Source code for ufig.plugins.single_band_setup

# Copyright (C) 2016 ETH Zurich, Institute for Astronomy

Created on Feb 09, 2016
author: Joerg Herbel

import numpy as np
from ivy.plugin.base_plugin import BasePlugin

from ufig import io_util, sysmaps_util

NAME = "setup single-band"

[docs] def initialize_shape_size_columns(galaxies, numgalaxies, precision): # Shear for col in ["gamma1", "gamma2", "kappa"]: if not hasattr(galaxies, col): setattr(galaxies, col, np.zeros(numgalaxies, dtype=precision)) # Size and shape after shear for col in ("e1", "e2", "r50"): if not hasattr(galaxies, col): setattr(galaxies, col, getattr(galaxies, f"int_{col}").copy())
[docs] def initialize_psf_columns(obj, n_obj, band, precision=np.float32): """ Adds a negligible PSF to simulated objects (stars or galaxies) :param obj: object catalog (stars or galaxies) :param n_obj: number of objects """ # set defaults cols_init = {} cols_init["psf_beta"] = lambda: np.full((n_obj, 1), 2.0, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_flux_ratio"] = lambda: np.ones(n_obj, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_fwhm"] = lambda: np.full(n_obj, 0.0001, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_r50"] = lambda: np.full(n_obj, 0.0001, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_r50_indiv"] = lambda: np.full(n_obj, 0.0001, dtype=precision).T cols_init["psf_e1"] = lambda: np.zeros(n_obj, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_e2"] = lambda: np.zeros(n_obj, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_f1"] = lambda: np.zeros(n_obj, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_f2"] = lambda: np.zeros(n_obj, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_g1"] = lambda: np.zeros(n_obj, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_g2"] = lambda: np.zeros(n_obj, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_kurtosis"] = lambda: np.zeros(n_obj, dtype=precision) cols_init["psf_dx_offset"] = lambda: np.zeros(n_obj, dtype=precision).T cols_init["psf_dy_offset"] = lambda: np.zeros(n_obj, dtype=precision).T for col in cols_init: dict_col_name = f"{col}_dict" # initialize dict if does not exist if not hasattr(obj, dict_col_name): setattr(obj, dict_col_name, {}) # assign PSF column to band dict_col = getattr(obj, dict_col_name) # initialize values if fdo not exist if band not in dict_col: dict_col[band] = cols_init[col]() # set the column to the current filter setattr(obj, col, dict_col[band])
[docs] class UFigNumPhotError(ValueError): """ Raised when more photons (for galaxies) than allowed by the input parameters are sampled """
[docs] def convert_magnitude_to_nphot_const_texp( mag, par, x=None, y=None, texp_img=None, n_exp=None ): """ Convert the magnitude into a number of photons to be sampled later on :param mag: magnitude of the objects :param par: Container of ctx.parameters parameters (magzero & gain) :param x: x-coordinate of objects (in pixels) (not used here) :param y: y-coordinate of objects (in pixels) (not used here) :param texp_img: Image contining the exposure times at each position (not used here) :param n_exp: number of exposures :return: Number of photons """ nphot_mean = np.power(10.0, 0.4 * (par.magzero - mag)) * par.gain * n_exp nphot = np.round(np.random.poisson(nphot_mean) / n_exp) return nphot
