galsbi.ucat.plugins package


galsbi.ucat.plugins.apply_shear module

Created on Mar 27, 2019 author: Joerg Herbel

class galsbi.ucat.plugins.apply_shear.Plugin(ctx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasePlugin

Apply a potentially redshift-dependent shear from input shear maps specified by ctx.parameters.path_shear_map. Only first-order effects due to gamma are applied, kappa is completely ignored. There are three options: 1) The path is None, which will result in zero shear. 2) The path is a file readable by healpy. The file is then assumed to contain 3

healpix maps (kappa, gamma1, gamma2).

  1. The path is and hdf5-file containing multiple, kappa-, gamma1- and gamma2-maps at given redshifts. The shear values are computed by interpolating linearly between the maps.

galsbi.ucat.plugins.apply_shear.evaluate_hdf5_shear_maps(path, ra, dec, z)[source]

Evaluate hdf5 shear maps given at multiple redshifts for given redshifts and angular positions. :param path: path to hdf5 file containing shear maps; assumes that this file

contains four datasets: - z: redshifts of maps - kappa: kappa-maps - gamma1: gamma1-maps - gamma2: gamma2-maps

  • ra – right ascensions where maps will be evaluated

  • dec – declinations where maps will be evaluated

  • z – redshifts to which maps will be interpolated


kappa, gamma1 and gamma2

galsbi.ucat.plugins.apply_shear.evaluate_healpix_shear_map(path, ra, dec)[source]

Reads in a healpix map and evaluates it at given positions. :param path: path where map is stored, assumes that file contains three maps (kappa,

gamma1, gamma2)

  • ra – right ascension where map is evaluated

  • dec – declinations where map is evaluated


kappa, gamma1 and gamma2 evaluated at input positions

galsbi.ucat.plugins.apply_shear.interpolate_maps(z_maps, maps, z, pixel_ind, ind_intervals)[source]

Linearly interpolate to input redshifts between healpix maps at given redshifts. :param z_maps: redshifts of input maps, assumed to be ordered :param maps: input maps corresponding to z_maps, type: hdf5-dataset or numpy-array :param z: redshifts to which maps will be interpolated, assumed to be sorted :param pixel_ind: indices indicating pixels of input maps to interpolate, same size

as z


ind_intervals – indices splitting up z into chunks that lie between the maps


interpolated values

galsbi.ucat.plugins.apply_shear.interpolate_maps_fast(z_maps, maps, z, pixel_ind, ind_intervals)[source]

Linearly interpolate to input redshifts between healpix maps at given redshifts. :param z_maps: redshifts of input maps, assumed to be ordered :param maps: input maps corresponding to z_maps, type: hdf5-dataset or numpy-array :param z: redshifts to which maps will be interpolated, assumed to be sorted :param pixel_ind: indices indicating pixels of input maps to interpolate, same size

as z


ind_intervals – indices splitting up z into chunks that lie between the maps


interpolated values

galsbi.ucat.plugins.apply_shear.linear_interpolation(x0, y0, x1, y1, x)[source]

Vectorized linear interpolation between two data points. :param x0: x-coordinates of first data points :param y0: y-coordinates of first data points :param x1: x-coordinates of second data points :param y1: y-coordinates of second data points :param x: positions where interpolation is evaluated :return: interpolated values

galsbi.ucat.plugins.galaxy_mag_noise module

Created on Aug 2021 author: Tomasz Kacprzak

class galsbi.ucat.plugins.galaxy_mag_noise.Plugin(ctx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasePlugin


galsbi.ucat.plugins.galaxy_z_noise module

Created on Aug 2021 author: Tomasz Kacprzak

class galsbi.ucat.plugins.galaxy_z_noise.Plugin(ctx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasePlugin

galsbi.ucat.plugins.galaxy_z_noise.add_z_noise(z, delta_z, frac_outliers)[source]

galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies module

Created on Mar 5, 2018 author: Joerg Herbel

class galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies.Plugin(ctx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasePlugin

Generate a random catalog of galaxies with magnitudes in multiple bands.

galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies_morph module

Created 2021 author: Tomasz Kacprzak

class galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies_morph.Plugin(ctx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasePlugin

Generate a random catalog of galaxies with magnitudes in multiple bands.

galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies_photo module

Created on Mar 5, 2018 author: Joerg Herbel

class galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies_photo.ExtinctionMapEvaluator(par)[source]

Bases: object

Class that gives extinction values for positions

class galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies_photo.Plugin(ctx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasePlugin

Generate a random catalog of galaxies with magnitudes in multiple bands.

check_max_mem_error(par, max_mem_hard_limit=10000)[source]

Check if the catalog does not exceed allowed memory. Prevents job crashes on clusters.


Check if the number of galaxies is inside the prior range, even before rendering, to remove extreme values.

galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies_photo.compute_templates_extinction_appmag_for_galaxies(galaxy_type, par, n_templates, cosmo, w, redshifts, absmags, x_pixel, y_pixel, mag_calc, extinction_eval)[source]
galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies_photo.get_magnitude_calculator_direct(filter_names, par)[source]

Interface to direct magnitude calculation

galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies_photo.get_magnitude_calculator_table(filter_names, par)[source]

Interface to magnitude calculation with pre-computed tables

galsbi.ucat.plugins.sample_galaxies_photo.in_pos(x, y, par)[source]

galsbi.ucat.plugins.write_catalog module

Created on Aug 2021 author: Tomasz Kacprzak

class galsbi.ucat.plugins.write_catalog.Plugin(ctx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasePlugin


galsbi.ucat.plugins.write_catalog_photo module

Created on Aug 2021 author: Tomasz Kacprzak

class galsbi.ucat.plugins.write_catalog_photo.Plugin(ctx, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasePlugin


Module contents