Source code for ufig.mask_utils

# Copyright (C) 2019 ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle and Astrophysics

Created on Feb 5, 2019
author: Joerg Herbel

import numba as nb
import numpy as np

[docs] def decimal_integer_to_binary(n_bits, arr_decimal, dtype_out): """ Transform a one-dimensional array of decimal integers into its binary representation. Returns an array with the shape (len(arr_decimal), n_bits). To reconstruct arr_decimal[i], one would perform the operation arr_decimal[i] = np.sum(2**np.arange(n_bits) * arr_binary[i]) This means that this binary representation is reversed with respect to what is normally used. For example, normally, 1100 = 1 * 2**3 + 1 * 2**2 + 0 * 2**1 + 0 * 2**0. However, here we have 1100 = 1 * 2**0 + 1 * 2**1 + 0 * 2**2 + 0 * 2**3. ATTENTION: THIS FUNCTION MODIFIES ARR_DECIMAL IN PLACE! """ arr_binary = np.zeros((len(arr_decimal), n_bits), dtype=dtype_out) arr_decimal = arr_decimal.astype(dtype_out) for i in range(n_bits): arr_binary[:, i] = arr_decimal % np.uint(2) arr_decimal //= np.uint(2) return arr_binary
[docs] def get_binary_mask_dtype(n_bits): for dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64]: if np.iinfo(dtype).max >= n_bits: return dtype raise ValueError( f"Number of bits {n_bits} exceeding maximum possible value such that np.uint" " dtype can be used" )
[docs] def set_masked_pixels(pixel_mask, maskbits_keep, n_bits): """ Set pixels which are masked according to input bits. This function modifies pixel_mask in-place. :param pixel_mask: mask :param maskbits_keep: mask bits to keep :param n_bits: ... :return: mask with only bits to keep switched on (same shape as input mask) """ pixel_mask = pixel_mask.copy() # special case of no masking if len(maskbits_keep) == 0: return pixel_mask * 0 # transform to binary representation pixel_mask_bin = decimal_integer_to_binary( n_bits, np.ravel(pixel_mask), dtype_out=get_binary_mask_dtype(n_bits) ) # select bits to keep pixel_mask_bin = pixel_mask_bin[:, maskbits_keep] # transform back to original shape pixel_mask_keep = np.sum(pixel_mask_bin, axis=1).reshape(pixel_mask.shape) return pixel_mask_keep
[docs] @nb.jit(nopython=True) def select_off_mask(xs, ys, rs, mask): # Array holding results select_off = np.ones(len(xs), dtype=np.int8) # Compute coordinates to be checked x_min = np.floor(xs - rs).astype(np.int32) y_min = np.floor(ys - rs).astype(np.int32) x_max = np.ceil(xs + rs).astype(np.int32) y_max = np.ceil(ys + rs).astype(np.int32) x_min = np.maximum(x_min, 0) y_min = np.maximum(y_min, 0) x_max = np.minimum(x_max, mask.shape[1]) y_max = np.minimum(y_max, mask.shape[0]) rs_sq = rs**2 for i in range(len(xs)): x = xs[i] y = ys[i] r_sq = rs_sq[i] for xi in range(x_min[i], x_max[i]): for yi in range(y_min[i], y_max[i]): delta = (xi - x) ** 2 + (yi - y) ** 2 if delta < r_sq and mask[int(yi), int(xi)] > 0: select_off[i] = 0 break if select_off[i] == 0: break return select_off
[docs] def pixel_mask_to_catalog_mask(pixel_mask, cat, off_mask_radius): x = cat["XWIN_IMAGE"] - 0.5 y = cat["YWIN_IMAGE"] - 0.5 r = off_mask_radius * cat["FLUX_RADIUS"] r[r < 0] = 5 return select_off_mask(x, y, r, pixel_mask).astype(bool)
[docs] def pixel_mask_to_ucat_catalog_mask(pixel_mask, cat, off_mask_radius, r50_offset=5): x = cat["x"] y = cat["y"] r = off_mask_radius * cat["r50"] + r50_offset r[r < 0] = 5 return select_off_mask(x, y, r, pixel_mask).astype(bool)