[docs] def convert_magnitude_to_nphot_const_gain( mag, par, gain, x=None, y=None, texp_img=None, n_exp=None ): """ Convert the magnitude into a number of photons to be sampled later on :param mag: magnitude of the objects :param par: Container of ctx.parameters parameters (magzero & gain) :param x: x-coordinate of objects (in pixels) (not used here) :param y: y-coordinate of objects (in pixels) (not used here) :param texp_img: Image contining the exposure times at each position (not used here) :param n_exp: number of exposures :return: Number of photons """ nphot_mean = np.power(10.0, 0.4 * (par.magzero - mag)) * gain nphot = np.random.poisson(nphot_mean) return nphot
[docs] def get_texp_per_object(par, x, y, texp_img=None): if texp_img is None: filename_h5, dataset = sysmaps_util.get_hdf_location_exptime(par) filepath_h5 = io_util.get_abs_path(filename_h5, par.maps_remote_dir) texp_img = io_util.load_from_hdf5( file_name=filepath_h5, hdf5_keys=dataset, hdf5_path="", root_path=par.maps_remote_dir, ) # proof in case of position of of image obj_x = x.astype(np.int32) obj_x[obj_x > texp_img.shape[1] - 1] = texp_img.shape[1] - 1 obj_x[obj_x < 0] = 0 obj_y = y.astype(np.int32) obj_y[obj_y > texp_img.shape[0] - 1] = texp_img.shape[0] - 1 obj_y[obj_y < 0] = 0 texp_obj = texp_img[obj_y, obj_x] return texp_obj
[docs] def get_gain_per_object(par, x, y, gain_img=None): if gain_img is None: filename_h5, dataset = sysmaps_util.get_hdf_location_gain(par) filepath_h5 = io_util.get_abs_path(filename_h5, par.maps_remote_dir) gain_img = io_util.load_from_hdf5( file_name=filepath_h5, hdf5_keys=dataset, hdf5_path="", root_path=par.maps_remote_dir, ) # proof in case of position of image obj_x = x.astype(np.int32) obj_x[obj_x > gain_img.shape[1] - 1] = gain_img.shape[1] - 1 obj_x[obj_x < 0] = 0 obj_y = y.astype(np.int32) obj_y[obj_y > gain_img.shape[0] - 1] = gain_img.shape[0] - 1 obj_y[obj_y < 0] = 0 gain_obj = gain_img[obj_y, obj_x] return gain_obj
[docs] def convert_magnitude_to_nphot_variable_texp(mag, par, x, y, texp_img=None, n_exp=None): """ Convert the magnitude into a number of photons to be sampled later on :param mag: magnitude of the objects :param par: self.ctx.parameters; must contain: magzero: magnitude zero point of target image gain: gain of the target image exp_time_file_name: file name of the exposure time image maps_remote_dir: Remote directory images and maps are stored in if not at 'res/maps/' :param x: x-coordinate of objects (in pixels) :param y: y-coordinate of objects (in pixels) :param texp_img: Image contining the exposure times at each position :param n_exp: number of exposures (not used here) :return: Number of photons """ texp_obj = get_texp_per_object(par, x, y) nphot = np.zeros_like(texp_obj, dtype=np.int32) mask_texp = (texp_obj > 0) & (texp_obj >= par.exposure_time) nphot[mask_texp] = convert_magnitude_to_nphot_const_texp( mag=mag[mask_texp], par=par, n_exp=texp_obj[mask_texp] // par.exposure_time ) return nphot
[docs] def convert_magnitude_to_nphot_with_gain_map(mag, par, x, y, **args): """ Convert the magnitude into a number of photons to be sampled later on :param mag: magnitude of the objects :param par: self.ctx.parameters; must contain: magzero: magnitude zero point of target image gain: gain of the target image exp_time_file_name: file name of the exposure time image maps_remote_dir: Remote directory images and maps are stored in if not at 'res/maps/' :param x: x-coordinate of objects (in pixels) :param y: y-coordinate of objects (in pixels) :param texp_img: Image contining the exposure times at each position :param n_exp: number of exposures (not used here) :return: Number of photons """ gain_obj = get_gain_per_object(par, x, y) nphot = np.zeros_like(gain_obj, dtype=np.int32) nphot = convert_magnitude_to_nphot_const_gain(mag=mag, par=par, gain=gain_obj) return nphot
