Source code for ufig.plugins.run_emulator

# Copyright (C) 2023 ETH Zurich
# Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
# Author: Silvan Fischbacher

import h5py
from cosmic_toolbox import arraytools as at
from cosmic_toolbox import logger
from ivy.plugin.base_plugin import BasePlugin

HDF5_COMPRESS = {"compression": "gzip", "compression_opts": 9, "shuffle": True}

LOGGER = logger.get_logger(__file__)

[docs] class Plugin(BasePlugin): def __call__(self):"Running the full emulator") par = self.ctx.parameters # load classifier and config conf = par.emu_conf clf_params = list(par.clf.params) # load catalogs cats = {} for f in par.emu_filters: cats[f] = h5py.File(par.det_clf_catalog_name_dict[f], "r") # create classifier input X = {} for p in conf["input_band_dep"]: for f in par.emu_filters: X[p + f"_{f}"] = cats[f]["data"][p] for p in conf["input_band_indep"]: X[p] = cats[par.emu_filters[0]]["data"][p] # Get ucat params that are not part of the emulator if "x" in cats[par.emu_filters[0]]["data"].dtype.names: x = cats[par.emu_filters[0]]["data"]["x"] y = cats[par.emu_filters[0]]["data"]["y"] radec = False else: radec = True x = cats[par.emu_filters[0]]["data"]["ra"] y = cats[par.emu_filters[0]]["data"]["dec"] ids = cats[par.emu_filters[0]]["data"]["id"] for f in par.emu_filters: cats[f].close() X = at.dict2rec(X) # Reorder the fields to match the desired order X = X[clf_params] LOGGER.debug("Running the classifier") det = par.clf.predict(X) LOGGER.debug("Running the normalizing flow") sexcat = par.nflow.sample(X[det]) select = at.get_finite_mask(sexcat) LOGGER.debug("Writing the catalogs") # write catalog catalog for f in par.emu_filters: cat = {} for p in conf["input_band_dep"]: cat[p] = sexcat[p + f"_{f}"] for p in conf["input_band_indep"]: cat[p] = sexcat[p] for p in conf["output"]: cat[p] = sexcat[p + f"_{f}"] # positions for final catalog if radec: cat["ra"] = x[det] cat["dec"] = y[det] else: cat["x"] = x[det] cat["y"] = y[det] cat["XWIN_IMAGE"] = x[det] cat["YWIN_IMAGE"] = y[det] cat["X_IMAGE"] = x[det] cat["Y_IMAGE"] = y[det] cat["id"] = ids[det] cat = at.dict2rec(cat) # add NO_MATCH_VAL to stars # stars = cat["galaxy_type"] == -1 # cat["z"][stars] = NO_MATCH_VAL # write catalog filepath = par.sextractor_forced_photo_catalog_name_dict[f] at.save_hdf_cols(filepath, cat[select], compression=HDF5_COMPRESS) # del par.clf # del par.nflow del self.ctx.parameters.clf del self.ctx.parameters.nflow def __str__(self): return "run the full emulator"