# Copyright (C) 2016 ETH Zurich, Institute for Astronomy
Created on Nov 16, 2016
author: Tomasz Kacprzak
import os
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from cosmic_toolbox import logger
from scipy.special import gamma
from ufig import io_util
# from memory_profiler import profile
LOGGER = logger.get_logger(__file__)
def chi_mean_loop(detect_image, n_contribute, arange_mu):
for i in range(detect_image.shape[0]):
for j in range(detect_image.shape[1]):
if n_contribute[i, j] == 0:
detect_image[i, j] = 0.0
detect_image[i, j] = (
np.sqrt(detect_image[i, j]) - arange_mu[n_contribute[i, j]]
) / np.sqrt(n_contribute[i, j] - arange_mu[n_contribute[i, j]] ** 2)
def stack_detect_image(detect_image, n_contribute, image, weights):
for i in range(image.shape[0]):
for j in range(image.shape[1]):
if (image[i, j] != 0.0) & (weights[i, j] != 0.0):
detect_image[i, j] += image[i, j] ** 2 * weights[i, j]
n_contribute[i, j] += 1.0
def get_hdf_location_exptime(par, band=None):
Get the filename and dataset for the exposure time map
:param par: ctx().parameters structure
:param band: which band to use (if None, use the single-band parameter values)
:return: filepath, dataset: path and dataset index in hdf file
if par.sysmaps_type == "sysmaps_hdf":
if band is None:
filepath_h5 = par.exp_time_file_name
filepath_h5 = par.exp_time_file_name_dict[band]
dataset = "data"
elif par.sysmaps_type == "sysmaps_hdf_combined":
if band is None:
filepath_h5 = par.filepath_sysmaps
filepath_h5 = par.filepath_sysmaps_dict[band]
dataset = "map_expt"
raise ValueError(
f"unknown sysmaps_type {par.sysmaps_type}"
" (see common.py for available types)"
return filepath_h5, dataset
def get_hdf_location_bgrms(par, band=None):
Get the filename and dataset for the background noise map
:param par: ctx().parameters structure
:param band: which band to use (if None, use the single-band parameter values)
:return: filepath, dataset: path and dataset index in hdf file
if par.sysmaps_type == "sysmaps_hdf":
if band is None:
filepath_h5 = par.bkg_rms_file_name
filepath_h5 = par.bkg_rms_file_name_dict[band]
dataset = "data"
elif par.sysmaps_type == "sysmaps_hdf_combined":
if band is None:
filepath_h5 = par.filepath_sysmaps
filepath_h5 = par.filepath_sysmaps_dict[band]
dataset = "map_bsig"
raise ValueError(
f"unknown sysmaps_type {par.sysmaps_type}"
" (see common.py for available types)"
return filepath_h5, dataset
def get_hdf_location_invvar(par, band=None):
Get the filename and dataset for the inverse variance map
:param par: ctx().parameters structure
:param band: which band to use (if None, use the single-band parameter values)
:return: filepath, dataset: path and dataset index in hdf file
if par.sysmaps_type == "sysmaps_hdf":
filepath_h5 = par.weight_image if band is None else par.weight_image_dict[band]
dataset = "data"
elif par.sysmaps_type == "sysmaps_hdf_combined":
if band is None:
filepath_h5 = par.filepath_sysmaps
filepath_h5 = par.filepath_sysmaps_dict[band]
dataset = "map_invv"
raise ValueError(
f"unknown sysmaps_type {par.sysmaps_type}"
" (see common.py for available types)"
return filepath_h5, dataset
def get_hdf_location_gain(par, band=None):
Get the filename and dataset for the background noise map
:param par: ctx().parameters structure
:param band: which band to use (if None, use the single-band parameter values)
:return: filepath, dataset: path and dataset index in hdf file
if par.sysmaps_type == "sysmaps_hdf":
if band is None:
filepath_h5 = par.gain_map_file_name
filepath_h5 = par.gain_map_file_name_dict[band]
dataset = "data"
elif par.sysmaps_type == "sysmaps_hdf_combined":
if band is None:
filepath_h5 = par.filepath_sysmaps
filepath_h5 = par.filepath_sysmaps_dict[band]
dataset = "map_gain"
raise ValueError(
f"unknown sysmaps_type {par.sysmaps_type}"
" (see common.py for available types)"
return filepath_h5, dataset
def chi_mean_combination_lowmem(par):
This creates a CHI-MEAN detection image, as is done by the DES pipeline, see
(DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/aab4f5), appendix B.
Copy of chi_mean_combination made to run with low memory
:param images_and_weights: iterable yielding images with weights to be combined
:return: chi-mean detection image
for i, band in enumerate(par.sextractor_forced_photo_detection_bands):
# load image
image = io_util.load_image_chunks(
file_name=par.image_name_dict[band], ext=0, dtype=np.float32
# load weight map
filepath, dataset = get_hdf_location_invvar(par, band=band)
weights = io_util.load_from_hdf5(
file_name=filepath, hdf5_keys=dataset, root_path=par.maps_remote_dir
if i == 0:
detect_image = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=np.float32)
n_contribute = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=np.uint8)
stack_detect_image(detect_image, n_contribute, image, weights)
del image
del weights
n_contribute_unique = np.arange(50, dtype=np.float32)
arange_mu = (
* gamma((n_contribute_unique + 1) / 2)
/ gamma(n_contribute_unique / 2)
chi_mean_loop(detect_image, n_contribute, arange_mu)
return detect_image
# @profile
def get_detection_image(par):
Constructs the detection image for SExtractor. In case of a single-band detection
image, simply writes the weight map of the detection band to a fits file. For
multi-band detection, the function computes the CHI-MEAN combination of the
detection band images and their weights.
:param par: ctx.parameters
:return: path to detection image (fits), path to detection weights (fits or 'NONE'),
weight type of detection image for SExtractor, either according to input
parameters (single-band) or 'NONE' (multi-band detection image)
if len(par.sextractor_forced_photo_detection_bands) == 1:
path_detection_image = par.image_name_dict[
if par.weight_type == "NONE":
path_detection_weight = "NONE"
detection_weight_type = "NONE"
path_detection_weight = get_path_temp_sextractor_weight(
par, par.sextractor_forced_photo_detection_bands[0]
detection_weight_type = par.weight_type
if not os.path.isfile(path_detection_weight):
dirpath_temp = io_util.get_abs_path(
par.tempdir_weight_fits, root_path=par.tempdir_weight_fits, is_file=False
filename_detection_image = "temp_detection_image_{}.fits".format(
path_detection_image = os.path.join(dirpath_temp, filename_detection_image)
path_detection_weight = "NONE"
detection_weight_type = "NONE"
if not os.path.isfile(path_detection_image):
detection_image = chi_mean_combination_lowmem(par)
header = fits.getheader(par.image_name_dict[par.filters[0]])
path_detection_image, detection_image, header=header, overwrite=True
return path_detection_image, path_detection_weight, detection_weight_type