NPHOT_GENERATOR = { "constant": convert_magnitude_to_nphot_const_texp, "variable": convert_magnitude_to_nphot_variable_texp, "gain_map": convert_magnitude_to_nphot_with_gain_map, }
[docs] class Plugin(BasePlugin): """ Set parameters to render an image according to the current filter band and multi-band dictionaries. The number of photons is also calculated here. """ def __call__(self): par = self.ctx.parameters nphot_generator = NPHOT_GENERATOR[par.exp_time_type] # Image and general seed np.random.seed(par.seed) self.ctx.image = np.zeros((par.size_y, par.size_x), dtype=par.image_precision) self.ctx.image_mask = np.zeros((par.size_y, par.size_x), dtype=bool) # Specific seeds for seed_name in [ "gal_nphot_seed_offset", "star_nphot_seed_offset", "gal_render_seed_offset", "star_render_seed_offset", "background_seed_offset", "seed_ngal", ]: setattr(par, seed_name, getattr(par, seed_name) + 1) # Set quantities from corresponding dictionaries filter_band_params = [ param_name for param_name in par if param_name.endswith("_dict") ] for param_name in filter_band_params: try: param_name_stripped = param_name[:-5] setattr( par, param_name_stripped, getattr(par, param_name)[self.ctx.current_filter], ) except KeyError: pass if "galaxies" in self.ctx: add_galaxy_col = [ "nphot", "gamma1", "gamma2", "kappa", "e1", "e2", "r50", "int_mag", "mag", "abs_mag", "psf_beta", "psf_flux_ratio", "psf_fwhm", "psf_r50", "psf_e1", "psf_e2", "psf_f1", "psf_f2", "psf_g1", "psf_g2", "psf_kurtosis", ] self.ctx.galaxies.columns = list( set(self.ctx.galaxies.columns) | set(add_galaxy_col) ) # Initial values for galaxy shapes initialize_shape_size_columns( self.ctx.galaxies, self.ctx.numgalaxies, precision=par.catalog_precision ) # Values emulating a negligible PSF effect (overwritten by add_psf-module) initialize_psf_columns( self.ctx.galaxies, self.ctx.numgalaxies, band=self.ctx.current_filter, precision=par.catalog_precision, ) # # Magnitudes and numbers of photons self.ctx.galaxies.int_mag = self.ctx.galaxies.int_magnitude_dict[ self.ctx.current_filter ].astype(par.catalog_precision) self.ctx.galaxies.abs_mag = self.ctx.galaxies.abs_magnitude_dict[ self.ctx.current_filter ].astype(par.catalog_precision) self.ctx.galaxies.mag = self.ctx.galaxies.magnitude_dict[ self.ctx.current_filter ].astype(par.catalog_precision) np.random.seed(par.seed + par.gal_nphot_seed_offset) self.ctx.galaxies.nphot = nphot_generator( self.ctx.galaxies.mag, par=par, x=self.ctx.galaxies.x, y=self.ctx.galaxies.y, n_exp=par.n_exp, ) sum_nphot = np.sum(self.ctx.galaxies.nphot) if sum_nphot > par.n_phot_sum_gal_max: raise UFigNumPhotError( f"Maximum number of photons: {par.n_phot_sum_gal_max}" f" Computed number: {sum_nphot}" ) if "stars" in self.ctx: add_star_col = [ "nphot", "mag", "psf_flux_ratio", "psf_fwhm", "psf_r50", "psf_e1", "psf_e2", "psf_f1", "psf_f2", "psf_g1", "psf_g2", "psf_kurtosis", ] self.ctx.stars.columns = list( set(self.ctx.stars.columns) | set(add_star_col) ) # Values emulating a negligible PSF effect (overwritten by add_psf-module) initialize_psf_columns( self.ctx.stars, self.ctx.numstars, band=self.ctx.current_filter, precision=par.catalog_precision, ) # Magnitudes and numbers of photons self.ctx.stars.mag = self.ctx.stars.magnitude_dict[self.ctx.current_filter] np.random.seed(par.seed + par.star_nphot_seed_offset) self.ctx.stars.nphot = nphot_generator( self.ctx.stars.mag, par=par, x=self.ctx.stars.x, y=self.ctx.stars.y, n_exp=par.n_exp, ) def __str__(self): return NAME