ratio determines the space between groups

– number of ticks can be varied with n_ticks

grouping_kwargs = {"n_per_group": (2, 1), "empty_ratio": 0.1}

tri = TriangleChain(fill=True, grid=True, grouping_kwargs=grouping_kwargs, n_ticks=6)
tri.contour_cl(sample2, tri="upper");

Next, we show how to change limits, ticks and labels

– limits of the plot can be changed with ranges

– ticks can be specified with ticks

– tick length can be tuned by tick_length

– 1D histograms can be turned off with plot_histograms_1D=False

– labels for the plot can be specified with labels

ranges = {"a": [-1, 1]}
ticks = {"b": [-6, -4, 0, 4, 6]}
tri = TriangleChain(
    labels=[r"$n_s$", r"$\sigma_8$", r"$\alpha + \beta$"],
tri.contour_cl(sample1, plot_histograms_1D=False);
# tri.contour_cl(sample2, color=color, tri="upper");

From the samples, you can directly compute the bestfit and lower and upper bounds.

show_values=True plots the bestfit and uncertainty band for the last plotted sample

best_fit_method specifies the way the bestfit is computed (options: mode, mean, median, best_sample (requires lnprobs))

levels_method specifies the way the uncertainty is computed (options: hdi, percentile, PJ*HPD (requires lnprobs))

credible_interval specifies the credible interval for the uncertainty

samples = np.load("chain.npy")
lnprobs = np.load("lnprobs.npy")

samples_c = add_derived(
    derived=samples["S8"] * np.sqrt(0.3 / samples["omega_m"]),
labels = [r"$\Omega_m$", r"$\sigma_8$", r"$h$"]

tri = TriangleChain(labels=labels, params=["omega_m", "sigma8", "h"])

You can use scatter to show fiducal values

– combine contour_cl with scatter

– use scatter_vline_1D for the 1D projection

When combining different samples

– you can use label to label each plot

show_legend will print the legend after this plot

fiducial = {"a": 0, "b": 1.0, "c": 1}
scatter_kwargs = {"s": 500, "marker": "*", "zorder": 299}
tri = TriangleChain(scatter_kwargs=scatter_kwargs)
tri.contour_cl(sample1, label="sample1")
tri.contour_cl(sample2, label="sample2")
    label="fiducial values",

For smoothing the contours more or less, you can play around with the following

n_bins defines the number of bins used

density_estimation_method chooses the method used for smoothing

de_kwargs specifies args for smoothing

de_kwargs = {
    "levels": [0.1, 0.68],
    "smoothing_parameter1D": 0.01,
    "smoothing_parameter2D": 1,
tri = TriangleChain(
    n_bins=1000, density_estimation_method="smoothing", de_kwargs=de_kwargs
tri.contour_cl(sample1, label="sample1")
tri.contour_cl(sample2, label="sample2");

Density image

Most of the arguments introduced above can also be used for other plotting types as density images. However, there are a few specific ones for density images, e.g.

cmap to define the colormap

colorbar to plot a colorbar (normalized to 1)

colorbar_label for the label of the colorbar

tri = TriangleChain()
    sample1, cmap="jet", colorbar=True, colorbar_label="density of samples"

If you want to have now color for the very low density areas, you can do this with

alpha_for_low_density to turn on the fading towards transparency

alpha_threshold to set the threshold which fraction of the maximum peak should be used for the fading

kwargs = {
    "alpha_for_low_density": True,  # set low density values to alpha
    "alpha_threshold": 0.1,
}  # how much of the cmap should be used for the transition to alpha
tri = TriangleChain(alpha_for_low_density=True, alpha_threshold=0.1)

Scatter with specified color

The scatter_prob plot type can be used to make a scatter plot where you specify the color. If prob actually corresponds to a probability, you can use the default value and get the following:

samples = np.random.rand(5000, 3) * 20 - 10
sigma = 5
prob = (
    samples[:, 0] ** 2 / sigma**2
    + (samples[:, 1] - 3) ** 2 / sigma**2
    + (samples[:, 2] + 2) ** 2 / sigma**2
prob = np.exp(-prob)
prob /= np.sum(prob)

tri = TriangleChain(colorbar=True, colorbar_label="normalized prob")
tri.scatter_prob(samples, prob=prob);

If you want to use the color to show an additional parameter (e.g. S8 when plotting sigma8 and omega_m), you have to turn off the normalization with the parameters



This way, the 1D projections still corresponds to the density of points and is not affected by prob

param4 = sample1["a"] + sample1["b"]

tri = TriangleChain(colorbar=True, colorbar_label="4th param: d")
tri.scatter_prob(sample1, prob=param4, normalize_prob2D=False, normalize_prob1D=False);

If you want to plot a specific value for the color as in the last example but the 1D projection should give you an idea where in your parameter space this value is largest, you can use


normalize_prob1D=True (default)

This can e.g. be useful when you want to plot a fractional error across parameter space.

samples = np.random.rand(5000, 3) * 10
err = samples[:, 0] ** 2 + (10 - samples[:, 1]) ** (2) + 5 * (samples[:, 2] - 5) ** 2
tri = TriangleChain(colorbar=True, colorbar_label="error")
tri.scatter_prob(samples, prob=err, normalize_prob2D=False);

Show limits and bestfits

TriangleChain can also directly output the bestfits and limits of each parameter. The method how the limits and the bestfit is computed can be changed as well.

samples = np.load('chain.npy')
lnprobs = np.load('lnprobs.npy')

samples_c = add_derived(
    derived=samples["S8"]*np.sqrt(0.3/ samples["omega_m"])
labels = [r'$\Omega_m$', r'$\sigma_8$', r'$h$']
tri = TriangleChain(labels=labels, params=["omega_m", "sigma8", "h"])
tri.contour_cl(samples_c, show_values=True, levels_method="hdi", bestfit_method="mode", credible_interval=0.68);

Plain 2D Plot

To get a plain 2D plot, the easiest is to use the LineChain module.

line = LineChain(params=["a", "b"])

and more…

For an overview of all arguments, use help(TriangleChain). Generally, arguments passed to TriangleChain will affect all plots whereas arguments passed to the subplots such as contour_cl will only affect the subplot. Most arguments can be passed to both.

If you have questions, found a bug or you have suggestions for new features, feel free to contact me: silvanf@phys.ethz.ch