We generated a few tutorials to help you get started with using the galsbi
The tutorials are:
Getting started:
This tutorial will guide you through the basic steps of using the galsbi
package and answer the following questions:
How to generate a galaxy catalog with intrinsic properties?
How to change the survey area?
How to load the saved intrinsic catalogs?
Everything that is learnt in this tutorial can also be used when generating the measured catalogs or simulating an astronomical image.
Emulate image simulation: This tutorial explains how to use an emulator to generate the measured galaxy properties.
Simulate an astronomical image: This tutorial explains how to simulate an astronomical image using the galaxy properties.
Perform source extraction:
This tutorial shows how to run SExtractor
on the simulated astronomical image.
Customize configuration:
This tutorial explains how to customize the configuration files to fully exploit the capabilities of the galsbi
Run in parallel:
This tutorial gives an example how to setup galsbi
such that it can be run in parallel.
How to use UCat:
When using the galsbi
convenience layer, you use ucat
under the hood.
This tutorial explains how to use ucat
directly to enable maximal flexibility.
Filters in GalSBI:
This tutorial explains which filters are already available in the galsbi
and how to add new filters.
GalSBI: Overview over the galaxy population model:
This tutorial gives an overview of the galaxy population model that is used in the galsbi
It explains how galaxy catalogs are generated and how the model can be customized.